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The Impact of the Internet on the Recruitment and Selection Process

The Impact of the Internet on the Recruitment and Selection Process

Over the past few decades, the explosive growth in internet use has influenced most employers to use the Internet as a recruitment tool. Employers use the Internet to attract the best workers and gain a competitive edge in the growingly competitive global workforce. Internet recruitment mostly focuses on executive, professional, and technical jobs. As internet use increases, the potential for application and growth of internet recruitment in the labour market will leave significant impacts.

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According to Hausdorf and Duncan (2004), one of the effects of Internet recruitment is speeding up the recruitment process. Before incorporating the Internet into the recruitment process, potential applicants had to wait for days before accessing job applications in traditional media after initial posting by recruiting companies. Subsequently, job applications in the form of mail deliveries could take weeks before reaching the employer. However, everything happens instantly with the Internet, allowing job postings and subsequent applications to be received within minutes.

The Internet has also facilitated recruiters to recruit on a large scale. With the Internet, recruiters can advertise job postings for multiple roles and manage them from a single software or site inbox (Haas et al., 2001). This represents a stark difference from previous hiring processes, where the recruiter had to focus on a single role before proceeding to the next one. This advantage favours startups that can recruit for multiple positions concurrently. Also, the Internet has made it possible for the recruiter to select potential employees before contacting them. Locating candidates is made possible through platforms created specifically for job hunting (Renew et al., 2019). Employers can access these platforms and select their preferred talent pool based on skill and location, among other filters.

In summary, the growth of internet use has had significant impacts on recruitment and selection processes. One of the main impacts of the Internet is the speed of the recruitment and selection process. Other impacts include allowing recruiters to hire on a large scale and, at the same time helping them filter their preferred candidates. Internet recruitment promises to be even more valuable in this globalization era, where organizations are looking for talent from beyond their areas of operation.


Haas, C. T., Glover, R. W., Tucker, R. L., & Terrien, R. K. (2001). Impact of the Internet on the Recruitment of Skilled Labor. Center for Construction Industry Studies, The University of Texas at Austin.

Hausdorf, P. A., & Duncan, D. (2004). Firm size and Internet recruiting in Canada: A preliminary investigation. Journal of small business management42(3), 325-334.

Renew, J. R., Ladlie, B., Gorlin, A., & Long, T. (2019). The impact of social media on anaesthesia resident recruitment. The Journal of Education in Perioperative Medicine: JEPM21(1).


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Unit 2 DB: Revising the Recruitment and Selection ProcessUnit 2 DB: Revising the Recruitment and Selection Process
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The Impact of the Internet on the Recruitment and Selection Process

The Impact of the Internet on the Recruitment and Selection Process

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