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 Healthy People 2030-Health Care Access and Quality Links

 Healthy People 2030-Health Care Access and Quality Links 

A tailored treatment strategy, comprising a double dose of Proton Pump Inhibitor, Clarithromycin 500 mg, and Amoxicillin 1 gm, illustrates a thorough methodology for tackling peptic ulcers. Adhering to the Healthy People 2030 objective, this treatment regimen prioritizes optimal prescription medication use. Focusing on symptom relief, healing, and complication prevention addresses the core issues of peptic ulcers. The patient’s demographic traits, including age, smoking, and daily alcohol consumption, necessitate scrutiny. Lifestyle habits may interfere with the treatment’s effectiveness and healing process. A holistic approach to treatment should incorporate smoking cessation and alcohol reduction, as Sohlberg and Bergmark (2020) suggest.

The patient’s inability to afford prescription coverage could compromise the treatment plan’s realization due to the expensive cost of essential medications. The combination of extra medication and increased financial burden could be substantial. As such, a viable alternative is to employ generic medications, which are generally less expensive and maintain similar efficacy (Congressional Budget Office, 2022; Shukar et al., 2021; Socal et al., 2022).

Without insurance coverage, these individuals may discover sources to support them. These entities frequently aid patients in acquiring vital medications at a lowered cost or for free. Pharmacies with affordable prescription plans can also help clients save money. Additionally, healthcare providers can explore less expensive therapeutic options while maintaining quality care. In addition, Toroitich et al. (2022) eloquently argue that adherence and health outcomes are intricately connected, and easily accessible prescription medications play a crucial role in this relationship. Although the recommended treatment plan is thorough, resolving insurance issues and identifying economic alternatives is essential for ensuring patients adhere to the plan and achieve optimal outcomes when financial obstacles arise.


Congressional Budget Office. (2022, January). Prescription drugs: Spending, use, and prices | Congressional Budget Office.

Shukar, S., Zahoor, F., Hayat, K., Saeed, A., Gillani, A. H., Omer, S., Hu, S., Babar, Z.-U.-D., Fang, Y., & Yang, C. (2021). Drug shortage: Causes, impact, and mitigation strategies. Frontiers in Pharmacology, 12(693426). Frontiersin.

Socal, M. P., Cordeiro, T., Anderson, G. F., & Bai, G. (2022). Estimating savings opportunities from therapeutic substitutions of high-cost generic medications. JAMA Network Open, 5(11), e2239868.

Sohlberg, T., & Bergmark, K. H. (2020). Lifestyle and long-term smoking cessation. Tobacco Use Insights, 13, 1179173X2096306.×20963062

Toroitich, A. M., Dunford, L., Armitage, R., & Tanna, S. (2022). Patients access to medicines – a critical review of the healthcare system in Kenya. Risk Management and Healthcare Policy, Volume 15, 361–374.


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The patient was prescribed this for peptic ulcers ( he is a 60-year-old one-pack-a-day smoker and 3 drinks a day
1-Proton Pump Inhibitor (double normal dose) twice a day
2-Clarithromycin 500 mg by mouth twice a day3-Amoxicillin 1 gm by mouth twice a day

 Healthy People 2030-Health Care Access and Quality Links

Healthy People 2030-Health Care Access and Quality Links

Reflection: Address the following questions: Review the Healthy People 2030 Health Care Access and Quality links to an external site. objective related to prescription medications. Consider how your treatment plan might change for this patient if he did not have insurance coverage for prescriptions. What is the cost of the medication you suggested in your treatment plan? Is there a more affordable alternative? What resources are available to patients in your area who do not have insurance coverage for prescriptions?  Include the following components:
answer all questions in the reflection prompt
demonstrate clinical judgment appropriate to the virtual patient scenario
cite at least one relevant scholarly source as defined by program expectations
communicate with minimal errors in English grammar, spelling, syntax, and punctuation