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Recruitment and Succession Plan

Recruitment and Succession Plan

Strategic planning for succession has emerged as a crucial tactic to successfully traverse the difficulties presented by skill shortages and unexpected workforce disruptions in the dynamic healthcare sector. In this regard, creating a thorough succession plan to deal with the potential exit of senior management, ensure the organization’s stability, and be in line with current market trends becomes essential. Notably, a succession plan provides a smooth transition. It upholds the healthcare industry’s growing emphasis on nurturing capable leaders and sustaining a resilient workforce ready to meet the changing demands of healthcare provision. It does this by considering both internal talent development and external recruitment strategies. Our assignment writing help is at affordable prices to students of all academic levels and disciplines.

Priorities and Steps to Mitigate the Impact of Employee’s Rapid Departure

The strategic succession plan focuses on minimizing the effects of the employee’s sudden departure while guaranteeing the team’s continuing performance after releasing the highest-performing tenured manager within a 20-person department. Our top priorities are the early evaluation of the department’s crucial duties and identifying the precise tasks carried out by the leaving management. In parallel, we will start an internal talent review to find possible candidates for temporary reassignment or promotion while considering their preparation and development requirements. We will set up a mentorship program that pairs inexperienced employees with seasoned mentors, promoting information transfer and skill development to close the experience gap. Parallel to this, we will quicken the process of locating outside sources for hiring and start proactive networking with prospective employees while highlighting our company’s distinctive advantages. We will streamline the hiring procedure with HR to ensure agility in securing top people. Additionally, we will strengthen our staff retention efforts while focusing on competitive benefits and professional development. By implementing these plans, we aim to reduce disruption, foster internal growth, and proactively position our organization to successfully compete for key healthcare personnel in the face of regional competition.

The Proposed Recruitment Plan to Fill the Managerial Position

The recruitment strategy to fill the open managerial post is to find the best match while causing the least operational disturbance. The strategy places equal emphasis on internal talent development and outward outreach. We will assess current team members internally for leadership development and growth areas and offer training and mentorship to fill skill shortages. An outside-focused recruitment campaign will be launched to find a varied pool of eligible applicants, utilizing online platforms, professional networks, and industry events. Job descriptions will highlight the company’s distinctive advantages and expansion possibilities, luring future managers.

We will use a multifaceted method to locate candidates for the managerial post. This will involve using online venues like job boards and professional networks to reach a large candidate pool. Additionally, we will attend professional gatherings and networking events to meet people interested in the role. We will emphasize our company’s unique features, such as competitive perks and professional growth chances, to recruit top people to compete with other firms for the first pick. To be flexible in getting the best applicants, we will also streamline our hiring procedure with HR. To employ a qualified manager who can lead the team to success and effortlessly integrate with our company’s culture and strategic vision, our overall goal is to build a rigorous selection process that aligns candidates’ skills with the expectations of our business. A panel of interviewers will evaluate candidates’ technical proficiency and cultural fit to provide a thorough assessment. The chosen applicant will align with the company’s values, have the required abilities, and have the capacity to lead successfully, ensuring a smooth transition into the managerial position.

The Preboading Checklist and Onboarding Plan

Preboarding Checklist

Preboarding tasks include finishing background checks and drug testing, putting up the employee’s workspace and office supplies, publishing an organizational announcement, and designating mentors or pals to help them integrate into the company. It is also essential to familiarize the new employee with company regulations and procedures.

Onboarding Plan

The onboarding plan concentrates on orientation, goal setting, training, and development, as well as continuing feedback and performance reviews during the first 30 days (Tiainen, 2023). The plan calls for project assignment, cross-functional exposure, ongoing training, mid-term performance assessments, and more autonomy over the next 90 days. The program focuses on autonomy, feedback, and coaching, creating long-term goals, and a thorough performance evaluation for the remaining 180 days.

Performance Metrics

Additional performance indicators can be used to track employee development accurately throughout the onboarding process. These include precise quantitative goals like completing projects on time or earlier, meeting or exceeding productivity or sales targets, or reaching a predefined level of customer satisfaction. Additionally, qualitative data can be used, such as comments from coworkers and clients that highlight strong teamwork and communication and a proactive and upbeat attitude. Monitoring an employee’s capacity to fit into the corporate culture, show leadership potential, and provide creative ideas can also yield insightful information about their overall performance and integration within the company (Shao et al., 2022). Peer reviews, engagement surveys, routine performance reviews, and feedback sessions can all gauge an employee’s development over time.

Succession Plan Policies and Practices

To proactively avoid situations like the unexpected departure of a key employee, the organization can implement various succession plan policies and practices. Making sure all employees are cross-trained in multiple jobs and responsibilities is one such procedure that enables seamless covering in the case of an employee’s departure. Programs for regular employee development and training can include this cross-training. Additionally, a rule can be developed mandating that management-level workers give a minimum of 30 days’ notice before leaving the organization. With the help of this policy, the company will have plenty of time to start succession planning and find qualified applicants for the open position. The organization can be better prepared and lessen the effects of unexpected departures by implementing specific rules and practices, assuring continuous performance and stability within the team.

The Plan’s Alignment to Current Trends in the Healthcare Industry

The proposed strategy fits in perfectly with current developments in the healthcare sector, which strongly emphasize the strategic value of succession planning in resolving staff issues. Proactive succession planning has emerged as a critical approach for the industry, dealing with rising retirement rates for seasoned workers and increasing talent competition. The plan’s emphasis on internal talent development aligns with the sector’s movement to develop a knowledgeable and adaptive workforce. Additionally, the focus on mentoring and continued education is consistent with the industry’s acknowledgment of the necessity of information transfer and continuous professional growth to maintain a long-term pipeline of skilled executives (Muadinohamba, 2023). Additionally, the plan’s blend of internal growth initiatives and targeted external recruitment reflects the industry’s holistic approach to talent acquisition. It enables organizations to effectively respond to evolving healthcare needs while nurturing their unique organizational cultures.


In an era marked by unprecedented shifts in the healthcare realm, formulating a robust succession plan is a linchpin for organizational resilience. The proposed plan mitigates the impact of unexpected departures by nurturing internal growth, fostering knowledge transfer, and embracing proactive recruitment strategies. It reflects a forward-looking approach that resonates with the healthcare industry’s emphasis on talent cultivation and adaptability. Additionally, the plan addresses the pressing need for continuity, adaptability, and excellence within the ever-evolving healthcare landscape through a blend of mentorship programs, skill development initiatives, and transparent communication.


Muadinohamba, J. L. (2023). Investigating executive leadership succession planning and implementation in commercial, public enterprises in Namibia.

Shao, Z., Li, X., Luo, Y., & Benitez, J. (2022). The differential impacts of top management support and transformational supervisory leadership on employees’ digital performance. European Journal of Information Systems, 1–27.

Tiainen, A. (2023). Management of personnel orientation as part of the company strategy.


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A key to tackling the talent war in the health sector is strategic planning for succession. At any given time, a senior member of your team could
resign or suffer an unexpected health emergency. The only way to move forward without major organizational disruption is through planning for
such occurrences. In this assessment, you will gain experience benchmarking succession planning strategies based on current trends.

Recruitment and Succession Plan

Recruitment and Succession Plan

Assume your highest performing tenured manager of a 20-person department unexpectedly submitted her 2 weeks’ notice. Your next most
tenured employee in the department has only 2 years of experience and is not ready to assume the position at this time. Additionally, there is a
major healthcare organization in your area that seems to have the first pick when recruiting the talent you really need. The executive team for
your organization has asked you to address this situation.
Develop a 1,050- to 1,400-word strategic succession plan that addresses the following:
• Priorities and steps to mitigate the impact of your employee’s rapid departure
• A proposed recruitment plan to fill the managerial position
• A preboarding checklist and onboarding plan covering an employee’s first 30, 90, and 180 days with performance metrics
• Succession plan policies and practices that could be put in place to proactively avoid this situation
• How the proposed plan aligns with current trends in the healthcare industry
Cite at least 3 reputable references to support your assignment (e.g., trade or industry publications, government or agency websites, scholarly
works, or other sources of similar quality).
Format your citations according to APA guidelines.