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Action Research Article

Action Research Article

This article, Community Practice in Social Work: Reflections on Its First Century and Directions for the Future, focuses on community practice. Gutiérrez & Gant (2018) suggest that the community is a means that provides focus on practicing social work. Community practice and its development in social work are significant in this study since it identifies and address the themes present in the trends and issues faced in action research. Additionally, a discussion is provided with regard to the future directions of research (Gutiérrez & Gant, 2018). Ideally, social workers working through various methods view the community as a significant component in terms of its growth in importance.

In the article, Community Practice in Social Work: Reflections on Its First Century and Directions for the Future, community practice is described as the interventions at the community level that advance in priorities, ethics, and values, in the social work field. These advancements may be in terms of service, social justice, dignity, integrity, individual self-worth, and competence. The action research method delves into working directly with various community groups and organizations with the aim of instilling organizational, neighborhood, and community change (Rambaree et al., 2019). The findings of this study suggest that social workers have significantly contributed to social work. This aspect has been made possible by designing and implementing ways that enhance community development, community-level change, and empowerment.

This research compares to other types of research because it addresses the challenges of social work at the community level by documenting its history, what has been achieved, and its future implications (Wilkinson et al., 2019). The findings of this research have an added benefit to the social work community since they provide a detailed explanation of how social workers delve into achieving community-level changes (Gutiérrez & Gant, 2018). Additionally, an avenue for open thinking is provided, which is aimed at rethinking various community practices, which will, in turn, lead to changes.


Gutiérrez, L. M., & Gant, L. M. (2018). Community practice in social work: Reflections on its first century and directions for the future. Social Service Review92(4), 617-646.

Rambaree, K., Powers, M. C., & Smith, R. J. (2019). Ecosocial work and social change in community practice. Journal of Community Practice27(3-4), 205-212.

Wilkinson, M. T., & D’Angelo, K. A. (2019). Community-based accompaniment & social work—A complementary approach to social action. Journal of Community Practice27(2), 151-167.


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Action Research Article

Action Research Article

Describe the study, findings, and how it compares to other types of research conducted on the same topic. Do you believe the findings from this action research study have an added benefit to the social work community?