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Your Network – Personal and Career Development

Your Network – Personal and Career Development


According to Aslam & Siddiqui (2023), career aspirations create a foundation for career-related decisions and what a person should do to meet their career goals. Networking is essential in personal and career development. According to Nigar (2021), networking helps develop awareness about the employment field and professional development in the stages of a person’s career. One of the ways in which I would go about networking to explore opportunities in my career field and obtain more information for myself is by attending conferences and networking programs within my career. I will look for virtual and in-person human resource management events to exchange information about opportunities within the human resource management profession with other professionals. The second measure that I would take to explore new opportunities in my career field and obtain more information for myself is looking for internship opportunities at different organizations to gain new experiences and meet professionals with different knowledge and competencies within my career. According to Martinez & Shaker (2019), career and life planning requires identifying opportunities and the next steps a person should take. I have already worked as an intern in a busy work environment, and I am working on looking for other internship job opportunities before I settle for a permanent position.

One Person in my Career Field I Could Learn From

I would like to have a conversation with the human resource manager in my current workplace to get information on how to effectively complete tasks within the human resource management profession. I would also want to talk to her about how she developed her leadership skills because she demonstrates exemplary leadership skills. According to Gill et al. (2018), leadership skills are essential in human resource management because they assist in delegating tasks and ensuring that all employees understand what is expected of them. I think I can learn about leading a diverse group of workers and completing human resource management tasks from the human resource manager.


Aslam, A., & Siddiqui, D. A. (2023). Impact of career-related aspirations on purposeful career and life in millennials: Moderating and Mediatory Role of perceived fit and career-related aspirations. SSRN Electronic Journal.

Gill, C., Gardner, W., Claeys, J., & Vangronsvelt, K. (2018). Using theory on authentic leadership to build a strong human resource management system. Human Resource Management Review, 28(3), 304–318.

Martinez, G., & Shaker, E. (2019). k: Martinez, G., Shaker, E. (2019). Career and life planning. College of the Canyons.

Nigar, N. (2021). Networking and professional development in today’s world of work. Academia Letters.


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Your Network - Personal and Career Development

Your Network – Personal and Career Development

In thinking about people that you know, do you believe that you have a network in place? Explain your answer to this by answering the following questions:
Define ways in which you would go about networking to explore opportunities in your career field and obtain more information for yourself. If applicable, explain ways in which you have already done that and how you will expand going forward.
Choose one person in your career field (someone you know personally or someone you know of) that you would like to have a conversation with. What do you think you can learn from this person?