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Historical Interpretations

Historical Interpretations

Historical Roots

The research questions started as ambiguous and broad. They sought to address the globalization of the ancient world. This extensive topic could not allow for comprehensive, exhaustive, and conclusive research. Exploration of these research questions led to narrowing down where I could formulate questions that addressed specific topics. The process of investigation was facilitated by obtaining evidence from secondary sources. It was challenging to get sufficient evidence for the broad topic. This realization highlighted the need for changing the subject and choosing a specific area for concentration.

In addition, the exploration process enabled the identification of research gaps that need to be addressed. The holes that I identified were based on historical perspectives of globalization. A research study should fill a void and add knowledge to existing information. Failure to do so leads to a lack of significant value. Refining the research question has been productive because the current literature has enabled the identification of lacking information and reliable sources of such data. When I settled on the current research question, the goals, objectives, and existing gaps were clear.

Biased Perspectives

Biased perspectives are influential because they limit the information provided to the public. This outcome applies to both historical and current events. The authors who provide narrow perspectives fail to offer objective information to their audience. This leads to creating a standard view of the issue being discussed. The readers tend to get exposed to specific details, leaving out the less favorable or rarely discussed information. This creates a false sense of data. For instance, the report discusses the American health system rarely highlights the negative aspects pertinent to the issue. Failure to discuss these elements openly blinds the readers to the areas of improvement. In the case of current problems, it becomes difficult for policymakers to benefit from the research.

An unbiased and exhaustive study should provide information that highlights current gaps. Failure to do so diminishes its value to the users. Therefore, its intended significance is barely or partially achieved. In the public arena, such studies contribute to the limitation of information. The bias continues as other users use the currently biased studies. Researchers barely get an opportunity to rectify the situation by providing unbiased information. This information is new because it has not been made available in the past. This trend is detrimental to the increment of knowledge. Besides, this is the only avenue to answer the research questions exhaustively.

Narrative: Historic Event

If the historical event is discussed from a missing perspective, it will introduce old information, which the audience will perceive as new. In addition, it will alter the current attitudes regarding the issue. Through reading the document, it will be possible for readers to obtain a unique view of issues surrounding globalization. In addition, readers should comprehend the processes and varying roles that contributed to the process. This will promote filling the identified information gap. It should also help readers to understand the connection between globalization during ancient periods and today’s situation. The impact that the process had on various economies. ‘Today’s concepts and elements do not exist without a source. This highlight should provide information about the current developments and advancements. Further, this should add significant value to the readers and the existing knowledge.

Narrative: Current Perspective

Narrating a missing current event perspective will significantly affect readers’ perceptions. The current American healthcare system is perceived as superior. Few scholars highlight the shortcomings of the system. This lack of information blinds the users to areas that need improvement. It also compounds the ignorance of the audience. Therefore, the unique perspective is expected to accomplish various aspects. The audience will better understand the reasons for the current healthcare system’s operations. Understanding the system means that they comprehend how it works, the benefits they gain, and how they come about (National Research Council, Institute of Medicine, 2013). This means that the system’s failures will not puzzle the readers, nor will the successes.

The readers also understand the additional benefits they could reap if the system’s shortcomings were addressed. They will understand the impact of various initiatives from various leaders on the current system. This understanding creates significant tolerance for elements that may be faulty or wrong. Politically, the citizens understand what the country deserves for better health care. Therefore, it is essential to provide such narratives because they try to correct the current misinformation and reduce the ignorance levels.


National Research Council, Institute of Medicine. (2013). Public Health and Medical Care Systems. In U.S. Health in International Perspective; Shorter Lives, Poorer Health.


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Over the past few weeks, you have examined how context, perspective, and bias impact what we know about history and how we talk about it. You also started to make connections between your research question, historical events, and current events. In this activity, you will build upon that work to consider the historical roots of your recent circumstance and what the narratives would be like if told differently.

Historical Interpretations

Historical Interpretations


Complete this activity using the provided Module Five Activity Template: Historical Interpretations. First, you will reflect on researching the subject of your historical research question and its connection to your current event. You will then consider the impact of bias on our existing knowledge. Finally, you will address how the narratives about your historical and current events would change if told from alternative viewpoints.

Specifically, it would be best if you addressed the following rubric criteria:

  • Describe how exploring your research question improved your understanding of the historical roots of your current event.
    • How did learning more about the subject of your research question help you identify events from the past that contributed to or led up to your current circumstance?
  • Explain how biased perspectives influence what is known about both your historical and current events.
    • Support your points with relevant course resources.
  • Propose how your historical event’s narrative might change if told from a missing perspective.
    • Refer to the missing perspective you identified in this week’s discussion. How might this point of view change the story about your historical event? For example, would the narrative focus on different details, or would those details be interpreted differently?
  • Propose how the narrative about your current event might change if told from a missing perspective.
    • Expand on the missing perspective from criteria three and apply it to your current event. How might your recent event be understood differently by examining it from that perspective?