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Program or Service Observation Form

Program or Service Observation Form

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Part 1: Basic Information

1. What will the name of the program or service be?
Elara Home Health Services
2. Describe the program or service.
Elara Caring is a healthcare provider focused on providing long-term care for elderly citizens. It is one of the largest providers of home-based for aged people. The Elara Caring home health services offer patients the” proper care, at the right time, in the right place.” This means nurses visit patients at their homes and provide direct care services, managing, observing, and evaluating patients from their homes (Fathollahi-Fard et al., 2019). The Elara Home Health Services also include educating the patient and their caregivers on managing the patients and their health conditions. The home health services provided by Elara Caring enable patients who do not want to stay in hospital settings to access professional and clinical support from their homes.

Part 2: Program or Service Qualifications

1.     Is the program or service licensed? Is it accredited? What requirements must it meet to obtain these?
The Elara Home health services are licensed across all the states. Elara Caring operates in and is accredited under the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 (HIPAA or the Kennedy–Kassebaum Act). As the service provider, Elara Caring is a home healthcare agency certified to engage in Medicare Certified. The licensing for skilled home healthcare services requires that the agency be incorporated. A physical address for the office is required. The agency must also disclose its health services and the targeted population. It should also meet the basic professional requirements to offer health services and that actual and certified skilled nurses provide all care services. An IRS Tax ID and National Provider Identification (NPI) number are also required alongside Medicare/Medicaid certification (Harrington et al., 2001).
2.     How often is the program or service reviewed to ensure the program meets the requirements? How rigorous is the review process?
Elara Care reviews its home health care services according to the guidelines provided by the state and federal governments. Most require that all packages of home care services be reviewed at least once every 12 months or at intervals of 36 months. However, the Elara Caring home health services are also reviewed internally based on the outcomes of an individual patient within six weeks since they subscribed to the care services once a year. The review process includes unannounced inspections by the licensed review and accrediting bodies who carry out such checks and patient interviews during weekdays.
3.     What are the staff’s qualifications? Does the program or service encourage or provide additional training for staff members?
All skilled health services are provided by nurses who meet the qualifications to provide home health services to aged patients per the federal and state requirements. Changes in the home healthcare services ecosystem need nurses to continuously be aware of the changes, trends, and changes in their work (Melby et al., 2018). The Elara home health services encourage additional training for staff members to keep providing quality services.
4.     Who provides funding for the program or service? What are the requirements to receive this funding?
The funding for services may be out of pocket and from public or private health insurance companies and agencies. Patients under Medicaid or with limited income receive the services free of charge. Private insurance plans may also cover services. Donors and volunteers also fund the benefits. For patients to receive free services, they must meet the Medicaid services requirements or be from a low-income background.

Part 3. Public Perception

1.     How long has the program or service been available in the community? Has it changed form or name since its creation?
The Elara home health services have been available to the community since they were founded in 1975. The provider company, Elara Caring, is a merger of 3 companies, Great Lakes Caring, National Home Health Care, and Jordan Health Services, engaged in home-based care. The Elara home health services were certified by Medicaid and Medicare in 1990.
2.     What category does this program or service fit into—educational or social? How is this evident?
Elara’s home health services are both social and educational. The benefits include clinical support services at home, nursing services, and the education of the patients on self-care and their caregivers on caring for the patients.
3.     How is the program or service advertised? What is the most effective form of communication for this program or service?
The Elara home health services are largely adversities using modern social media platforms, including Facebook, Twitter, e-mails, Linked-in, and company websites. The benefits are also advertised using referral methods. All forms of communication are effective, citing the extent to which electronic media have spread. However, referrals and e-mails are the most effective contact forms for the services.
4.     Who benefits from this service or program? What populations does it serve?
Both elderly patients and their caregivers are set to benefit from Elara home health services. Patients benefit from recovery and rehabilitation services, while patients and their caregivers benefit from the health education provided. The family caregivers take time out from caring for patients as the skilled nurses offer support. The services target elderly patients who want their clinical services provided from the comfort of their homes.
5.     Is the program local or available in other communities?
The Elara home health services are localized across 16 states with prospects to expand across the United States.
6.     Does the program or service have a good reputation in the community? How does this program or service work with other organizations, the government, or residents?
Elara Home Health Services has an excellent reputation across the states where its services are provided. The team members providing the service have rated the organization highly based on employee satisfaction. The patients and related caregivers have also ordered the services positively on care quality, service quality, provision of the necessary information, and patient and caregiver support metrics. The Elara home health services have an active patient referral system that enables other organizations and residents to refer patients. The service is also available under Medicaid/Medicare and other health insurance services.

Part 4. Conclusion

1.     Does the program or service appear effective? How can you tell?
The Elara home health services appear to be effective and successful in providing health care services to the aged patients at their homes. The program’s success is visible based on the number of offices, the number of states the services are provided in, the number of team members and employees working under the benefits, and the average number of home patients serviced within a day. Currently, the service is provided in 16 states, with 35,000 service team members working from 225 offices. The benefits are provided to an average of 65,000 home patients daily. The high use rate indicates the success of the home health services, thus the high adoption.


Fathollahi-Fard, A. M., Govindan, K., Hajiaghaei-Keshteli, M., & Ahmadi, A. (2019). A green home health care supply chain: New modified simulated annealing algorithms—Journal of Cleaner Production240, 118200.

Harrington, C., Summers, P. R., & Wellin, V. (2001). State Medicaid home health licensing and certification. Home Health Care Services Quarterly18(4), 77-104.

Melby, L., Obstfelder, A., & Hellesø, R. (2018). “We tie up the loose ends”: Homecare nursing in a changing health care landscape. Global Qualitative Nursing Research5, 2333393618816780.


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Record your observations of the program or service your instructor approved for you. Submit this form with your final learning team assignment.

Program or Service Observation Form

Program or Service Observation Form

Complete the Program or Service Observation form on Elara Home Health Services (Palestine, TX)

Part 1: Basic Information

1.     What is the name of the program or service?
Elara Home Health Services
2. Describe the program or service.

Part 2: Program or Service Qualifications

  • Is the program or service licensed? Is it accredited? What requirements must it meet to obtain these?
  • How often is the program or service reviewed to ensure the program meets the requirements? How rigorous is the review process?
  • What are the staff’s qualifications? Does the program or service encourage or provide additional training for staff members?
  • Who provides funding for the program or service? What are the requirements to receive this funding?

Part 3. Public Perception

  • How long has the program or service been available in the community? Has it changed form or name since its creation?
  • What category does this program or service fit into—educational or social? How is this evident? How is the program or service advertised? What is the most effective form of communication for this program or service? Who benefits from this service or program? What populations does it serve? Is the program local or available in other communities?
  • Does the program or service have a good reputation in the community? How does this program or service work with other organizations, the government, or residents?

Part 4. Conclusion

  • Does the program or service appear effective? How can you tell?