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Building the Tools of Education- The Power of Educational Research

Building the Tools of Education- The Power of Educational Research

The Knowledge I Hope to Advance in and the Tools I Desire to Develop as a result of this Class

According to Creswell & Guetterman (2019), educational research includes writing and designing qualitative or quantitative research. Qualitative research includes analyzing a problem and developing a detailed comprehension of a central issue, conducting a literature review to rationalize the issue, outlining the research questions and research purpose in a broad way to consider the experiences of research participants, collecting data from a specific group of research participants, using text analysis to analyze the themes in the collected data and including the researcher’s subjective bias and flexibility. Consequently, quantitative research includes describing a research problem by using description trends, developing research questions, purpose statements, and hypotheses, collecting statistical data and interpreting the results by comparing them with past research and predictions, and developing the research report using fixed, standard structures. Educational research includes posing a question, gathering data, and scrutinizing it to determine the most appropriate response to the question (Creswell & Guetterman, 2019). The questions relate to issues that educators need to solve and areas for improvement.

It is important for people conducting educational research to have knowledge about the collection and analysis of quantitative and qualitative data. My prior research experience has equipped me with knowledge of developing a research question. However, I need to advance my knowledge in collecting and analyzing qualitative and quantitative data. For instance, I hope to learn about different data collection tools used to collect qualitative and quantitative data and how to determine whether a research question should be answered using qualitative research, quantitative research, or a combination of the two research methods. I also hope to learn how to use different data analysis tools, such as SPSS, in analyzing quantitative data and develop other research tools as a result of this class. One of the tools is reference tools such as EndNote. I need to develop this tool to properly cite secondary data in my research to help my audience gather more information about my arguments, thus enhancing the value of my research. The second tool I desire to develop is a survey tool that I can use in data collection. I also hope to learn the different digital tools I can use to find data sources when conducting research and how to use them.

A Significant Reason for Educational Research

According to Creswell & Guetterman (2019), one of the important reasons for educational research is to help educators understand issues or problems by accumulating knowledge. The second important reason is to help educators improve practice by shifting their attention to key policy issues being discussed by decision-makers. The third reason is to provide valuable presenting and conceptual writing skills for students. The third reason is most significant to me because the conceptual writing and presentation skills developed in educational research are applicable in other areas, such as business and academic research and presentation. For example, I can use presentation skills in business to convince investors to accept my ideas and invest in my business when presenting a business proposal. I can also use presentation skills when launching a new product to explain my product’s features, benefits, and value proposition to potential customers. Presentation skills are also essential in advocating for policy changes in the education sector to meet the needs of educators and learners. For example, I can use presentation skills to create a convincing presentation explaining the need for policy changes, a background of the issue related to the proposed policy changes, and recommended policy adjustments. However, preparing a convincing presentation requires good writing skills that demonstrate critical thinking, hence the need to also advance conceptual writing skills. Developing presentation and conceptual writing skills is also important in completing academic research papers to attain higher grades that increase academic achievement. Academic achievement is significant for me because I intend to leverage it when competing for jobs along my career path.


Creswell, J. W., & Guetterman, T. C. (2019). Educational research: Planning, conducting, and evaluating quantitative and qualitative research. Pearson Education.


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According to the American Educational Research Association (AERA), Educational Research is a field of inquiry aimed at advancing knowledge of education and learning processes and development of the tools and methods necessary to support this endeavor. Education researchers aim to describe, explain, explore, and/or understand how learning takes place throughout the life cycle and how formal and informal processes of education affect learning, attainment, and the capacity to lead productive lives. Moreover, the authors of our textbook provide three reasons why educational research is important.

Building the Tools of Education- The Power of Educational Research

Building the Tools of Education- The Power of Educational Research

For your initial thread, probe the AERA definition of educational research by informing your classmates what knowledge you hope to advance in and what tools you desire to develop as a result of this class. Follow that up with your analysis of which of Creswell and Gutterman’s three important reasons for educational research is most significant for you and why.

The book is Creswell and Gutterman (2019) Educational Research: Planning, Conducting, and Evaluating Quantitative and Qualitative Research 6th edition