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Interventions to Promote an Environment of Safety

Interventions to Promote an Environment of Safety

Intervention One: Visual Search Strategies and Prisms

Visual search strategies draw attention to the visually impaired field and assist the patient’s capacity with checking into the visually impaired region. These incorporate expanding head movements and quick eye-checking movements into the visually impaired region. There are scanning exercises and different PC programs accessible that can be attempted to help this (Pollock et al., 2019). Prisms are used because they expand the field of vision. They also move images from the visually impaired field to the side with good vision. Get in touch with us at We offer assignment help with high professionalism.

Intervention Two: Proper Arrangement Of Rooms And Familiarization With The Rooms

Mr. Smith has a right visual field deficit and weakness in his right arm and leg. All furniture or objects in rooms he uses should be well placed so that they are in his field of vision. The furniture and objects should be visible to avoid bumping into them. The rooms should be well-lit for good vision. Mr. Smith should be shown where all the rooms are and where everything is kept for easy accessibility and use.

Intervention Three: Maintaining Mr. Smith’s Walker

Walkers are mobility aids that help the elderly move from place to place (Edelstein, 2019). Although it works for a long time, parts can begin to wear out over the long haul, or they might become defective. This puts the user at risk of injuring themselves. Maintenance can be done by cleaning the device regularly, checking the seat to ensure it’s well secured, and ensuring the wheels are well balanced. Any defective part of the walker should be replaced as soon as possible.

Intervention Four: Prescription Training

Patients must understand the impacts of the medication they are receiving (Ampofo et al., 2020). Furthermore, understanding prompts adherence to drug use is essential. Mr. Smith is receiving more than one drug at the same time. He is likely to default from using both of them. He must be told the role each drug plays during treatment and the importance of taking the right dose. If he understands the concept, he will comply with taking his medication.


Ampofo, A. G., Khan, E., & Ibitoye, M. B. (2020). Understanding the role of educational interventions on medication adherence in hypertension: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Heart & Lung, 49(5), 537-547.

Edelstein, J. (2019). Canes, crutches, and walkers. In Atlas of Orthoses and Assistive Devices (pp. 377-382). Elsevier.

Pollock, A., Hazelton, C., Rowe, F. J., Jonuscheit, S., Kernohan, A., Angilley, J., & Campbell, P. (2019). Interventions for visual field defects in people with stroke. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews, (5).


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Purpose of the Assignment

Identify strategies to reduce the risk of injury to clients in various environments.

Course Competencies

Interventions to Promote an Environment of Safety

Interventions to Promote an Environment of Safety

Select appropriate nursing interventions when providing multidimensional care to clients experiencing alterations in mobility.

Strategies for safe effective multidimensional nursing practice when providing care for clients experiencing sensory and perception disorders.


In a one-page Word Document, plan interventions with rationale that will promote an environment of safety for the described client below.  Consider the client’s medical history and medications.

Mr. Joe Smith, the 75-year-old man, recently suffered a left cerebrovascular accident.  He has right visual field deficits and residual weakness in his right arm and leg.  He uses a walker for mobility.  He takes Metoprolol for his blood pressure, and the physician started him on Coumadin because he has recently been diagnosed with atrial fibrillation.