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Chemistry Videos from Bozeman Science

Chemistry Videos from Bozeman Science

The videos presented details of various concepts in chemistry. The first video details nuclear reactions. A key concept learned in this video is the differences between chemical and nuclear reactions. While chemical reactions involve valence electrons, nuclear reactions involve nucleons. Chemical reactions also arise when the valence of any two atoms comes close to one another. This can be through adding pressure to the system, raising the temperature, and adding a catalyst. A nuclear reaction starts through the acceleration of particles in the nucleons. Chemical reactions also end with bond formation leading to the formation of new compounds, while nuclear reaction ends by forming new atoms (Nuclear reactions, 2010). Nuclear reactions also lead to the formation of tremendous amounts of energy. Our assignment writing help is at affordable prices to students of all academic levels and academic disciplines.

The second video details the radiation process of radioactive decay. A key concept learned from this video is the type of decay. Alpha decay, beta decay, and gamma radiations are examples of radioactive decay outlined in the videos. These decay types differ in various aspects, including charge and energy. Alpha decay has a positive charge, weak, and has a mass number of 4. Beta decay has a negative charge and no mass. Positron is a type of beta decay with a positive charge (Radiation and radioactive decay, 2010). Gamma radiation has no charge and has high penetrability.

The third video details radiocarbon dating. A key provision in this video is carbon-14 which finds utility in this process. Carbon 14, unlike the other isotopes of carbon (carbon 13 and carbon 14), is formed from nitrogen upon exposure to cosmic rays. C-14 has 6 protons and eight neutrons. It decays by emitting beta particles to form nitrogen (Radiocarbon dating, 2010). Macro-molecules take up the carbon in the process.


Nuclear reactions. YouTube. (2010, December 29). Retrieved December 5, 2022, from

Radiation and radioactive decay. YouTube. (2010, December 29). Retrieved December 5, 2022, from

Radiocarbon dating. YouTube. (2010, December 29). Retrieved December 5, 2022, from


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Step 1: View the three brief You Tube videos below. Take notes as you view the videos.

Step 2: Explain clearly and in your own words at least one concept that you learned from each video

Chemistry Videos from Bozeman Science

Chemistry Videos from Bozeman Science

Step 3: Read the post of two classmates and explain, in your own words, what you learned—or additional questions that you now have—after reading your classmates’ posts.

Nuclear Chemistry Videos from Bozeman Science

Nuclear Reactions compared with Chemical Reactions:

What is radiation?

How to use radioactive dating to know the age of ancient fossils