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HRD Plan Assignment-Core Values

HRD Plan Assignment-Core Values


The process that entails improving organizations’ effectiveness and facilitating organizational and personal change by using various interventions driven by behavioral and social science know-how often forms what is known as organizational development. According to Chutivongse & Gerdsri (2019), the process forms an essential aspect that human resource managers should consider. As a training manager for a financial service organization, it is essential to monitor the trends in finance. Further, it is similarly vital to offer enough training throughout the entire organization. Performing all these ensures training is closely aligned with organizational programs, future direction, ethical practices, culture, and core values.

Business Strategies, Core Values, Culture, and Ethical Principles

The training model’s existence ensures various core values are supported in the workplace. Some of the core values include empowerment, involvement, and participation. Notably, supporting these values encourages workers to contribute to the decision-making process and gain more autonomy and control over their work (Sroka & Szanto, 2017). Encouraging employee participation ensures that workers are empowered to take on tasks upon their own decisions. Further, it may enhance the sense of belonging and valuation of their opinions within the workplace. Additionally, through this influence, employees will influence organizational development.

Another major area where there is the influence of an organization’s core values through the training model entails growth, development, and learning value. Notably, this area of concentration implies that companies should not abandon their employees when faced with challenging tasks but rather stand with them to ensure they develop and grow. Taking note of the rapid changes in the business environment, the training model should enhance constant learning to assist workers with professional growth and development across the business. Further, the training model should focus on ethical principles to ensure the desired behavior is modeled within the work environment. Notably, a training model that considers ethical principles ensures that workers can discern what is expected of them and what is not expected of them.

The most important business strategy that the training model informs is the cost strategy. Notably, this means despite the importance associated with training in the areas already mentioned, there is a need to take note of the costs to be incurred. The model of training should entail effective but still cost-efficient strategies. There could be potential impacts on a company’s profit if a decision is made to invest in expensive training models. In another aspect, the model should take into account cultural issues. By definition, culture refers to various mechanisms that entail shared attitudes, customs, beliefs, and values of a group of people (Woods et al., 2017). When culture is incorporated into training models, company culture is developed, ensuring that employees are sensitive to cultural diversity issues.

Human Resource Development

The development of human resources refers typically to the wide dimension of training and development offered by businesses to enhance employee abilities, education, skills, and knowledge. In other terms, the development of human resources is a mechanism through which companies attain effectiveness. It is a strategic tool for ensuring businesses are focused on their significant objectives in achieving organizational success. Developing human resources involves re-assessing company objectives and noting the significant measures that should be employed to attain them. Further, it entails aligning strategic planning and human resource development because there is an inter-dependent relationship between the two aspects. It is worth noting that the training of managers will be in vain if there is no strategic plan in place. Therefore, it will be challenging for managers to train their employees on important aspects of the organization. In contrast, human resources play an essential role in implementing the strategic plan, signifying the strong relationship between strategic planning and human resource development.

Training Process Model

The training process plays a significant part in ensuring organizational goals are met by an organization. It is created and implemented across various functions of an organization, such as improving and training value among employees, leading to more effectiveness, efficiency, and performance. The business training process model described here is composed of five steps. The steps, also referred to as phases, entail analysis, design, development, implementation, and evaluation. In the first phase, an analysis of the situation is performed to identify areas requiring more training. Once the areas have been identified, the trainers embark on the second step of the design. Notably, this phase involves planning how the training will be performed, the period to be taken, and the number of resources directed toward the training. Further, in the design stage, the steps to be followed in the training are outlined.

The development stage then follows as the third step, where adjustments are made to the designed plan. In the fourth phase, implementation is done. Implementation entails the actual training of employees by following the steps outlined in the design step across the areas identified in the analysis phase. Online and face-to-face training are some of the means through which implementation is done. Finally, the training process model concludes with the evaluation stage in which the achievement made through the training is assessed. The feedback from employees is collected and assessed to ensure the evaluation phase is effective. If the feedback is positive, then the training was successful, and if the feedback is negative, then the training was not successful.

Supporting Key Business Strategies and Types of Training

Training employees in the workplace environment is crucial in ensuring the major organizational strategies are supported. Therefore, there is a requirement for practical employee training. Various types of training can be considered adequate for application in the workplace environment. However, two are considered in the discussion. The first training entails technical skill development. One way this training is achieved is through equipping employees with technological skills. Such technical skills ensure that all employees are up to date with the developments in contemporary society. Further, technical training ensures that all employees are informed about using various systems and devices necessary for their jobs. Technical training strategy can ensure company success and productivity is enhanced. In the second type of training, employees’ skills should be targeted. Notably, skills offer employees immense and actual proficiencies required to perform their work responsibilities and duties successfully. Therefore, training on skills ensures that all employees can undertake their tasks.


A training model should be considered as an option for organizational effectiveness enhancement. Some employees are not hesitant or interested in change management and training. To overcome this, management should inform employees of what is in it for them. Further, the firm should consider providing incentive packages. Notably, identifying the benefits of offering incentives and training will enhance the worker’s participation in training and improve the overall performance.


Chutivongse, N., & Gerdsri, N. (2019). Creating an innovative organization: Analytical approach to develop a strategic roadmap guiding organizational development. Journal of Modelling in Management.

Sroka, W., & Szántó, R. (2018). Corporate social responsibility and business ethics in controversial sectors: Analysis of research results. Journal of Entrepreneurship, Management and Innovation14(3), 111-126.

Woods, S. A., Mustafa, M. J., Anderson, N., & Sayer, B. (2017). Innovative work behavior and personality traits: Examining the moderating effects of organizational tenure. Journal of Managerial Psychology.


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Imagine you are the new training manager for a financial services organization with 500 employees. As the new training manager, your goal is to calibrate training to be closely aligned with business strategies, core values, culture, ethical practices, and the future direction of the organization.

HRD Plan Assignment- Core Values

HRD Plan Assignment- Core Values

The HR director has requested that you prepare a summary of the phases of the training process model so that key stakeholders can better understand the importance of training to support key strategies to expand the business. The organization is curious about training; however, it may undervalue its importance in meeting business objectives and supporting change management.

Create a plan that summarizes components of the training process model and its relationship to business strategies, core values, culture, and ethics.

Write a report of 700 to 1,050 words that summarizes the training process model. Your paper must include the following information:

A brief overview of the business strategies, core values, culture, and ethical principles that your training model will need to support
Definition of human resource development and how it aligns with strategic planning and core values of the organization
A summary of each phase of the training process model
Explanation of the types of training and categories of learning that will be used to support key business strategies
A summary of how the organization can best support employees through training and change management, and how this will benefit overall organizational performance

Cite any outside sources according to APA formatting guidelines.