Sexual Scripts
From birth, people are categorized as male or female, and under given circumstances, as intersex. This categorizing based on biological traits has contributed to societal ideologies such as gender, which sets boundaries for people to behave in a society based on their category. Not only do these societal constructs dictate how people act in terms of economic and social factors, but they also affect sexuality. Sexuality involves sexual behaviour, including sexual acts and orientation/preference, among others. Accordingly, sexuality points to social scripts. Do you need help with your assignment ? Contact us at
Sexual scripts are guidelines that guide sexual behaviour or act in terms of participants, timeline, location, and meaning (Crash Course, 2017). Consistently, sexual scripts define or label interactions involving sexual behaviours, orientation, and acts. Further, sexual scripts are based on societal gender roles guiding how culturally people behave, with the male being more dominant than the submissive female (Klein et al., 2018). With this in mind, my thoughts on sexual scripts are that they are oppressive and limiting in most cases while substantial in others.
In my opinion, the fact that sexual scripts are dependent on gender roles limits gender expression. Based on sexual scripts, men are considered dominant, more superior to women, who are expected to be submissive. These constructs will limit men and women not being comfortable in their preassigned roles and thus are oppressing and limiting an individual’s self-identity. Additionally, sexual activities between a married couple are considered proper, while between a married person and a person other than his wife is considered infidelity; also, forced sexual relations are considered rape; in this case, I find the sexual scripts substantial.
I feel sexual scripts affect people’s functionality. People’s functionality heavily depends on gender roles, dictating how they behave, interact and socialize with others. Gender roles are reinforced by sexual scripts that govern people’s interactions and functionality. Consequently, most male people dominantly conduct themselves while women conduct themselves submissively, just as men are expected to make the first move when they are interested in someone else; that is in approaching others.
Crash Course. (2017). Sex & Sexuality: Crash Course Sociology #31 [Video]. Retrieved from
Klein, V., Imhoff, R., Reininger, K., & Briken, P. (2018). Perceptions of Sexual Script Deviation in Women and Men. Archives of Sexual Behavior, 48(2), 631-644.
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Sexual Scripts
What are your thoughts regarding sexual scripts? How do you feel they impact different people’s functioning?