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Child’s Cognitive Social and Physical Development

Child’s Cognitive Social and Physical Development

In this observation, I noted some cognitive, physical, and social changes from the previous observance. The child’s memory had improved, and this helped her remember most of the things taught in class. In a rope jumping competition, she could count up to 100 without any problems. She was better at solving addition and subtraction problems compared to the previous time; some were more complex for her age, yet she got them right anyway. However, she has now realized that a phone’s calculator can be used to do addition and subtraction math. As such, she solved some of the problems using a calculator secretly, which were all correct. I told her using the phone to calculate the problems was the wrong approach. She could copy shapes such as squares, circles, and triangles in the drawing. Additionally, she can differentiate between the right and left hand. She demonstrates comprehension of right and wrong. For instance, she knows that insulting people is wrong and that being kind to them is right. Do you need an unpublished version of “Childs Cognitive Social and Physical Development” ? Get in touch with us.

Physically, the child is strong and well-developed. She can run fast, which is evident when playing with other children. In a ball competition game, she pushed one of the older children who fell. Seemingly, she was stronger than the older child. She has improved at dancing and has some new dance moves, which she does effortlessly and correctly. Her dancing enthusiasm is still striking. Thus, I am more certain that this could be her talent, which, if well nurtured, could become something great in the future. Even though she is shy, especially in front of many people, her ability to entertain people through dancing is worth remarking. Additionally, she barely loses in a rope jumping game; her peers recognize this. Notably, other children want to be on her team because they know she will help them win. She also rides a bike and can skip across a room.

Socially, the child still shows some shyness, but she is very comfortable with people she knows and thus socializes well with them. Other kids seemingly love her. Most times, she prefers playing and interacting with other children. However, she is also very comfortable playing alone with her dolls. She has given the dolls the names of her two best friends, who she loves being around. However, she says that her friends are sometimes mean to her. Also, when she does something wrong to one of her friends, she immediately apologizes. She is also appreciative and will say thank you whenever her friends do something nice for her. She can concentrate and follow instructions when playing in a group. She seems to be kind and helps other children when needed. For instance, if her classmate loses a pencil, she volunteers to help if she has two.

Accordingly, cognitively, the child could be a little more developed than her age, gauging from the way she talks and behaves at home and in school. This could be because of being surrounded by adults for the most part. Physically, the child has attained the required developmental milestones at her age. Additionally, the child is on the right track in social development. Even though she can be shy, especially when amongst new people and children, she begins making friends after getting comfortable. Also, the shyness has reduced compared to the last time. Even more outstanding is the point that the child has many elements to becoming a great friend. She is kind, thankful, apologetic, and can easily help others.


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You will observe one student during the entire term. You will evaluate the child’s cognitive, social, and physical development in each observation.

Child's Cognitive Social and Physical Development

Child’s Cognitive Social and Physical Development

You will also need to include some personal observations of the child in each observation. Each of your child’s observations will need to be at least 2 full pages, not including your header information.
I included a picture of the last observation.