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Integrated Treatment Plan

Integrated Treatment Plan

Integrated care is a healthcare delivery model increasingly being implemented in the healthcare delivery system. This care plan is essential since it improves access to care quality and enhances the continuum of care and sustainability of healthcare delivery systems (Gavaldà-Espelta et al., 2020). Integrated care is a principle in the healthcare delivery industry to optimize patient care by ensuring coordination between healthcare services (Gavaldà-Espelta et al., 2020). This collaborative and shared strategy responds to unique patient needs. The healthcare professional should thus identify the needs and strengths of the patient before implementing an integrated treatment plan. Do you need help with your assignment ? Contact us at

Treatment Plan for Paul







Congenital Heart Disease (CHD)

·         The primary reason for referral to the healthcare professional

Outpatient Treatment

·         Medications to treat symptoms and complications. The patient will be given beta-blockers and anti-arrhythmic medications.

·         Advise the patient on the importance of medication adherence.

·         Regular physical activity (Van Deutekom & Lewandowski, 2020).

·         Manage symptoms of congenital heart disease.

·         Prevent complications of congenital heart disease.

·         Ensure medication adherence

·         Reduce cardiovascular and metabolic risk

Family Anxiety ·         Congenital Heart Disease Intervention Program

·         The parental workshop will focus on psychoeducation, general parenting skills, and problem-prevention therapy (van der Mheen et al., 2018).

·         Psychological exercise for the patient

·         These exercises will focus on problem-solving skills, positive thinking, and promoting autonomy (van der Mheen et al., 2018).

·         Reduce anxiety

·         Promote independence

·         Improve self-esteem

·         Impart positive and healthy coping strategies

School non-attendance ·         Cognitive-behavioral therapy Fun FRIENDS protocol

·         These are psychological exercises offered playfully (van der Mheen et al., 2018).

·         These exercises will help the patient regulate emotions, promote autonomy, and make friends

·         Make new friends

·         Improve class attendance

·         Promote autonomy

Children and teenagers with CHD are at an elevated risk for cognitive, behavioral, and emotional problems. They often have a reduced exercise capacity and participate less in sports, which results in a low quality of life (van der Mheen et al., 2018). This is the rationale behind implementing a physical activity regimen for this patient. This will improve their exercise capacity and adherence. Physical activity will reduce the risk of metabolic and cardiovascular problems (Van Deutekom & Lewandowski, 2020). School is even an extra challenge for the patient and their families. If adolescents with CHD fail to adapt emotionally to the changes associated with this condition, they can develop fear and anxiety and have a higher risk of depression (Van Deutekom & Lewandowski, 2020). This was the reason why this patient had pressure. The parental and child workshop program will help the patient and the family work through the anxiety issues. Additionally, it will help them have positive problem-solving skills, promote autonomy, and improve the child’s self-esteem (van der Mheen et al., 2018). This intervention is essential for this patient since constant negative feelings such as hopelessness may increase the risk for mortality in CHD.

Adolescents also have problems in developing and maintaining relationships. Adolescents with CHD may have difficulty participating in social activities such as camping and hiking, which require physical exertion (Tye et al., 2021). Thus, they feel left out, which may be why the patient does not attend school. Psychoeducation is essential for this patient since it will help him learn to make new friends and improve his self-esteem. Some patients with CHD may have overprotective parents. This can hinder the patients from developing autonomy and achieving their adult needs (Tye et al., 2021). This overprotective behavior increases the risk of internalization behavior such as anxiety. This is the rationale for a parent-patient workshop to educate the parent on good parenting skills to allow the patient to attain autonomy.

The healthcare professional should identify and prioritize information gathering and screening to improve adherence to the treatment plan. The clinician should educate the patient on achieving short-term and long-term goals. The clinician should emotionally support the patient when they encounter challenges that may hinder them from attaining well-being. This will help improve adherence to the treatment plan. Patient-provider communication enhances commitment (Tavakoly Sany et al., 2020). It helps create awareness and knowledge of what is expected of them in the treatment plan. Contact with the patient’s family also contributes to adherence. It is also critical for the physician to assess the patient’s compliance and identify any reasons for non-adherence. This will allow them to implement a corrective measure to help the patient adhere to the treatment plan.

The clinician should educate the patient’s family on the pathology of CHD and its association with mental issues such as anxiety and low self-esteem. The parents will support the patient through this difficult time, improving healthcare outcomes.


Recurrent Money Unit (USD)
Mental Health Professionals


Healthcare technology

Other costs

Total costs

20 000

10 000





Integrated healthcare is a healthcare delivery model involving collaboration and communication among healthcare professionals. Healthcare professionals can share information related to patient care and establish a comprehensive patient plan to address the patient’s biological, social, and psychological needs. Healthcare organizations should start implementing integrated healthcare to enhance access to healthcare services, improve healthcare quality, and lower healthcare costs.


Gavaldà-Espelta, E., Del Mar Lleixà-Fortuño, M., Baucells-Lluis, J., Ferré-Ferraté, M., Mora-López, G., Tomàs-Navarro, B., Curto-Romeu, C., Lucas-Noll, J., Aguilar Martin, C., Gonçalves, A. Q., & Ferré-Grau, C. (2020). Effectiveness of the integrated care model Salut+Social in patients with chronic conditions. Medicine99(19), e19994.

Tavakoly Sany, S. B., Behzhad, F., Ferns, G., & Peyman, N. (2020). Communication skills training for physicians improves health literacy and medical outcomes among patients with hypertension: A randomized controlled trial. BMC Health Services Research20(1).

Tye, S. K., Kandavello, G., Wan Ahmadul Badwi, S. A., & Abdul Majid, H. S. (2021). Challenges for adolescents with congenital heart defects/Chronic rheumatic heart disease and what they need: Perspectives from patients, parents, and health care providers at the Institut Jantung Negara (National Heart Institute), Malaysia. Frontiers in Psychology11

van der Mheen, M., Van Beynum, I. M., Dulfer, K., Van der Ende, J., Van Galen, E., Duvekot, J., Rots, L. E., Van den Adel, T. P., Bogers, A. J., McCusker, C. G., Casey, F. A., Helbing, W. A., & Utens, E. M. (2018). The CHIP-family study to improve the psychosocial wellbeing of young children with congenital heart disease and their families: Design of a randomized controlled trial. BMC Pediatrics18(1).

Van Deutekom, A. W., & Lewandowski, A. J. (2020). Physical activity modification in youth with congenital heart disease: A comprehensive narrative review. Pediatric Research89(7), 1650-1658.


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Integrated Treatment Plan

Integrated Treatment Plan

Select from chapters 12-14 the vignette you did not choose in Topic 2. Below is a link that you can use to help you with this assignment.

Budget and Finance Basics. National Council for Behavioral Health

Complete the following:

1. Create an integrated treatment plan. You can choose any template for an integrated care plan that you can obtain from the class resources or online.

2. Write a 750-1,000-word summary, in paragraph format, that includes the high points of the integrated treatment plan.

3. Include steps that can be implemented to increase adherence to the integrated care plan.

4. Include any additional treatment plan element not included in the vignette that would incorporate all mental health and wellness aspects, such as natural supports.

5. Develop a budget to support your integrated care plan that includes the associated costs: Staffing cost (i.e., therapist, nutritionist, etc.), Materials cost (i.e., worksheets, etc.), Office/Space Cost, and Other costs (i.e., technology, etc.).

Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines in the APA Style Guide in the Student Success Center. An abstract is not required.

Kathol, R. G., Perez, R., & Cohen, J. S. (2010). The integrated case management manual: Assisting complex patients regain physical and mental health. New York, NY: Springer. ISBN-13: 9780826106339

Can Not Use Robert or Lucinda