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How my leadership and management studies contribute to the shelters mission

How my leadership and management studies contribute to the shelters mission

New Beginnings Women’s Center and Shelter is a Christian non-profit ministry that focuses on helping women and their children recover from abusive relationships. The shelter’s mission is to lead women and their children out of abusive relationships by creating freedom from an environment of abandonment, physical abuse, and hopelessness to a place of healing and freedom achieved by surrendering to Christ. My leadership and management studies contribute to the shelter’s mission in different ways. For instance, my leadership studies contribute to the mission by enhancing my servant leadership skills. Servant leadership is essential in ensuring that the needs of the women and children in the shelter are met. Therefore, I can apply my knowledge of servant leadership practices and competencies to improve my effectiveness as a servant leader. My management studies contribute to the shelter’s mission by influencing my perspective of the people we help. For example, I view children as innocent beings who do not deserve to be brought up in a family where they are exposed to abuse because that could harm their cognitive and emotional development. This view can be interpreted through Harper Lee’s story about killing a mockingbird. He portrays mockingbirds as harmless animals that should not be killed since they do not harm anyone but entertain people with their singing (Maxwell, 2022). I view children as mockingbirds because they are required to bring joy into the community and should not be harmed.

My leadership and management studies also contribute to the shelter’s mission by supporting my role as a leader and manager when working with teams in the shelter. Support requires putting aside emotions and focusing on the end goal (Cdaniel, 2018). For example, I may have to help women whose behavior I disagree with so that their children do not suffer living in an environment where they are exposed to abuse and abandonment. I also have to stay silent in all my interactions with the women and children in the shelter. Bill Taylor argues that true leaders hold dissent as an obligation. Dissent is developed from humility (Taylor, 2017). Therefore, I can apply the knowledge from my leadership and management studies to determine how to develop based on the principles of humility development proposed by John Dame and Jeffrey Gedmin. The principles include resisting failing for personal publicity, knowing what you do not know, embracing and promoting a spirit service, never underestimating the competition, being passionately curious, and listening to all ideas, even those that may seem weird(Dame & Gedmin, 2018). The shelter’s mission is to create a safe environment for everyone, hence the need to listen to the needs of the women and children under our care in order to meet this mission.

What I enjoy most about the organization’s mission

What I enjoy most about the organization’s mission is its focus on preventing abandonment and hopelessness. I enjoy seeing women and children improve emotionally when they join the shelter after a long period of hopelessness and abandonment. I also feel more encouraged to help the women and children in the shelter because I am assured that they will benefit from being in the shelter. Being part of a team aimed at creating a better society also appeals to my sense of humanity, thus making it exciting to help out at the shelter and participate in developing ideas to offer better services to the women and children in need of our services. I also feel happy when my ideas are implemented to positively impact children’s lives because I believe children do not deserve to suffer for their parent’s choices.


Cdaniel. (2018, August 2). Rooting for complicated heroes: It’s complicated – Santa clara law –. Santa Clara Law. Retrieved February 4, 2023, from

Dame, J., & Gedmin, J. (2018, September 5). Six principles for developing humility as a leader. Harvard Business Review. Retrieved February 4, 2023, from

Maxwell, A. (2022, August 5). How do the moral lessons of killing a mockingbird endure today? The Conversation. Retrieved February 4, 2023, from

Taylor, B. (2017, April 27). True leaders believe dissent is an obligation. Harvard Business Review. Retrieved February 4, 2023, from


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Important Assignment Guidelines: Employ APA format for both in-text citations and your bibliography or references list. Abstracts and running heads are not required.

Write in Arial font, size 14, unless otherwise directed by your instructor.

Always name the author whose ideas you are discussing (use the author’s full name the first time you refer to him/her; after that, identify authors by their last names).

How my leadership and management studies contribute to the shelters mission

How my leadership and management studies contribute to the shelters mission

Provide in-text citations for all ideas, opinions, and facts derived from the assigned course readings, whether you simply refer to them, paraphrase them (put them entirely into your own words), or quote them. Place the in-text citation at the end of your sentence but before the period that ends your sentence. The in-text citation should give the author’s last name (unless you’ve used it already in your sentence), the year of publication (if known), and the appropriate page number(s) from the reading (if page numbers are used in the online text of the essay). Do not use the title of the reading unless it does not have an author).

Here’s an example of a citation for a Thomas Paine reading for Week 1: (Paine, 1776).

Here’s an example of a citation for a John Locke reading for Week 2: (Locke, 1689, pp. 46-47).

Provide a References list at the end of your essay that includes bibliographic references for every reading cited in your essay.

Note: Your references list does not count toward your minimum word count.

Center the word References (do not underline it, place it in quotation marks, or place it in bold or larger size font).

Present your references, listed alphabetically by author’s last name.

Follow APA formatting guidelines for your list. The Purdue Online Writing Lab (OWL) offers excellent detailed explanations of APA Format requirements. This is the URL for the Purdue OWL:

Here is an example of a reference list entry:

Locke, J. (1689). Of the beginning of political societies. In Two Treatises

of government (Chapter VIII). Retrieved from

Here is another example of a reference list entry:

Thoreau, H. (1849). Civil disobedience. Retrieved from

Note 1: The first line of the reference begins at the left margin. All

subsequent lines should be indented one tab.

Note 2: Do not include bibliographic references for any reading not

cited in your essay.