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Family Issue-Abuse

Family Issue-Abuse

In society, family differences are apparent. It is not uncommon to find single-parent families, blended families, and nuclear families, among others, in society. In some cases, family issues determine the different types of families in a community. Accordingly, there are various types of family issues, including adoption, abuse, and divorce. Each type is prevalent in society, and it is improbable to miss them (Payne, 2020). One type of family issue that affects family dynamics is abuse.

Abuse in families occurs in different forms. Most people believe that physical abuse is the only form of abuse in many cases. However, other forms of abuse include psychological and sexual. Physical abuse occurs in the form of violence. According to Melton & Sillito (2011), most physical abuse is gender-based, with some people arguing men are more violent towards women than women are towards men. The other form of abuse is psychological abuse, which involves the use of certain behaviors and words to influence other people’s actions and thus control them (Payne, 2020). Another form of abuse is sexual abuse, which involves unwanted sexual activity using force. Despite a marriage or family status, sexual abuse occurs in the form of assault, using the status as a means to force another.

These forms of abuse occur among family members, parents, and siblings. Consistently, family dynamics involving relationships between members of a family and their interactions are affected, resulting in physical, emotional, and economic problems and strains. For instance, physical abuse is vividly expressed in some families, whereby a child who grew up witnessing an abusive father abuse his mother and other siblings eventually grew up to abuse his own family as an adult. From this real-life example, it is apparent that witnessing the abuse as a child influenced him so much that he became as abusive as his father in adulthood.


Melton, H., & Sillito, C. (2011). The Role of Gender in Officially Reported Intimate Partner Abuse. Journal Of Interpersonal Violence, 27(6), 1090-1111.

Payne, W. (2020). Human Behavior and the Social Environment II. The University of Arkansas.


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Discuss a family issue (listed in chapter 12) and how it may affect family dynamics.

Family Issue-Abuse

Family Issue-Abuse

Share a real-life example with your peers (it does not have to be personal – it can be something you witnessed [do not use names] or something that has been in the media).