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NSG 3029 Week 3 Discussion-Process of Data Collection

NSG 3029 Week 3 Discussion-Process of Data Collection

Description of Method Employed

The case study analyzed in this assignment is intended to actualize a theory-based intervention method for empowering women in Taiwan. Furthermore, the study targets the immigrant population that is part of transnational marriages in Taiwan. Two key research methodologies were adopted for that study: the participatory action research (PAR) approach and interviews. Notably, PAR was the primary research method facilitating the unveiling the key themes that populated the findings and discussion sections. These two approaches were used in the data collection segment of the study. In this regard, the overall research methodology can be categorized as an interpretive approach. This notion is guided by the observation that the case study is centered on determining the root cause of the patterns observable in human subjects. The conclusive findings of the study were that through PAR, the disadvantaged migrant population in Taiwan would benefit from literacy in health, psychological, and social well-being (Yang et al. 2014). On the other hand, the quantitative aspect is observed to have both a correlational and descriptive design, as showcased in the subsequent sections.

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Research Methods

 The unifying aspect of the correlational and descriptive design research methods is that they are both primarily observational. The research starts by detailing a theoretical framework that helps the reader comprehend the sets of hypotheses in use and their relationships. The theoretical framework highlights the importance of PAR as a comprehensive data collection method. Its strengths are outlined in the brief of the findings whereby key outcome themes were identified. According to Cherry (2018), correlative research uses a statistical analysis to determine the relationship between variables. Notably, the correlations can be weak or strong and positive or negative.

Task 1: Intervention

 The intervention stage entailed the identification of the specific health concerns of the case subjects. The research team identified factors such as social isolation, ignorance of health information, and acculturative stress (Yang et al., 2014). The second step in this stage was the recruitment of the study participants. This stage involved the establishment of community partnerships with bodies such as the Management of Assistance Center for Foreign Spouses (Yang et al. 2014). This was to ensure that the community’s well-being was aligned with that of the researchers.

Task 2: Participants and Setting

 The participants and setting stage involved grouping participants based on factors such as ethnicity, literacy, willingness to participate in the study, and basic conversation capabilities. This is a crucial stage given that it sets the precedence for the study, especially about theme identification when compiling the findings (Yin, 2011). In determining the correlation between the variables for the case study, the study’s setting and the participants’ willingness highly influence the study’s outcome.

Task 3: Ethical Considerations

As part of the correlative approach, various ethical considerations were made in the case study. The first consideration entailed seeking approval from the institutional review board of Kaohsiung Medical University (Yang et al. 2014). The second part was informing the participants of their involvement in the study and what that entailed (Yang et al. 2014). These two acts form part of the consent procedures that ensure that such a form of research is within the ethical parameters of the concerned parties.

Task 4: Data Collection

 The overall scope of the research methods used in the study is centered on both the quantitative and qualitative methods. PAR entailed the research team members engaging in fieldwork. The field assignment was an observatory task whereby the researchers collected data from the eight workshops that comprised the health empowerment program. The team compiled notes on the setting of the workshops, the participating group, the group dynamics, the group presentations, the relationship between the group members, and the nature of the pre-meeting with the community cohorts (Yang et al. 2014). The second approach was that of interpersonal interviews. The interviews were meant to provide the research team with an in-depth understanding of the personal experiences of the individual participants (Yang et al. 2014). As such, it supplemented the information gathered through the PAR method by revealing the background of the group participants. Collaboratively, these two research approaches form an action research methodology. Essentially, this process is meant to formulate a data-driven form of analysis. Interpersonal data collection methods are important because they uncover future behavioral patterns in a sample group (McNiff, 2013). Using as the primary data collection method for the quantitative bit of the study is a correlative approach.

NSG 3029 Week 3 Discussion-Process of Data Collection

The correlative approach finds use in situations whereby the variable researcher cannot control the variables, which would be considered unethical. Cherry (2018) highlights that as much as the researchers use variables in their study, their behavior is not in their control. The study uses two of the three main types of correlational studies. The PAR method used in the workshop seminars, is a naturalistic observation methodology (Yin, 2011). This is because the research teams recorded their observations without interfering with the workshop or its participants. The interpersonal interviews, on the other hand, employed the survey method of correlational research (CIRT, n.d). In this approach, a random sample of the participants was used for data collection purposes. The questions directed to the participants related to the variables of interest of the research (Yang et al. 2014). The random sampling tactic enabled the research team to realize a generalized outlook of the interview results. Lastly is the archival type of research. However, this third method was not part of the case study.

Task 5: Data Analysis

 The data analysis section in the case study indicates research methods. According to Gu & Warren (2017), in the case of study investigations, a contemporary phenomenon is examined in the scope of its real-life context. As such, descriptive methods are primarily applied in social sciences research to realize meaningful outcomes from a holistic study. The outcomes are then used to understand the ubiquitous and complex interactions among people and societies (Gu & Warren, 2017). As showcased in the Taiwan case study, the descriptive data analysis provides for integrating both the quality and quantitative research methodologies (Yang et al. 2014). The transcribed observations from the PAR and interview undertakings assisted the researchers in categorizing the research findings based on the prominent themes that were, obcording to Yang et al. (2014), developing health learning, enabling the capability to build social networks, enhancing self-esteem, and building mental pliability. In this respect, descriptive research methods efficiently relate, explain, and validate research outcomes.

Data Collection Tasks Case Study 2 Comments
Task 1: Intervention The identification of the specific health concerns of

the case subjects

It forms part of the correlative method.
Task 2: Participants and Setting The grouping of participants based on factors such as ethnicity, literacy, willingness to participate in the study, and basic conversation


It forms part of the correlative methodology.
Task 3: Ethical Considerations The consent procedures that ensure that such a form of research is within the ethical parameters of the concerned


Forms part of the correlative methodology.
Task 4: Data Collection Information that was gathered through the PAR method and

interpersonal interviews.

Centered on both the quantitative and qualitative


Task 5: Data Analysis A contemporary phenomenon is examined in the scope of

its real-life context.

Suggestive the use of descriptive research



The study being evaluated incorporated two principal research methods. The correlative approach was used in the data collection stage, whereby aspects such as ethical reflections were made. The descriptive research method found use in the data analysis segment, which guided the steps taken to realize the most meaningful outcomes.


Cherry, K. (2018). How correlational studies are used in psychology. Retrieved from

CIRT. (n.d). Types of correlational studies & data analysis. Center for Innovation in Research and Teaching. Retrieved from

Gu, Y. & Warren, J. (2017). Handbook of eHealth evaluation: An evidence-based approach. Victoria (BC): University of Victoria.Retrieved from

McNiff, J. (2013). Action research: Principles and practice. New York: Routledge.

Yang, Y. et al. (2015). Health empowerment among immigrant women in transnational marriages in Taiwan. Journal of Nursing Scholarship, 47(2),135–142. doi:10.1111/jnu.12110

Yin, R. K. (2011). Case study research: Design and methods (vol. 5). Thousand Oaks, CA: SAGE Publications.


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NSG 3029 Week 3 Discussion-Process of Data Collection

Variables in a Research Study and Data Collection

In this assignment, you will explore the variables and data collection involved in a research study.

Complete the following task:

  • Read the following and choose one of the articles from the Cumulative Index to Nursing and Allied Health Literature (CINAHL) Database in the South University Online Library: Course Content Related to Chronic Wounds in Nursing Degree Programs in Spain
  • Health Empowerment among Immigrant Women in Transnational Marriages in Taiwan


Read the process for data collection employed in the study.

As a part of your discussion response, identify the method used in the study.

Provide a bulleted list of the five tasks performed as part of data collection in the study. Follow the bulleted list in the summary as key points. Enter your responses in the organizer.

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