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Kohlberg’s Theory

Kohlberg’s Theory

Theorists present various theories on given topics, and these theories may pose strengths and weaknesses. Ethics and morality are topics that many theorists have attempted to address. One such theorist is Lawrence Kohlberg, who proposed a theory on the stages of ethics and morality. Accordingly, Kohlberg’s Theory stipulates that there are three stages of moral development: pre-conventional, conventional, and post-conventional, and each of these stages has two categories (Newton, 2013).

The first stage of ethics and morality is the pre-conventional stage. This stage is based on infancy and childhood, when a child can differentiate between wrong and right based on actions yielding rewards or punishments. The second part of this stage is based on the best interest of the self (Newton, 2013). The second stage is the conventional stage, influenced by the development of individual intellect. Accordingly, the development of ethics and morality at this stage is based on societal rules. It is divided into two parts, whereby one part stems from establishing good relationships with others and from social order and abiding by laws set (Newton, 2013).

The third stage is the post-conventional stage, based on individuals’ values and principles. The first part of this stage is social contract and utilitarianism by accepting the varying ideologies in society, and everything should promote the greater good for everyone in the community. The second part of this stage is justice based on ethical principles that govern individuals globally despite rules and laws (Newton, 2013).

Further, Kohlberg’s Theory presents strengths and weaknesses. The power of Kohlberg’s Theory is the argument that morality changes as people advance in age. The disadvantages include the basis of the theory on moral reasoning. At the same time, individuals’ behaviour might not be based on ethical sense influencing their ethics and morality, and the view is biased by focusing solely on the Western cultures overlooking others (Tarry & Emler, 2007).

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Newton, L. (2013). Ethical Decision Making: Introduction to Cases and Concepts in Ethics (pp. 52-55). Springer.

Tarry, H., & Emler, N. (2007). Attitudes, values and moral reasoning as predictors of delinquency. British Journal Of Developmental Psychology, 25(2), 169-183.×113671


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Kohlberg’s Theory

Kohlberg’s Theory

Discuss Kohlberg’s Theory and stages of ethics and morality. What are the strengths and weaknesses of this theory?