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Resumés and Cover Letters

Resumés and Cover Letters

My Preference

I prefer template designs for resumés/cover letters to avoid leaving out important information. The template design also makes it easier to complete the resumés/cover letters within a short time. Templates also help in reducing errors (Lipscomb, 2018). Another reason why I prefer using template designs when writing resumés/cover letters is that they offer uniformity and consistency. Templates also have a unified appearance and constant structure and form, making presenting important information to potential employers easier. The template design also guides me on the important things to include in the resumés/cover letters.

The Need For ATS (Applicant Tracking System) Resumés (And Why)

The applicant tracking system is essential in preparing a great resumé because it chooses the best applications by reading every resumé and comparing the information in the resumé to the job description (Holm, 2020). An ATS is needed when applying for a job through an online portal because the resume uploaded on an online platform may be reviewed through a tracking system to determine whether the job applicant is eligible for the job (Henderson, 2023). It is also important to ensure that the resumé is compatible with the applicant tracking system by converting it to plain text and requesting a free applicant tracking system scan for it.

The Relationship Between My Resumé and Cover Letter

A cover letter complements the resumé and enables the employer to get more detailed information about a job applicant (The Muse, 2022). The cover letter should provide information about future and present objectives, and the resumé should focus on previous accomplishments and jobs. The resumé is also used to share information about a person’s skills, and the cover letter enables an individual to discuss their special skills and their value to the vacant job position. The two documents should be customized to align with the job requirements.


Henderson, R. (2023, May 25). What is an ATS? 8 things you need to know about applicant tracking systems. Jobscan.

Holm, A. B. (2020). Applicant Tracking Systems. Encyclopedia of Electronic HRM, 214–219.

Lipscomb, T. (2018). The benefits of using templates. LinkedIn.

The Muse. (2022, April 29). How to write a cover letter that’ll land the job. The Muse.


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Resumés and Cover Letters

Resumés and Cover Letters

This week, you will be drafting an ATS resumé (applicant tracking system), as well as a cover letter. Discuss your experience with these important aspects of the career process:
Do you prefer to use template designs for resumés/cover letters? When do you need to use ATS (applicant tracking system) resumés (and why)?
How should you think about the relationship between your resumé and cover letter?