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My Top Three Must-Haves and Top Three Walkaways When Considering a Career/Job Offer

My Top Three Must-Haves and Top Three Walkaways When Considering a Career/Job Offer

The top three must-haves when considering a career or job offer are recognition, learning opportunities, and a flexible schedule. Recognition is an important motivation factor for me and can influence my commitment to the organization, thus influencing my productivity. According to Riyanto et al. (2021), recognition is vital in creating job satisfaction and reducing employee turnover because it enables employees to develop a sense of belonging. Next, I consider learning opportunities as an opportunity to develop my career by acquiring new knowledge and skills, which is why it is among the things I must have in my ideal workplace. Learning opportunities are categorized into formal, non-formal, and informal learning (Kankaraš, 2021). Formal learning includes instructor-led learning, structured processes, classroom-based learning, and certified training. Non-formal learning includes work-based, semi-structured, mentor-based, and participative learning. Informal learning includes expertise, immersive, and informal interaction learning. I prefer an organization providing the three types of learning to enhance my expertise in completing tasks related to my career. Lastly, a work-life balance is vital for me because burnout reduces my morale leading to low productivity.

The top three walkaways when considering a job offer are promotion opportunities, stability, and the ability to make decisions or influence. I prefer a job that offers healthcare insurance as part of their benefits and a favourable sick-off policy. I also prefer working for an organization that has a fair performance appraisal system where I can access promotion opportunities to keep me motivated and boost my career growth. Stability is also vital because job security motivates me to be productive and committed to my work. According to Jung et al. (2021), job security increases job engagement by increasing employees’ sense of fulfilment. Therefore, I would be more satisfied in a work environment that guarantees job security and long-term career growth.

 My Biggest Consideration When Determining a Good Career Fit

My biggest consideration in determining a good career is learning opportunities. I prefer a career where I can grow professionally through training and development. According to Armstrong & Landers (2018), organizations offer training to enhance employees’ knowledge, skills, and ability to complete assigned tasks effectively. Learning opportunities are slightly negotiable if an organization can offer access to opportunities I can leverage to expand my professional network and promote me to higher levels within the organization when I meet their performance expectations.


Armstrong, M. B., & Landers, R. N. (2018). Gamification of employee training and development. International Journal of Training and Development, 22(2), 162–169.

Jung, H. S., Jung, Y. S., & Yoon, H. H. (2021). COVID-19: The effects of job insecurity on the job engagement and turnover intent of deluxe hotel employees and the moderating role of generational characteristics. International Journal of Hospitality Management, 92, 102703.

Kankaraš, M. (2021). (Working paper). Workplace Learning: Determinants and Consequences Insights from the 2019 European company survey (pp. 10–11). Thessaloniki (Pylea), Greece: The European Centre for the Development of Vocational Training.

Riyanto, S., Endri, E., & Herlisha, N. (2021). Effect of work motivation and job satisfaction on employee performance: Mediating role of employee engagement. Problems and Perspectives in Management, 19(3), 162–174. (3).2021.14


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Unit 8 DB: ConsiderationsUnit 8 DB: Considerations
There is a lot to consider when making a career decision. After viewing the LinkedIn Learning video Negotiating Your Job Offer and then completing the form Getting Clear on What You Want, consider these questions:
What are your top 3 must-haves and top 3 walkaways when considering a career/job offer?

My Top Three Must-Haves and Top Three Walkaways When Considering a Career-Job Offer

My Top Three Must-Haves and Top Three Walkaways When Considering a Career-Job Offer

Describe what is the biggest consideration for you in determining a good career fit. How negotiable is that for you? Explain.
Reply to two classmates and further the discussion by asking questions or adding commentary. Responses should be at least 3–5 sentences each.
Your initial post is due by Wednesday at 11:59 p.m. EST, and at least two (2) follow-up replies to classmates are due by Friday at 11:59 p.m., EST of Unit 8.
Review the Discussion Board Rubric Discussion Board Rubric – Alternative Formats for complete grading details.