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Suicide among the Youth

Suicide among the Youth


Lately, suicide among the youth has become rampant. According to Bilsen (2018), nearly 15 juveniles out of 24 commit suicide and die, while another 20 percent have suicidal ideation. According to the data, 9% of teenagers have attempted suicide at least once (Bilsen, 2018). This trend has prompted the need to investigate the causes and potential solutions to this tragedy. Additionally, increased cases of suicide among people of this age are an indication of other underlying severe factors. One of those factors that are perceived to be a cause of suicide is the social isolation brought by the present-day lifestyle and the increased use of technology. In other words, the youth are continually lonesome. This study will examine social isolation as a cause of suicide and suicide ideation among the youth. The intention is to find the causes of suicide among this group so that with enough knowledge, they can be helped. It is important to note that even though suicide affects people of different ages, the area of concern is those aged between 13 and 20 years. This is a group of teenagers who are mainly in school. Additionally, such children are expected to be under their parent’s care, so their stress levels are limited.

Research Question and Hypothesis

Based on the above understanding, this study seeks to answer the research question: Is social isolation responsible for increased suicide among youth aged between 13 and 20? The researcher hypothesizes that there is a connection between social isolation and increased rates of suicide among youth aged between 13 and 20 years. Another hypothesis is that social isolation is responsible for the increasing number of suicide cases among the youth. As such, the hypotheses are: Is there a connection between social isolation and increased suicide cases among youth aged 13 to 20? And Does social isolation increase suicide among young people between 13 and 20?

Literature Review

This article by King et al. (2020) is a research study on mental health issues among teenagers. This study focuses mainly on the increased mental health issues among the youth. The researcher finds a connection between suicide ideation, those who have attempted suicide, and even those with chronic mental illnesses to the likelihood of suicide. King et al. (2020) have further found that these groups do not seek medical attention. In this specific study, the researchers used a survey method where 1609 adolescents from the Emergency Department for Teens at Risk for Suicide cohort were the participants. The participants completed a baseline survey examining suicide at risk, demographics, and mental health service use. A follow-up was made using a telephone. The research revealed that suicide cases among the youth are underpinned by severe records that must be known for proper interventions. These youth also show that they are likely to repeat suicide attempts and engage in tendencies like alcohol abuse, patterns of aggression, drug abuse, and other primary risk factors. King et al. (2020) also found out that the increase in aggression also increased the chances of committing suicide. Very few affected youths were found to seek treatment.

The American Medical Association conducted a survey to determine the prevalence rate of suicide among the youth. The method they used entailed searching through the CDC database to examine causes of death. Bilsen (2018) gave comprehensive statistics on suicide among American youth. The study found that there was a 30 percent increase in the rates of suicide among American youth between 200 and 2016 alone. The study continues to lead to the seriousness of suicide among the youth by pointing out that the child was the worst affected. Support for this observation was made by the statistics showing that suicide cases had increased among youth aged 15 to 24.

Orri et al. (2020) also conducted a suicide study, and their findings revealed an increase in cases of passive and severe suicide ideation. This study included children aged 13, 15, 17, and 20. The first thing that this paper reveals is that there are cases of passive suicidal ideation. This is a less serious form of suicide that manifests when suicidal ideation has occurred once or twice. Orri et al. (2020) demonstrated that suicidal ideation could also be severe, such as suicidal ideation that occurs frequently and, in many cases, leads to chronic actions. Despite the fact that the researchers examined a specific age group rather than an age range, the results were similar to those reported by

Endo et al. (2017) conducted a study that specifically looked into the connection between social isolation and suicide ideation. The study used a survey method. A self-report questionnaire was used to collect data on PFS, social isolation, SI, and SH in a large-scale school-based survey of adolescents. Logistic regression analysis was used to investigate the relationships between PfS, SI, and SH. The effects of PfS and social isolation on SI and SH were also studied. The odds of SI and SH were examined for groups defined by the presence of PfS and social isolation. Seventeen thousand four hundred thirty-seven students were targeted for the response, but only 89.3%  were available. A connection between lack of interaction and suicide cases was identified. The study confirmed that social isolation causes suicide and suicide ideation

Blázquez-Fernández, Lanza-León, and Cantarero-Prieto (2020) examined isolation during the lockdown at the peak of the pandemic. The study used a literature review method where the researchers reviewed all the literature texts published between 2016 and 2020. The review showed that there is a relationship between suicide, sickness, and isolation. Almeida et al. (2021) also undertook a similar study done by Blázquez-Fernández, Lanza-León, and Cantarero-Prieto. In their study, they also reviewed literature; however, out of the the screening methods used for the participants’ brains, 519 studies were screened, and 12 were included in the systematic review. The study showed clearly that in cases where there was isolation, suicide cases were higher.

There were several gaps identified after this literature review. Firstly, very few studies were specifically focusing on examining how social isolation caused suicide among the youth. The few studies that were found used literature review. Literature review does not offer conclusive results because the researcher depends on studies by other researchers who have limitations. Besides, the researcher does not mention the limitations to give a very accurate outcome. Therefore, since this study will use a quantitative method, it will offer a conclusive result in this area and add new knowledge to the existing knowledge.

Research Methodology

Research Design

The main reason for conducting this study is to confirm if social isolation is affecting the youth, causing suicide and suicide identification. The research is a quantitative research that will depend on a descriptive research design (Singh, Gupta, & Peres, 2019). The results will help to describe how social isolation is affecting the youth. The study will focus on collecting quantifiable data from the participants for analysis. Since the study will be done on the same group, then it is also a cross-sectional study. From this research design, the researchers will be able to collect the impacts that isolation has on teenagers.

Data Collection Procedures

The study area for the research will be the ABD Community center, where young people of the targeted age group will be found. The sample population for the study will be youth aged between 13 and 25 years. The study on this population will be conducted for three days from 5th to 8th January 2023. When it comes to sampling, the researcher will rely on random sampling. This gave an opportunity for every member of the population to be selected since there would be no significant barriers limiting some members of the group. The targeted population is 350 youth who have visited the center for any form of treatment or even for consultation. The main data collection method will be the questionnaire. The questionnaire will be prepared in the google form and sent to the participants through their emails. At this point, the researcher will play no major role except sending the questionnaire and collecting the filled questionnaires to ensure data has no biases.

Methods of data analysis

Different processes and steps will be used when collecting data. Since the research is quantitative in nature and the data will be collected from 300 participants, which is a large number, the collection process will be crucial. Data extracted from google into excel will come from the participants and will be the primary data. Data will be extracted from excel and coded for analysis in SPSS software. SPSS is considered the best software for analyzing quantitative data. It is also reliable for this kind of analysis. There will be the phase that involves identifying, classifying, and putting in place numeric values of data in word form into an excel. A code book will be developed, and each option will be where each option and each answer will be given a different code to the data that was in word form was done. Then the final numeric data will be entered into the SPSS system.

Reliability and validity

The results of this study and its conclusion will be based on the primary data collected and analyzed. This is data that is collected directly from the participants from the mental healthcare center. These measures will be in place to ensure that data is not repeated. The approach that will be used is also limiting the response from googol to only. The data analysis will also be done using SPSS software and this will also ensure that the analysis is accurate and without errors. Data from the study will be a single response per participant. The aspect of using the Limit to one response during the time of google form. This will ensure reliability

Ethical Consideration

At the beginning of the research study, the participants’ informed consent was taken. The participants were informed of the nature of the study; Informed consent was taken at the beginning of the research. The nature of the study, the time it will take, and the right of the participant to walk out of the study if they feel overwhelmed. Confidentiality in the study was maintained because the researcher was the only person who handled the answered questionnaire. The respondents were also not required to put their names or any identity


Suicide among young people is on the rise, which is concerning because they are the generation expected to take over from the older generations. It is possible that increased suicide rates among people of this age point to other serious issues. This study will look into cases of suicide and suicidal ideation in young people. The goal is to identify the causes of suicide among this group so that they can be helped if they have enough information. Several studies are conducted in this area, and very few are conducted focusing on suicide and social ideation among the youth. Those that focus on the connection between these two are only literature reviews. Therefore, by conducting a quantitative study in this area, this research will give an actual and scientific result in this area. It will also add new information to the already existing literature on this subject.


Almeida, I. L., Rego, J. F., Teixeira, A. C., & Moreira, M. R. (2022). Social isolation and its impact on child and adolescent development: A systematic review. Revista Paulista de Pediatria, 40.

Blázquez-Fernández, Lanza-León and Cantarero-Prieto (2020)A systematic review on the suicide’s consequences of social isolation/and loneliness: a first approach to measure indirect effects of COVID – 19. Research Group of Health Economics and Health Service Management, Department of Economics, University of Cantabria – IDIVAL, 39005, Santander, Spain

Bilsen J. (2018). Suicide and Youth: Risk Factors. Frontiers in psychiatry, 9, 540.   

Endo, K., Ando, S., Shimodera, S., Yamasaki, S., Usami, S., Okazaki, Y., Sasaki, T., Richards, M., Hatch, S., & Nishida, A. (2017). Preference for solitude, social isolation, suicidal ideation, and self-harm in adolescents. Journal of Adolescent Health, 61(2), 187-191.   

Singh, A., Gupta, A., & Peres, K.G. (2019). Writing Quantitative Research Studies. In:     Liamputtong, P. (eds) Handbook of Research Methods in Health Social Sciences.     Springer, Singapore.

King, C. A., Brent, D., Grupp-Phelan, J., Shenoi, R., Page, K., Mahabee-Gittens, E. M., Chernick, L. S., Melzer-Lange, M., Rea, M., McGuire, T. C., Littlefield, A., Casper, T. C., & Pediatric Emergency Care Applied Research Network (PECARN) (2020). Five Profiles of Adolescents at Elevated Risk for Suicide Attempts: Differences in Mental       Health Service Use. Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, 59(9), 1058–1068.e5.

Orri M, Scardera S, & Perret L., C, et al. (2020).  Mental Health Problems and Risk of Suicidal    Ideation and Attempts in Adolescents. Pediatrics.146(1), pp .1 – 10. :


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Prior to beginning work on this assignment, review the Example Research Proposal Download Example Research Proposal. Note that all instructor feedback from your previous activities should be applied in preparing your proposal.

Your Research Proposal is a six- to seven-page plan for a new study on your research topic. Incorporate at least four scholarly/peer-reviewed journal articles in addition to the course text to support your proposed study.

Suicide among the Youth

Suicide among the Youth

Include the following sections and content in your paper:

Introduction – Introduce the research topic, explain why it is important, and present your research question and/or hypothesis.
Literature Review – Summarize the current state of knowledge on your topic by citing the methods and findings of at least two previous research studies. State whether your proposed study is a replication of a previous study or a new approach using methods that have not been used before.
Design – Indicate whether your proposed study is qualitative or quantitative in approach. Select one of the research designs you have studied in the course, and indicate whether it is experimental or non-experimental. Evaluate why this design is appropriate for your research topic. Cite the textbook and one other source on research methodology to support your choice.
Participants – Identify the sampling strategy you would use to recruit participants for your study. Estimate the number of participants you would need and explain why your sampling method is appropriate for your research approach.
Procedure/Measures – Apply the scientific method by describing the steps you would use in carrying out your study. Indicate whether you will use any kind of test, questionnaire, or measurement instrument. Cite the source of any instruments to be used.
Data Analysis – Describe the statistical techniques (if quantitative) or the analysis procedure (if qualitative) you plan to use to analyze the data. Cite at least one source on the chosen analysis technique.
Ethical Issues – Analyze the impact of ethical concerns on your proposed study, such as confidentiality, deception, informed consent, potential harm to participants, conflict of interest, IRB approval, etc. Explain how you would address these concerns.
Conclusion – Briefly summarize the major points of your research plan and reiterate why your proposed study is needed.
The Research Proposal

Must be six- to seven- double-spaced pages in length (not including title and references pages) and formatted according to APA style as outlined in the Writing Center Links to an external site.’s APA Style Links to an external site.resource.
Must include a separate title page with the following:
Title of proposal
Student’s name
Course name and number
Instructor’s name
Date submitted