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COVID-19 Reflection

COVID-19 Reflection

Respiratory infections are common health problems that differ in severity and impact the physiological functionalities of respiratory infections. The recent COVID-19 pandemic gave insights into how severe respiratory infections can impact global health systems. Pathophysiological knowledge of respiratory tract infections informs on the trajectory of the disease and public health interventions for these diseases (Chapman & Veras-Estévez, 2021). Severe respiratory tract infections that cause rapid respiratory declines and subsequent mortality from the disease process often warrant fast and intensive public health approaches. Preventive approaches remain the gold standard for respiratory illnesses. As a result, basic hygienic measures such as handwashing and vaccinations remain valuable in this regard. In addition, vaccinations are particularly beneficial in preventing the spread of severe respiratory infections such as COVID-19. Wilder-Smith (2022) asserts that vaccines lower the risk of developing respiratory infections by modulating the body’s defenses against infection-causing pathogens. This is pivotal in breaking the chain of transmission of respiratory illnesses.

Moreover, pandemic preparedness remains an important mitigation measure against pandemics. Pandemic preparedness encompasses all measures implemented to alter the trajectory of a pandemic whenever it strikes. Notably, nursing disaster preparedness is integral to pandemic preparedness. It entails nursing planning, organization, training, evaluation, and implementation of mitigative measures against impending health threats. This enables nurses to outline and implement measures such as resource mobilization and capacity development necessary for averting these epidemics (Labrague et al., 2018). Other measures that are integral to pandemic preparedness include but are not limited to enhancing surveillance on zoonoses to enable their early identification, improving global capacity to handle public health threats such as global sequencing, and ramping up global capacity to develop and manufacture vaccines.


Chapman, H. J., & Veras-Estévez, B. A. (2021). Lessons learned during the covid-19 pandemic to strengthen TB Infection Control: A Rapid Review. Global Health: Science and Practice9(4), 964–977.

Labrague, L. J., Hammad, K., Gloe, D. S., McEnroe‐Petitte, D. M., Fronda, D. C., Obeidat, A. A., Leocadio, M. C., Cayaban, A. R., & Mirafuentes, E. C. (2018). Disaster preparedness among nurses: A systematic review of the literature. International Nursing Review65(1), 41–53.

Wilder-Smith, A. (2022). What is the vaccine effect on reducing transmission in the context of the SARS-COV-2 delta variant? The Lancet Infectious Diseases22(2), 152–153.


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COVID-19 Reflection

COVID-19 Reflection

1) how to use our pathophysiology knowledge of respiratory infection to save lives, including the role of immunization or vaccination in preventing the spread of a disease.

2) how to prevent future pandemic (think about nursing disaster preparedness)


Chapman, H. J., & Veras-Estévez, B. A. (2021). Lessons learned during the COVID-19 pandemic to strengthen TB infection control: A rapid review. Global Health, Science and Practice9(4), 964–977.