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Analysis and Evaluation of a Companys Effectiveness

Analysis and Evaluation of a Company’s Effectiveness

Social Responsibility, Ethical, and Legal Issues and Their Effect on Marketing

Social responsibility issues arise when an organization fails to meet its civic duty. These issues affect marketing by shaping the marketing message used by an organization. For example, an organization with a bad reputation for overpricing products may structure the marketing message to communicate price reductions. Ethical issues arise when organizations fail to adhere to the values that guide acceptable conduct, such as anti-discrimination, integrity, and honesty. Ethical issues affect marketing activities by defining acceptable marketing strategies. Lastly, legal issues arise when an organization fails to adhere to rules, statutes, codes, or government decisions. Such issues arise when organizations engage in employee discrimination and fraud. Legal issues affect marketing by regulating marketing activities to ensure they meet legal requirements.

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Relationship between the Triple Bottom Line and an Organization’s Sustainability

The triple bottom line concept suggests that an organization should commit to measuring its environmental, economic, and social impact instead of only focusing on profit generation (Oliwa, 2022). The main elements in the concept are social, environmental, and economic sustainability. The social sustainability element measures an organization’s profits in its human resources, including its position in the local community. According to Moldavanova & Goerdel (2021), organizations should establish beneficial and fair labor practices and engage the community to enhance social sustainability. Environmental sustainability measures the management, monitoring, and reporting of an organization’s emissions, waste, and consumption. The economic element measures the economic impact of an organization’s activities. Organizations should strengthen the economy by creating income-generating opportunities such as jobs and tenders.

Consumer Influence on Ethical Behavior in Marketing

Consumers are the main target of an organization’s marketing activities. Therefore, they influence the marketing message and the selected marketing activities. Consumers also influence the ethical behavior of marketing by pointing out unethical marketing practices. For example, customers may complain about a marketing message containing discriminatory or immoral content, thus prompting an organization to change the message. Customers may also give negative feedback about an organization’s marketing behavior if the organization provides false information to persuade customers to purchase a product. False information may include exaggerating the effectiveness of a product. Customers may also raise concerns about an organization’s marketing behavior if the organization does not disclose any negative side effects of a product.

The Value of Communicating Ethical Behavior to the Public

Communicating ethical behavior to the public plays a significant role in defining an organization’s image to customers and other stakeholders. Organizations must assure their stakeholders that they understand and adhere to the ethical standards in the business environment. This enhances stakeholder support, thus increasing performance. Communicating ethical behavior also creates goodwill from the community by creating the impression that the organization is not only concerned about profit but also good citizenship, which includes considering the community’s interests in its practices.

Influence of Ethical Issues on Legal Issues in Marketing

According to Parıltı et al. (2015), social responsibility and marketing ethics relate to the concepts of environment, business ethics, human rights, community investment, workplace, and governance. Therefore, ethical issues influence legal issues by defining legally enforceable arrangements. For example, ethical issues relating to employee treatment, such as discrimination and unfair hiring and firing practices, affect or influence legal issues relating to human rights. Ethical issues relating to consumer safety also influence legal issues relating to product safety. Therefore, ethical issues increase the likelihood of related legal issues. Therefore, organizations should understand various laws regulating their practices and the relationship between the laws and ethical practices. The most effective way to achieve this is by engaging individuals with legal expertise in decision-making.


Moldavanova, A., & Goerdel, H. T. (2021). Understanding the puzzle of organizational sustainability: Toward a conceptual framework of organizational social connectedness and sustainability. Sustainable Public Management, 57-83.

Oliwa, B. (2022). The concept of the triple bottom line as a link between sustainability and CSR. Research Anthology on Developing Socially Responsible Businesses, 1998-2022.

Parıltı, N., Külter Demirgüneş, B., & Özsaçmacı, B. (2015). Ethical issues in marketing: An application for understanding ethical decision making. İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Dergisi, 36(2), 275.


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Read “Ethical Issues in Marketing: An Application for Understanding Ethical Decision Making” from the University Library.

Write a 350- to 575-word analysis and evaluation of a company’s effectiveness in the following areas:

Analysis and Evaluation of a Companys Effectiveness

Analysis and Evaluation of a Company’s Effectiveness

Distinguish between social responsibility, ethical, and legal issues and their effect on marketing.
Relate the triple bottom line to an organization’s sustainability.
Analyze consumer influence on ethical behavior in marketing.
Assess the value of communicating ethical behavior to the public.
Conclude how ethical issues influence legal issues in marketing.