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In the scenario where my family is suddenly unsafe in America, and we feared for our lives, the best solution would be to take the quickest and easiest way out of the country. One option that provides a quick and easy exit from America is crossing the border into Mexico. This can be done by either private car, walking, or public service vehicles like buses or aeroplanes. In addition, for visitors like Americans, getting into Mexico does not require a lot of documentation. The mandatory requirements are any form of identification, like a passport, ID, or an enhanced driver’s license, for all adults. In addition, this is not a requirement for children under the age of sixteen, but if necessary, birth certificate documentation is applicable.

Most importantly, I would ensure that everyone had their documentation to get out of the country. The next step would be to pack whatever is necessary, get our car, and some cash in case we need to pay for anything along the way before leaving. We can then drive to Mexico through the San Diego-Tijuana border (Mendoza & Dupeyron, 2020). At the border crossing, every visitor is given a visitor’s visa, which lasts up to six months, after which, if one has not left the country, they have to apply for a Mexican Temporary Residence Permit. Nonetheless, Mexico is a big country that offers a lot of places where one can settle, particularly along the beaches like in Puerto Vallarta. Such a place is a hot tourist spot and would have numerous translation opportunities for an English-speaking individual like us.

One of the ways I would seek to provide for my family would be by working as a translator and applying for English teaching jobs in schools near our residing areas for all ages. As Americans, I believe that we would be welcomed in Mexico (Stiling & Stiling, 2011). The large number of retirees moving to Mexico also supports this, some even illegally, and people of all ages heading there for vacation (Croucher, 2009).


Croucher, S. (2009). Migrants of privilege: The political transnationalism of Americans in Mexico. Identities: Global Studies in Culture and Power16(4), 463-491.

Mendoza, J. E., & Dupeyron, B. (2020). Economic integration, emerging fields and cross-border governance: The case of San Diego–Tijuana. Journal of Borderlands Studies35(1), 55-74.

Stiling, A. P., & Stiling, A. P. (2011). Gringos in the tropic: a study of Americans in Mexico.


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Imagine you and your family were suddenly unsafe in the United States and feared for your life. What would you do? If you would leave the country, where would you go?



How would you get there? How would you provide for your family in the meantime? How do you think you would be received there?

Note: Reading is lesson 25