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Exercise and Diet Control

Exercise and Diet Control

Hello Melissa,

Great post!! Your post was very insightful. I agree that exercise and diet control are two primary basic management techniques for maintaining a healthy life, and it affects a significant percentage of the American population. Modern lifestyle diseases have been linked to unhealthy diets and lack of physical activities, increasing cases of cardiovascular diseases, type 2 diabetes, and certain cancer diseases. Lack of exercise and unhealthy diets increases the instances of obesity.  Interventions, awareness, and education about techniques reduce childhood obesity and the risk of these diseases.

Healthy diets and exercising regularly enhance physical and psychological outcomes for patients with obesity and some lifestyle diseases (Mattioli et al., 2020). Establishing conversations with patients about physical exercises and proper diets is essential to enhance life outcomes, although it is challenging to establish the conversation. It’s a sensitive topic because specific terms sound offensive to patients and may influence their response to intervention. Nurses should develop patient plans, encourage them to visit dieticians, engage in weight loss programs, and use apps.

 Hello Natasha

Thank you for your post. I agree that regular exercise is an intervention technique that helps reduce risks and prevent chronic diseases like stroke, cardiovascular diseases, and diabetes (Jain et al., 2018). Even for patients, it helps reduce stress and chronic pain, alleviate fatigue, and may even help increase self-esteem, thus enhancing life outcomes. Incorporating a fitness program within treatment options is essential to reduce risk factors and promote a healthy lifestyle. Nurse practitioners are responsible for helping create awareness and influence change in patients’ behaviors through health education. It’s essential, however, to comply and adhere to exercise and proper diet control.

Nurses can also help patients set goals, weight management programs, and manageable exercises in their current functional status. The other recommended interventions include monitoring technologies to promote adherence in conjunction with self-reporting. They include mobile devices, wearable devices, or the use of apps. An example can be using a pedometer to track steps or even devices that track energy consumption regarding a type of exercise, heart rate monitors used separately, or installing apps on the phone to facilitate intervention plans.


Jain, S., Buttar, H. S., Chintameneni, M., & Kaur, G. (2018). Prevention of cardiovascular diseases with anti-inflammatory and anti-oxidant nutraceuticals and herbal products: an overview of pre-clinical and clinical studies. Recent patents on inflammation & allergy drug discovery, 12(2), 145-157.

Mattioli, A. V., Sciomer, S., Cocchi, C., Maffei, S., & Gallina, S. (2020). Quarantine during COVID-19 outbreak: Changes in diet and physical activity increase the risk of cardiovascular disease. Nutrition, Metabolism and Cardiovascular Diseases, 30(9), 1409-1417.


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Diet and exercise are probably some of the biggest health interventions that can assist in staying healthy that most American do not participate in. “Unhealthy diets and physical inactivity are among some of the leading causes of noncommunicable disease, including cardiovascular diseases, type 2 diabetes and certain cancers (World Health Organization, 2009)”. Over the past 30 years, the occurrence of obesity has progressively increased throughout the world; it has tripled since 1985, and severe obesity has quadrupled (Wharton et al., 2020). Overweight and obesity is a global epidemic among children of all ages. Education, interventions, and evaluations of the effectiveness and results of new ideas pointing to lessening childhood overweight and obesity are in high demand to help plans with the greatest chance of success (Se & Jl, 2018).

Exercise and Diet Control

Exercise and Diet Control

Exercise can benefit patients not only physically but psychologically ways. As a Nurse practitioner, having a conversation with our patients about diet and exercise can be difficult, but it needs to be done. As a provider, bringing this subject up respectfully and open-mindedly is very important. Research has shown that patients prefer the words “weight” before “BMI” when discussing obesity.  Words like fatness, obesity, and excess fat put patient’s guard up, so patients are very reluctant to listen.  Learning more about the patient’s eating habits and lifestyle is vital to help them develop an attainable plan. Referring patients to counseling, dietitians, and certain weight loss programs can also be helpful (National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases, 2017). Several apps that can assist patients in weight loss and dieting are easy to use and can be downloaded to phones. J&J official 7-minute workout, 30-day fitness challenge, charity miles, Nike+ run, club, Zombies, run!, and C25K (Rebedew, 2018).  These free apps can make working out seem achievable and entertaining.  Finding what will work for each patient is the most important step to achieving the goal.


Exercise is an intervention considered a prevention method for chronic diseases such as cardiovascular disease, stroke, cancer and type 2 diabetes (Albergoni et al., 2019). Physical exercise has been linked to less chronic pain, alleviating fatigue, and stress reduction, and may even help increase self-esteem and decrease symptoms of depression. Incorporation of a fitness program into a patient’s routine is a nonpharmacological option to promote a healthy lifestyle and reduce risk factors.

Healthy People 2020 outlines several objectives regarding physical activity: to “increase the proportion of physician office visits that include counseling or education related to physical activity” (Edelman & Kudzma, 2018, p. 274). Nurse practitioners can help to influence change in patient’s behaviors through the utilization of health education. Part of the challenge may be compliance and adherence to exercise. “Adherence to a program can be intended as the number of sessions conducted over the total number of sessions prescribed, either accounting for or regardless of whether the sessions were fulfilled” (Albergoni et al., 2019, p. 2). The nurse practitioner can assist in goal setting and help plan manageable activities based on the patient’s current functional status.

Monitoring technologies have been shown to promote adherence when used with self-reporting. This can vary from mobile devices, wearable devices or the use of apps. “Wearable technology was identified as the leading fitness trend in 2019 (Albergoni et al., 2019, p. 3). This can be as simple as using a pedometer that can track steps or other devices that track energy expenditure, type of activity engaged in, and workout intensity. Heart rate monitors can be used separately or tracked on apps or devices such as FitBit or Apple watches. In addition to being able to measure physical activity, wearable devices provide feedback to the patients, which provides motivation to participate in more physical activity (Gao & Lee, 2019).