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Using Analytics

Using Analytics

One major business trend in the current contemporary world is the analysis of social media trends and traffic that offers companies leverage to strengthen their sales and enhance their customer reach. The companies deploy various sources of web traffic to attain this notable objective. Three major sources of traffic are described here. The three include search, referral, and direct sources (Li et al., 2021). However, other sources may include sourcing traffic from a business’ website through paid search or ads. It is a trend that businesses should measure the number of visitors obtained from each traffic source (Dwivedi et al., 2021). Notably, this is important because the number of visitors indicates the performance of the business and can be used to achieve the objectives of the business.

Having traffic sources requires a business to consider different trends in the market. For instance, Drossos et al. (2019) note that there is a requirement for analyzing each source to offer more insight into the gained traffic. When sourcing traffic from a search source, it is important to consider associated keyword rankings and landing pages. Notably, these are important factors highlighting the nature of traffic attracted by the search. It can inform the business on the targeting tactics based on the demographic statistics of the traffic (Morichetta & Mellia, 2019).

On the other hand, traffic sourced from referrals can be analyzed by breaking it into service listings, blog mentions, and social referrals. A business brand requires monitoring the mention of its name across these factors to identify people interested in it. According to Butow et al. (2020), this can help the business segment traffic and focus on the most profitable one. While using the website source of traffic, a business should consider the volume of referral traffic from social media sites and third-party websites. A high volume could indicate that the brand name or website is being discussed more often.

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Butow, E., Herman, J., Liu, S., Robinson, A. & Allton, M. (2020). The ultimate guide to social media marketing. Entrepreneur Press.

Drossos, D., Zacharioudakis, M., & Dionysiou, G. (2019, June). Online traffic sources and persuasion techniques: how to change consumer behavior. In Proceedings of the 2019 3rd International Conference on E-commerce, E-Business and E-Government (pp. 80-84).

Dwivedi, Y. K., Ismagilova, E., Hughes, D. L., Carlson, J., Filieri, R., Jacobson, J., & Wang, Y. (2021). Setting the future of digital and social media marketing research: Perspectives and research propositions. International Journal of Information Management59, 102168.

Morichetta, A., & Mellia, M. (2019). Clustering and evolutionary approach for longitudinal web traffic analysis. Performance Evaluation135, 102033.

Li, F., Larimo, J., & Leonidou, L. C. (2021). Social media marketing strategy: definition, conceptualization, taxonomy, validation, and future agenda. Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science49(1), 51-70.


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Unit 6 DB: Using AnalyticsUnit 6 DB: Using Analytics
Analyzing social media trends and traffic has emerged as the surest route to capturing more leads and enjoying stronger sales. For example, Instagram’s referral traffic has sky-rocketed between Q1 2018 and Q1 2019 as the popular social media site becomes more important for website traffic.

Using Analytics

Using Analytics

Simulated Business Scenario
Austin is a freelance graphic designer hired by Hootsuite to create a PowerPoint slide deck designed to be used by Hootsuite’s sales team. The team will use the deck in upcoming sales presentations as they meet with prospective new customers. Austin will design the slides but he needs you to supply the rationale and justification to convince a prospective Hootsuite customer why it is imperative to track web traffic. Specifically, Austin will design the slide deck based on your information/research regarding:
What are the various sources of web traffic, including current trends?
How can a brand analyze these sources of traffic to better align its strategies to fit the characteristics of its target segments?