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BS Healthcare Manangement Program Learning Outcome Matrix

BS Healthcare Management Program Learning Outcome Matrix

Program Learning Outcome (PLO) Courses that address the Program Learning Outcomes Describe at least one way you have applied (or will apply) each Program Learning Outcome outside the classroom. Provide a personal experience, current or future work-related, or hypothetical example.

Example: I will apply this PLO when I deliver the orientation training to new staff about the organization of our facility and how it impacts community health.

Critically appraise the context and quality of healthcare delivery inside and outside of the United States. HLTH 1005

HLTH 3110

HLTH 4110

I will apply this PLO when discussing with various healthcare stakeholders on how to provide quality and affordable services in the country. This will entail resource allocation to the healthcare sector, provision of affordable health insurance, and provision of primary healthcare services.
Evaluate health-related research and research methods. HLTH 4205



I will use this PLO in my future clinical research work. Research will form the basis of the evidence-based practice that I will uphold in my nursing practice.
Analyze how population health impacts healthcare (including behavioral, demographic, and cultural factors). HLTH 2110

HLTH 4530

I will use this PLO to train other healthcare providers and the hospital on the key determinants of healthcare. This training will focus on the community and aim at availing holistic services that fulfill their needs.
Explain how different factors impact the delivery of healthcare services (including technology, legal, and ethical factors). HLTH 1005

HLTH 2120

HLTH 3100

I will use this PLO to advocate for a policy that ensures adequate healthcare services are provided. The advocacy will be at the hospital level and through nursing organizations. Healthcare delivery should uphold appropriate and current technology. Healthcare providers should embrace ethical considerations when dealing with patients.
Evaluate the inter-professional approach to healthcare delivery. HLTH 1005

HLTH 3105

I will use this PLO in my daily practice as a nurse. This will entail the recognition of the specialty of all healthcare providers and collaborating with them. Inter-professional collaboration ensures that evidence-based practice is upheld through collaborative research efforts and promotes continuous learning.
Articulate critical issues in acute and long-term care from the perspective of patient and practitioner. HLTH 3110 I use this PLO in my routine interaction with patients. Open communication with the patient enables me to identify their needs and perceptions. It also enables me to inform the patient about the treatment plan and various interventions.
Analyze evidence-based factors that impact a healthcare organization’s performance, quality, and safety. HLTH 1005

HLTH 4000

HLTH 4115

I will use this PLO to train and educate healthcare providers and the hospital administration on the best practices to adopt. Evidence-based practices that increase quality and performance while upholding safety are desirable.
Apply foundational healthcare economic evaluation and financial management skills. HLTH 4000

HLTH 4530

HLTH 4520

I will use this PLO to make financial decisions as a manager. It will enable me to pick the cost-effective treatment plans that produce the best patient outcomes.
Apply strategic planning methods to healthcare organizations (including planning, implementing, and marketing). HLTH 4000

HLTH 4115

I will use this PLO to guide my plan of activities and facility as a manager. It will enable me to plan, organize, staff, direct, and control staff (Lucia, 2018).
Evaluate human resource methods of managing healthcare employees. HLTH 4000

HLTH 4100

HLTH 4121

I will use this PLO to lead and control staff as a manager. This will entail hiring, recruitment, training, performance appraisal, and grievance handling (Boon et al., 2019).
Demonstrate an understanding of healthcare financial issues (including insurance, reimbursement, and prospective payment). HLTH 3510

HLTH 4520

I will use this PLO in my daily practice as a nurse to educate patients, the community, and other healthcare providers. Everyone should understand the importance and types of health care insurance, including reimbursement and prospective payment.


Boon, C., Den Hartog, D. N., & Lepak, D. P. (2019). A Systematic Review of Human Resource Management Systems and Their Measurement. Journal of Management, 45(6), 2498–2537.

Lucia, F. (2018). Manager versus Leader. Why Are Both Roles Valuable? Ovidius University Annals, Economic Sciences Series, XVIII(2), 428–431.


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Post a thoughtful response to the following:

Identify your program (BS Health Studies, BS Healthcare Management, or BS Public Health) within the title of your post.

BS Healthcare Manangement Program Learning Outcome Matrix

BS Healthcare Management Program Learning Outcome Matrix

Complete the matrix and attach it to your Discussion Post. Including information on the following:
Where you addressed each of the Program Learning Outcomes in specific courses
Where you addressed each of the Program Learning Outcomes in specific Discussions and Assignments
Which of the Program Learning Outcomes, Discussions, or Assignments were most meaningful to you
How you see yourself applying the knowledge in the field