Film Analysis – Modern Family
The name of the television series chosen for this assignment is an American sitcom known as Modern Family. The sitcom revolves around three families who are all interrelated. These families comprise a nuclear family, a blended family, and a nuclear family but with a same-sex couple. The scene chosen to portray a self-serving bias involves the nuclear family of Phil Dunphy and Claire Dunphy with one of their daughters, Haley Dunphy. Accordingly, Haley gets arrested for assaulting a police officer while partying in college, and her parents are called to go and bail her out of jail (“Modern Family,” 2009).
Throughout the scene, Haley portrays unapologetic behavior even when they are told there will be a hearing to determine whether she will be expelled from school. This behavior continues, and she goes as far as not making any effort to try and save herself from being expelled by dressing inappropriately while going to the disciplinary hearing (“Modern Family,” 2009). Her mother, Claire, however, does not tolerate it and tells her to go get changed, to which she responds by saying that she had done nothing wrong because everyone else was drinking and everyone ran away, except she was the only one who got caught, which made her a victim. She also makes a point that by being true to herself, dressing as she wants, and being cute, she would not be expelled.
Haley does not see her mistake as hers but rather as a result of external factors, which is in accordance with Forsyth’s (2008) definition of a self-serving bias. Further, Augoustinos et al. (2014) argue that a self-serving bias is significantly driven by the need to make sense of one’s outcome. In this case, Haley does this by blaming the police she assaulted for arresting her only, as opposed to everyone and argues that it was unfair to her. She does this to avoid taking fault for her mistake, which distorts her self-perception, and, as such, she cannot comprehend the implications of her mistake.
Augoustinos, M., Walker, I., & Donaghue, N. (2014). Social cognition: An integrated introduction. Sage.
Forsyth, D. R. (2008). Self-serving bias.
Modern Family. (2009). Retrieved from:
We’ll write everything from scratch
This week, you will analyze a three- to five-minute segment of a movie or television episode depicting self-serving bias and self-perception.
After watching the movie segment, create a report on your analysis. In your report:
Mention the name of the movie.
Describe the setting and overall storyline of the movie.
Describe the main characters in the observed movie section.
Describe the situation in which you analyzed and interpreted the actions of the characters, which depict self-serving bias and self-perception.
Draw conclusions based on social psychological concepts and theories.