Data Visualization
Data visualization has been an important tool in conveying statistical messages about data and non-statistical and common messages to a reader. A good visualization enhances comprehension of the subject under discussion. For my data visualization post, I would like to focus on tasks 6 and 7 from Seeing and Understanding Data by Beverly and Charlotte (2018).
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Task 6: Given that this pie chart was created in 1805, what do you think each slice of the pie chart represents? (pg.7)
The pie chart is a statistical representation of the US. The pie chart depicts the size of the state territories in the US. Each pie in the pie chart contains the name of the state territory and its area in square miles. The visualization is important since it gives the reader the relative sizes of the territories compared to each other. From the chart, one can easily derive that the largest land in the US is mainly under the two territories, Louisiana and Western Territory (Beverly & Charlotte, 2018). However, the chart does not show where each state/territory is situated.
Task 7: A map of the United States in 1804 is shown below. Why do the proportions represented by the slices of the pie chart in Figure 4 look different than how we would expect those of a pie chart of the present-day United States to look? (pg.7)
The map shows the relative sizes of the territories as well as the location of the territories. However, the map lacks the raw sizes of the territories, as in Figure 4 (Beverly & Charlotte, 2018). The proportions presented by the slices of the pie chart may look different compared to a pie chart depicting present-day America since the country’s territories have undergone changes in boundaries and sizes to separate or merge some territories and states. A pie chart depicting modern day America will have states with more even sizes compared to the old pie chart with too large and too small territories. The pie chart would also be more appealing due to modern visualization tools.
Beverly, W., & Charlotte, B. (2018). “Seeing and Understanding Data.” Statistics and Probability 2.
We’ll write everything from scratch
Data visualization is a relatively recent term that applies not only to the tables, graphs, and charts you saw in the course resources but also to a wide array of colourful, dynamic – even interactive – illustrations of data you see on the web. In this discussion, you will reflect on early attempts to turn data into a picture and move beyond the textbook’s static displays.
Data Visualization in Statistics
Read & Complete
To learn about the early attempts at data visualization read Seeing and Understanding Data (PDF). Download Seeing and Understanding Data (PDF). This document, co-authored by ERAU professor Dr Beverly Wood, is part of a set of Primary Source Projects from a National Science Foundation-funded curriculum project. The idea is to use original documents as an innovative way to discuss ways to display data that isn’t the typical fare in textbooks. Complete the following for this discussion.
Read sections 1-4.
Select either one task that contains multiple parts -or- select at least two tasks.
Complete your selected task by sharing your answers as your initial post.