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Assessing the Progress of Your Competence in Healthcare Leadership

Assessing the Progress of Your Competence in Healthcare Leadership

STAR Format Competency Rating Table

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NCHL Competency and

Rating (1-9)

Situation Task Action Result Outcome Rating
Accountability: Confront performance problems.

Baseline = 2

Current = 5

I demonstrated an accountability competency rating of 2 at baseline and am currently at 5 in scenarios that require healthcare providers to identify the enablers for nosocomial infections and how to mitigate them. I asked interdisciplinary team members to write down the potential causes of increased nosocomial infections. Most respondents reported failure to follow organizational standards and procedures contributed to nosocomial infections. I emphasized the importance of standard operating procedures and facilitated training sessions. We agreed that the best-performing department would be rewarded. The prevalence and incidence of nosocomial infections in healthcare facility reduced significantly. Healthcare providers adhered to the standards and procedures. The outcome of adherence to the standards and procedures to lower nosocomial infections was rated 4.
Achievement Orientation: Set and work to meet challenging goals.

Baseline = 3

Current =7

I demonstrated achievement orientation competency of 3 at baseline and current at 7 in situations requiring nurses to reduce medication administration errors. I asked nurses to identify the potential causes of medication administration errors in the pediatric unit. Some reported that distractions and unfamiliarity with some administration techniques were the significant causes. I collaborated with the administration to minimize distractions by specifying visiting hours. I also collaborated with nursing educators to demonstrate and train nurses on appropriate medication administration skills. Current results reveal that my collaboration with the administration and nurse instructors was successful, as evidenced by reduced medication administration errors. The outcome of collaborating with various stakeholders to reduce the incidence of medication administration errors was rated as 4.
Change Leadership: Challenge status quo.

Baseline = 2

Current = 6

I demonstrated a change leadership competency of 2 at baseline and am currently at 6 in scenarios that require stakeholders to adopt new strategies and approaches. I collaborated with stakeholders from different departments to implement an electronic health record EHR system. I researched and demonstrated the success of electronic health record systems in other healthcare settings. Most stakeholders were energized and participated in implementing the EHR system; hence, my competency was raised to 6. The outcome of conducting research and disseminating information is rated 4.
Collaboration: Encourage others.

Baseline = 4

Current = 9

I demonstrated a collaboration competency of 4 at baseline and currently at 9 in scenarios that necessitated teamwork. I upheld open communication and acknowledged the strengths of each interdisciplinary team member. I motivated interdisciplinary team members to remain focused on the management and follow-up of diabetic patients. Constant motivation improved care coordination among interdisciplinary team members, as evidenced by enhanced benchmark metrics. The outcome for motivating the team to remain focused was rated 5.
Financial Skills: Evaluate economic analyses and investments.

Baseline = 3

Current = 6

I demonstrated a financial skills competency of 3 at baseline and currently at 6 in matters relating to cost-benefit analysis of healthcare projects. I helped the healthcare facility’s administration determine the source of low profits and identify potential strategies for addressing the problem. I analyzed organizational data over the last two fiscal years to determine their operating expenses and revenue. Analysis of organizational data enabled the healthcare facility to recognize that its operating expenses exceeded its revenue. This formed the basis for corrective action. The outcome of data analysis to guide the decision-making process was rated 4.
Impact and Influence:
Use indirect influence.Baseline = 3Current = 8
I demonstrated impact and competency of 3 at baseline and currently at 8 when conducting community education as part of health promotion and prevention. I was part of the team involved in community education on topics such as substance use and lifestyle diseases such as diabetes. I collaborated with other stakeholders to conduct seminars and community outreach programs. Surveys revealed that community members demonstrated adequate knowledge and skills about themes relevant to our seminars and outreach programs. The outcome of collaborating with stakeholders and community education was rated 5.
Information Seeking:

Research to maintain knowledge.

Baseline = 3

Current = 7

I demonstrated an information-seeking competency of 3 at baseline and am currently at 7 in situations that require comprehensive research. I collaborated with nursing students to identify and locate credible online databases to seek information on topics such as COVID-19. I helped the students identify medical databases and taught them the CRAAP model for evaluating the credibility of sources (Esparrago-Kalidas, 2021). The students’ research skills improved, as evidenced by the credibility of the articles and findings. The outcome of collaborating with students in the research process was rated 4.
Take action on long-term opportunities.Baseline = 2Current = 6
I demonstrated an initiative competency of 2 at baseline and am currently at 6 in situations that require long-term planning. I worked in concert with various departments in a healthcare facility to develop a disaster management plan. I initiated the development of a disaster management plan for the hospital to promote care coordination and avoid confusion in the event of disasters. The healthcare facility’s management approved the disaster management plan and acknowledged its relevance and importance in planning for the future. The outcome of planning and developing the disaster management plan was rated 5.
Innovative Thinking:
Apply “tried and true” concepts or trends.Baseline = 2Current = 7
I demonstrated innovative thinking competency of 2 at baseline and currently at 7 in scenarios that necessitated changes or modification of existing concepts. I participated in developing strategies for mitigating diseases transmitted via the fecal-oral route. I helped the team recognize the relevance and need for improvising water taps and using recycled containers. This idea was adopted and implemented in areas with an inadequate water supply that would compromise hand hygiene. The outcome for enforcing previously tried solutions was rated 3.
Interpersonal Understanding: Commit to understanding others.

Baseline = 3

Current = 8

I demonstrated interpersonal understanding competency of 3 at baseline and currently at 8 in scenarios that involved providing holistic care. I educated nurses on the importance of therapeutic communication. I trained the nurses on the various techniques of therapeutic communication. Educating nurses on therapeutic communication improved their interaction with patients and the quality of care. The outcome of training nurses on therapeutic communication to improve their interaction with patients was rated 4.
Organizational Awareness: Adapt actions to climate and culture.

Baseline = 3

Current = 7

I demonstrated organizational awareness competency of 3 at baseline and currently at 7 in situations involving acclimatizing corporate culture. I educated nursing students on the hierarchical structure of the healthcare facility and its decision-making process. I collaborated with the human resource manager to provide essential information regarding the dynamics in the organization’s hierarchy. Collaborating with the human resource manager to better understand the healthcare facility equipped me with pertinent information on the organization’s decision-making process. The outcome of collaborating with the human resource manager to understand organizational hierarchy was rated 4.
Performance Measurement: Monitor a “scorecard” of quantitative and qualitative measures.

Baseline = 4

Current = 8

I demonstrated a performance measurement competency of 4 at baseline and currently at 8 in situations involving monitoring key performance indicators of the organization. I was involved in measuring nursing-sensitive indicators for the organization. The indicators comprised the process and quality of healthcare services. Performance measurement revealed that hospital-acquired infections had increased over the past three quarters. The outcome for performance measurement was rated 5.
Process Management & Organizational Design: Benchmark best processes and practices.

Baseline = 4

Current = 7

I demonstrated process management and organizational design competency of 4 at baseline and currently at 7 in scenarios that involved benchmarking for the organization. I was involved in researching, identifying, and comparing the impact of telehealth on care coordination. I benchmarked organizations with telehealth services and compared and evaluated their quality of care coordination. These findings enabled the organization to adopt telehealth to improve workflow and care coordination. The outcome for benchmarking at other healthcare facilities and making comparisons was rated 4.
Project Management: Provide project oversight and sponsorship.

Baseline = 3

Current = 8

I demonstrated a project management competency of 3 at baseline and currently at 8 in situations requiring implementation and oversight of new projects. I was involved in overseeing the implementation of an electronic health record system. I evaluated the project to ensure that critical milestones had been achieved based on the initial roadmap. The oversight was successful, as evidenced by the implementation within the allocated time and resources. The outcome for overseeing implementation was rated 4.
Self-Confidence: Take on challenges.

Baseline = 2

Current = 7

I demonstrated a self-confidence competency of 2 at baseline and currently at 7 in situations that involved addressing challenges.


I led a team of researchers in conducting a pilot test on a drug with a narrow therapeutic index on volunteers. We recruited participants and monitored them perpetually during the pilot test. The pilot test succeeded and enabled us to find the minimum effective concentration for the drug. The outcome of conducting the pilot test was rated 5.
Self-Development: Pursue long-term personal development.

Baseline = 2

Current = 6

I demonstrated a self-development competency of 2 at baseline and am currently at 6 in situations that allow me to pursue personal growth. I enrolled in a growing leaders training program to boost and develop my leadership skills. The short course was offered through seminars and online classes. The course equipped me with pertinent leadership skills and quality. The outcome of attending seminars and online classes to boost my leadership skills was rated 4.
Strategic Orientation: Conduct environmental scanning.

Baseline =3

Current = 7

I demonstrated a strategic orientation competency of 3 at baseline and am currently at 7 in situations that require providing insights and using the insights to improve organizational performance.


I scanned the target market and advertised an organization’s new product. I collaborated with other stakeholders to conduct market surveys and advertisements. Our market survey and advertisement were successful, and the community accepted the new product. The outcome of market scanning and advertisement was rated 4.
Team Leadership: Demonstrate leadership.

Baseline = 2

Current = 8

I demonstrated team leadership competency of 2 at baseline and currently at 8 in situations that required leading a team of stakeholders to accomplish a specific goal.



I spearheaded a committee that oversaw the implementation of a new service line in an organization. I made critical decisions regarding resource allocation and developed a road map. This scenario equipped me with pertinent leadership skills, including teamwork skills. The outcome of collaborating with and spearheading the committee was rated 4.
Communication Skills: Communicate in a clear, logical, and grammatical manner.

Baseline = 2

Current = 8

I demonstrated communication skills of 2 at baseline and currently at 8 in situations that necessitated speaking clearly and logically. I was involved in numerous activities that required human interactions and communication, such as facilitating training sessions.





I conducted training sessions and chaired various meetings. Conducting training sessions and chairing meetings improved my communication skills. The outcome of conducting training sessions and chairing meetings was rated 5.

Competency Analysis

My evaluation of NCHLS competencies revealed that communication skills, team leadership, project management, performance measurement, interpersonal understanding, and collaboration had the highest strengths. This is evidenced by competency ratings of 8 and 9 for collaboration. The collaboration competency had the highest rating of 9. It had the strengths of open communication and motivating the team to adopt a collectivist culture. A collectivist culture is critical because it advocates for the subordination of an individual’s goals to group goals (Shin et al., 2020). Both verbal and non-verbal communication cues are critical strengths of communication skills. The strengths of team leadership and project management were demonstrated by critical thinking, planning, and developing a roadmap for other stakeholders. Interpersonal understanding requires leaders to embrace empathy (Kwame & Petrucka, 2021). In this context, therapeutic communication was assumed.

Based on my assessment, areas for improvement include financial skills and self-development. Financial skills are relevant to my career because I will be involved in budgeting and making critical organizational financial decisions. For example, I will be involved in cost-benefit analysis for various projects. On the other hand, self-development will enable me to develop self-awareness. Self-awareness forms the basis for personal improvement and promotes interdisciplinary collaboration.

I will embrace various strategies to improve these competencies because they are essential for my future career. To develop my financial skills, I will enrol in a short financial literacy course in December 2022 and complete the course by August 2023. This course will equip me with pertinent financial concepts to guide my decision-making. On the other hand, self-development is a lifelong commitment that will not necessitate undertaking a course. To cultivate this competency, I will embrace various strategies. Firstly, I will develop a personal vision and mission. This will enable me to remain focused to achieve my goals within the stipulated timeframe. Secondly, I will perform a SWOT analysis to identify the specific areas for improvement. A SWOT analysis evaluates the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats (Benzaghta et al., 2021). Thirdly, I will develop an action plan for self-development and record my progress. I will evaluate the outcome of the action plan regularly and modify it to achieve the best results.


Benzaghta, M. A., Elwalda, A., Mousa, M., Erkan, I., & Rahman, M. (2021). SWOT analysis applications: An integrative literature review. Journal of Global Business Insights, 6(1), 55–73.

Esparrago-Kalidas, A. J. (2021). The Effectiveness of CRAAP Test in Evaluating Credibility of Sources. International Journal of TESOL & Education, 1(2), 1–14.

Kwame, A., & Petrucka, P. M. (2021). A literature-based study of patient-centred care and communication in nurse-patient interactions: barriers, facilitators, and the way forward. BMC Nursing, 20(1), 1–10.

Shin, L. J., Armenta, C. N., Kamble, S. V., Chang, S. L., Wu, H. Y., & Lyubomirsky, S. (2020). Gratitude in collectivist and individualist cultures. Journal of Positive Psychology, 00(00), 598–604.


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Assess the development of your healthcare leadership competencies throughout your MHA program using a STAR Format Competency Rating Table. There is no page limit for this assessment.

Assessing the Progress of Your Competence in Healthcare Leadership

Assessing the Progress of Your Competence in Healthcare Leadership

Note: Each assessment of your capstone project is built on the work you have completed in previous assessments. Therefore, you must complete the assessments in this course in the order in which they are presented.

Throughout their careers, healthcare leaders must regularly assess their competencies and how those competencies align with organizational needs and priorities. Changing laws, regulations, technology, consumer preferences, medical treatment advances, and external environmental shifts can affect the skill sets needed for effective leadership. An accurate self-assessment is the first step in identifying potential gaps and developing an action plan to close those potential gaps.

This assessment allows you to examine your leadership skills concerning the NCHL health leadership competencies and assess your progress in developing those skills through your program.

Overview and Preparation
Note: This assessment completes your capstone project and should be completed last.

This assessment is in two parts:

Part 1: Leadership Self-Assessment.
You will assess the development of your leadership skills throughout your MHA program.
Part 2: Personal Development Plan.
You will identify measurable action steps for future career development. Review the Health Leadership Competency Model Summary [PDF] and Assessment 5 STAR Format Competency Rating Table [DOCX]. (Note: There are 26 total competencies listed in the NHCL Competency Model. You will need to assess 19 of the 26 NHCL competencies, as they are listed in the competency rating table.)
Part 1: Leadership Self-Assessment
Complete a self-assessment of your health leadership competencies using the Assessment 5 STAR Format Competency Rating Table [DOCX]. Instructions for filling in the table are included in the document.

The requirements outlined below correspond to the first three grading criteria in the scoring guide. Be sure that your self-assessment addresses each point at a minimum. You may also want to read the assessment scoring guide to understand how each criterion will be assessed.

Assess personal progress toward developing NCHL health leadership competencies.
Compare your baseline competency rating at the start of your program with your current competency rating.
Explain any new insights from your competency assessment.
Describe specific examples of how you have demonstrated NCHL health leadership competencies with the intent of improving health care outcomes.
Provide the most current, relevant examples of how you have demonstrated these skills in the past, preferably in the health care and human services industry.
Consider, if you do not have experience in health care or human services, how you may have demonstrated these skills in a different industry or setting, a previous job, volunteer work, or other courses here at Capella. You may consider the following as examples:
You assumed a strategic marketing team role for a client organization and demonstrated analytical thinking, strategic orientation, and organizational awareness.
You demonstrated an information-seeking attitude and self-confidence during a health policy team debate on HIPAA.
When conducting a healthcare quality cost-benefit analysis, you demonstrated financial skills, performance measurement, and human resource management.
Evaluate the outcomes of demonstrated healthcare leadership that illustrate NCHL competencies.
Reflect upon personal, community, volunteer, academic teamwork, and workplace experience in which you have demonstrated each competency.
Determine how, if asked, you would justify your evaluation.
Part 2: Personal Development Plan
Reflect upon any insights for future workplace relevance you gained during your capstone project, obstacles you may have encountered, and the strategies you employed to overcome them. Then, formulate a 1–2 page personal development plan that bridges the transition from your academic studies to leadership development strategies for future career advancement.

The requirements outlined below correspond to the last grading criterion in the scoring guide. Be sure that your personal development plan addresses each point at a minimum. You may also want to read the assessment scoring guide to understand how each criterion will be assessed.

Identify measurable action steps for one’s future career advancement.
Measurable action steps include a specific task, due date, and relevance to the competency. Example: Study for and take the ACHE certification exam by March 2022.
Select two areas for improvement that you believe will be relevant to your future career.
Use industry-related or organization-specific examples to show how these two areas will be relevant to your future career.
Discuss what career development steps you might take in the future.
Portfolio Prompt: You are required to save your STAR Format Competency Rating Table to your ePortfolio.

Competencies Measured
By completing this assessment, you will demonstrate your proficiency in the following course competencies and assessment criteria:

Competency 1: Transformation: Facilitate a change process that effectively involves patients, communities, and professionals in improving and delivering health care and wellness.
Assess personal progress toward developing NCHL health leadership competencies.
Competency 2: Execution: Translate strategy to develop and maintain optimal organizational performance in health care settings.
Evaluate the outcomes of demonstrated healthcare leadership that illustrate NCHL competencies.
Competency 3: People: Create an organizational climate that values and supports employees and colleagues in health care settings.
Describe specific examples of how you have demonstrated NCHL health leadership competencies with the intent of improving health care outcomes.
Identify measurable action steps for one’s future career advancement.