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NSG 4076 Week 2 Journal – Bi-weekly Practicum Journaling

NSG 4076 Week 2 Journal – Bi-weekly Practicum Journaling

For the week two journal entry, I will focus on the aggregate group that I will focus on for my capstone project. I will be working with dialysis patients that are at a sister dialysis clinic that I work for. For example, I will be choosing three different patients who dialyze at this centre that I will connect with and help educate, guide, and make a positive difference in their lives through this project. One of the Healthy People 2020 objectives for individuals with  chronic kidney disease is to lower the risk of cardiovascular symptoms and manage diabetes through medications, diet, and lifestyle (“Chronic kidney disease | Healthy People 2020,” n.d.) During the time that I am working with these patients, it will be important for me to be companionate to their needs and listen to them attentively. As a dialysis nurse, when working with the End Stage Renal Disease (ESRD) patient population, it is extremely important to be able to sit with them during their dialysis treatments. During this time, the patient will open up about frustrations or discuss how they are feeling about so many different parts of their physical and mental well-being. This will be one of my main strategies for collecting the data I need to help this patient population during COVID-19. I also plan on meeting with the interdisciplinary team so that I can get interviews with them about how this pandemic has changed the patients and the environment of the outpatient dialysis centre as a whole. As I am preparing to go on-site to interview the patients and the healthcare team, I am thinking about what topics I will need to cover to best help my aggregate group during this time of the COVID-19 pandemic.

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I have also started my windshield survey. This is where I, the nurse, drive around the community or area where the outpatient dialysis centre is located and record my observations of the area (Home – CASN — Public Health, n.d.). It is important for me to recognize aspects of the community or area that will assist or hinder my chosen aggregate needs.

NSG 4076 Week 2 Journal – Bi-weekly Practicum Journaling

As of week two, I have decided to aggregate group the outpatient dialysis patients. I have secured a preceptor, and the dialysis clinic manager, and I have started a windshield survey or drive. I plan on doing a second windshield drive to gather more data and will use the internet and the South University library to gather more data until I am cleared to start working on-site.


Chronic kidney disease Healthy People 2020. (n.d.). Healthy People disease/objectives.

(n.d.). Home – CASN — Public Health. assignment.pdf


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NSG 4076 Week 2 Journal – Bi-weekly Practicum Journaling

is a personal, introspective, subjective account that focuses on Healthy People 2020 and the course. You can include events that occurred, but be sure to describe your thoughts and feelings about those events. How did your perceptions change? What did you learn that was unexpected? Describe your thinking about your thoughts and feelings regarding the new learning you experienced.

Connected to South University’s College of Nursing Conceptual Framework Pillars (Caring, Communication, Critical Thinking, Professionalism, and Holism).

Connected to prior coursework and experiences through reflective

Written in a scholarly, academic style using APA style. Two or three sentences are not sufficient, nor are daily logs/reports of activities.