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Social Groups, Social Organization- Course Reflection

Social Groups, Social Organization- Course Reflection

Social groups and organizations: crime and deviance particularly caught my interest as I wanted to know the various reasons why people behave in deviation from social norms or acceptable behavior. I would like to know more about how to assist other people in understanding the functionality of the social world and how to use different critical perspectives and insights in solving different social problems. This will help people to think outside the box and not just apply a standard solution to other problems because this may open Pandora’s Box. Having diverse perspectives and critical thinking would help in addressing social problems. In that case, I would introduce critical thinking as one of the units in the course so that students can own their thoughts and views and, at the same time, challenge other people’s ways of thinking and perspectives to come up with better inferences that can help the society and other future students (Rickles et al., 2013). Moreover, this can be applicable in addressing issues in relationships and families and developing an understanding or compromise needed in romantic relationships and marriages.

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I would advise the next class to keep an open mind and voice their perspectives with valid reasons with the rest of the students so that the class is interactive. This will help them have a more interactive and practical application of what is taught in theory in class. For example, sharing their deviant behaviors or what they consider deviant behavior would help them have an objective viewpoint about positive and negative deviant behavior even after school. This would be instrumental in using positive strategies and approaches to challenge toxic societal norms and practices and help solve some of the social problems that have persisted in society, such as discrimination and segregation (Kendall, 2017). Moreover, they would be able to learn from others’ actions and make informed decisions in their personal and professional lives.


Kendall, D. (2017). Sociology in Our Times 11th Edition: New York: Cengage Learning.

Rickles, M. L., Schneider, R. Z., Slusser, S. R., Williams, D. M., & Zipp, J. F. (2013). Assessing change in student critical thinking for introduction to sociology classes. Teaching Sociology, 41(3), 271-281.


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Final Discussion: Course ReflectionFinal Discussion: Course Reflection
After having the opportunity to complete the course, what would you change and why? What topic particularly caught your interest, and what do you want to know more about?

Social Groups, Social Organization- Course Reflection

Social Groups, Social Organization- Course Reflection

Last but not least, if you could share one piece of advice about this class with the next class, what would it be? Please note that this pertains to the class, the materials, flow/organization, etc.
Thank you, and good luck on your educational journey!
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