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How Healthcare Professionals Can Ensure That Patients Rights Are Upheld And Protected

How Healthcare Professionals Can Ensure That Patients Rights Are Upheld And Protected

The idea of human rights in the patient care sector is termed the use of human rights principles in delivering patient service. It offers a moral method to the emerging disclosure of individual rights due to an increased violation of human rights in the health care setting. Patients are an essential aspect of health rights with the advantage of attention as a human rights issue. In response to the ongoing concern about human rights violations in the healthcare sector, the American Hospital Association has adopted the Patient’s Bill of Rights, which was designed to ensure patients get fair treatment and encourage patients to participate in healthcare. The scope of patients ensures rights are extended to the right to be treated with dignity, medical decisions, and respect for preexisting conditions (Olejarczyk & Young, 2019). Nurses play an essential role in the protection of human rights. Where the nursing code of ethics establishes the need to protect patient’s rights, nurse leaders are in a better position to ensure patients’ rights are protected and respected. Our assignment help will hone your writing prowess for papers that will awe your professors.

American Hospital Association Patient’s Bill of Rights has provided various ways for health professionals to uphold and protect patients’ rights. Healthcare professionals must ensure that patients receive information concerning specific procedures for treatment, the risks associated with the treatment, and the expected time for recovery (Loennberg, Damberg, & Revenas, 2021). They also offer options for delivery of other care alternatives to the patient. Offering patients an opportunity to determine what care decisions they can make before and after receiving treatment is another way in which health professionals protect the rights of patients on the issue of decision-making. This is done by involving the patients during decision-making by healthcare providers. The decision expresses their rights if they are comfortable with the type of treatment they are receiving, or they might consider referral to another hospital.

Health professionals ensure the upholding of patients’ rights by providing patient communication, and treatment records are made confidential by the hospital management, apart from when the law allows the use of the information for other purposes (Olejarczyk & Young, 2019). If the hospital has released the data to another facility for further treatment, the health professionals ensure that they inform the other hospital to keep the confidentiality of the information. Before providing healthcare services, the professionals should notify patients of their identity within the hospital. This professional’s uniqueness can be students on attachment, nurses, and other trainees.

Before starting treatment, health professionals should inform the patient of the facility’s policies and responsibilities and all practices related to the patient’s treatment. They give information concerning where patients can contact in case of disputes, grievances, and conflicts. Charging services and payment methods are applied within the facility (Loennberg et al., 2021). The association has also recommended that health professionals provide emergency treatment to all individuals who request it, regardless of whether they are in a position to pay for it. Payment ability or health insurance status is not considered in this case. This is articulated in the Emergency Medical Treatment and Labor Act.


Loennberg, L., Damberg, M., & Revenas, A. (2021). Communication-based on the partnership: experiences of lifestyle counselling by patients and caregivers in primary care. European Journal of Preventive Cardiology, 28(Supplement_1), zwab061-383.

Olejarczyk, J. P., & Young, M. (2019). Patient rights.


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Visit and review the American Hospital Association’s Patients’ Bill of Rights. Discuss how healthcare professionals can ensure that patients’ rights are upheld and protected.

How Healthcare Professionals Can Ensure That Patients Rights Are Upheld And Protected

How Healthcare Professionals Can Ensure That Patients Rights Are Upheld And Protected


Word limit: 500 words. Please make sure to provide citations and references (in APA, 7th ed. format) for work. Please check for plagiarism.