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NR 501 Week 5 Assignment-Annotated Bibliography

NR 501 Week 5 Assignment-Annotated Bibliography

Family Systems Theory

Article 1

Concept Analysis of Family Centered-Care in Hospitalized Pediatric (2021).

Summary: This article regarding family-centered care in hospitalized pediatric patients goes into depth regarding the need for family-centered care to promote overall maximum health outcomes for these patients. This article goes into depth by questioning/surveying the patients and nursing staff to determine their understanding of this theory and if it is incorporated into their care at the hospitals they are employed or cared for. This article proves that family-centered care is not taught much during educational programs but is learned through practice and experiences.

Relates to theory: This article relates to this theory because it questions the education/understanding that nurses have as it pertains to incorporating the family systems theory in their care given to patients. Family systems theory includes family dynamics and coping skills/mechanisms in the healthcare staff’s evaluation and treatment plan. Each family dynamic is different. Therefore, different patients require other treatment plans to be specifically molded to their situation regarding family coping mechanisms and what will allow for the best health outcome for this family and their case.

NR 501 Week 5 Assignment-Annotated Bibliography

NP practice: This article relates to the practice of a nurse practitioner because, as a nurse practitioner, it is essential to understand how much of an impact family members and family dynamics can have on the care and treatment of the patients. It is necessary to assess and make changes in care and treatment based on the needs of the family and the patient.

This can be emotional, financial, or spiritual changes and adjustments to give the patient a unique plan of care that fits the needs of the patient and the family. This is important to the NP practice as it is not often taught and will need to be a concept taught and learned throughout preparation.

 Article 2

Zhang Family functioning in the context of an adult family member with illness: A concept analysis. J Clin Nurs. 2018 Aug;27(15-16):3205-3224. doi: 10.1111/jocn.14500. PMID: 29700875; PMCID: PMC6105391.

Summary: This article details how family functioning and dynamics can be used in healthcare to promote and achieve health goals. The report gathers data using a sample group of healthcare workers and patients. The report identifies developing instruments to assess family functioning, the design of family-based interventions, and their application in clinical practice. There are no set ways to identify family function in the healthcare setting.

Relates to theory: This article relates to this specific theory because it identifies that there are no instruments to adequately and accurately evaluate family dynamics. This theory is all about family-centered care and the understanding that incorporating the family dynamics in the patient’s care can result in better overall outcomes for the patient and the family of the patient, but how are nursing staff or providers to do this evaluation of the family if there are no set tools to do so? It is based on the provider’s evaluations/assessments regarding the patient’s family dynamics and needs. Still, each provider is from a different background and has different views or beliefs. Hence, this raises inconsistencies between providers and the ability to utilize this theory because it is based on each provider instead of a commonly used tool to identify family needs.

NP practice: This article relates to NP practice and uses this theory to explain that there is currently no tool or instrument to assess patient’s family dynamics and needs consistently. As a Nurse Practitioner, knowing how to evaluate and adjust care plans based on the patient and their family’s requirements regarding their illness or treatment plan is essential.

NR 501 Week 5 Assignment-Annotated Bibliography

Social Cognitive Theory


Hellier S, Davidson L. Team Teaching in Nursing Education. The Journal of Continuing Education in Nursing. 2018 04;49(4):186-92.

Summary: This article researches the effectiveness of co-education and co-learning. Many nursing programs utilize simulation case studies and hands-on education to obtain a nursing degree so that the students know what to do in front of a patient interaction. The article identifies team teaching as a massive success in nursing students’ progress and success. Social Cognitive Theory emphasizes the importance of social context when learning. Social cognitive theory supports using team teaching as it is essential for students to learn behaviors or to see behaviors not to have, which is easily accomplished with team teaching.

Relates to theory: This article relates to this theory because it identifies how to use social cognitive theory. It identifies using team teaching and co-learning to use social cognitive theory. This week’s learning identifies Social Cognitive Theory as being able to learn and gain experience through others’ successes and failures. The article identifies co-learning as a way to use social cognitive theory, which would be working together as a team and learning from each other, as the report states.

NP practice: As a nurse practitioner, it is essential to watch your mentors and learn from your experiences and the experiences of others to be as well-rounded as possible and successfully practice. Learning from others is inevitable if you’re dedicated to learning and growing as a provider. It is something that naturally happens. This theory can be used as a nurse practitioner as we are constantly learning from co-workers and mentors, and learning from other’s successes and failures allows an individual to provide better care as a provider by using what they’ve learned from personal experiences and the experiences of others. This article goes into depth regarding the need for co-learning and team teaching and its positive effects on students. Behavior modification is also a significant component of social cognitive theory. Behavior modifications include self-monitoring and setting small goals that can be achieved. This is important for a newly practicing nurse practitioner to understand and use when self-reflecting on patient care.


Lin, -C. (2016) Impact of nurses’ cross-cultural competence on nursing intellectual capital from a social cognitive theory perspective. Journal of Advanced Nursing 72( 5), 1144– 1154. doi: 10.1111/jan.12901

Summary: This article explores cross-cultural competence in nursing from a social cognitive theory perspective. The report identifies that using social cognitive theory; we can explain the effects of environmental factors and personal cognition on behavioral outcomes. The article describes the approach as involving a psychological pattern of human behavior that defines individual behavior as a reciprocal interaction between environment and personal cognition.

Relates to theory: This article relates to this theory because social cognitive theory can be incorporated in many different ways, such as the relationship between cross-cultural nurses and how this affects nursing as a unit. Social cognitive theory explains that personal behavior is affected by organizational climate and individual cognition.

NP practice: This article relates to the nursing practice because, as a well-rounded nurse practitioner, it is essential to be culturally open-minded and understanding. Understanding different cultures and culturally sound to create trustworthy relationships with their patients is dire.

Transtheoretical Model of Behavioral Change

Article 5

Liu, K. , Kueh, Y. C., Arifin, W. N., Kim, Y., & Kuan, G. (2018). Application of Transtheoretical Model on Behavioral Changes, and Amount of Physical Activity Among University’s Students. Frontiers in Psychology, 9.

Summary: This article describes four core constructs of the Transtheoretical Model of Behavioral Change: self-efficacy, decisional balance, and change processes.

The transtheoretical model of behavioral change shows that individuals attempting to change their health behavior might experience a series of stages of readiness for change, including pre-contemplation, contemplation, preparation, action, and maintenance. The article describes how this theory applies to young college students and daily exercise. The study showed that students were more likely to engage in physical activity if they knew the specific benefits of exercise.

Relates to theory: This article about this specific theory gives an example of how to apply this particular theory. The report gives the reader a better understanding of this particular theory and how to apply it to a specific population. It provides excellent detail about this theory and uses it to gather data and establish a conclusion to this particular concept.

NP practice: This article does not explicitly relate to a nurse practitioner’s practice but gives significant information regarding this specific theory and how to apply it to a situation/population. This theory can be used in practice as a nurse practitioner because, as nurse practitioners/providers, it is essential to want to benefit the overall health of our patients; by doing this, it is possible to use this theory to identify the pros and cons of specific situations/treatments and give the patients a particular outcome of whatever it is that we are trying to accomplish. According to our week’s reading, nurse practitioners must recognize the patient’s current stage of change. Patients may not be ready to begin thinking about a change or may not know the next step, while others need help creating a plan to achieve healthy behavior changes. Nurse practitioners must support their patients’ changes and allow these stages to come with time. Along with helping develop a plan for patient care or lifestyle changes.


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NR 501 Week 5 Assignment-Annotated Bibliography


This assignment allows the student to review current and historical literature on theories essential to the nurse practitioner role. The project fosters analytical thinking related to the selected ideas and applications within the profession.

Activity Learning Outcomes

Through this assignment, the student will demonstrate the ability to:

Through this assignment, the student will demonstrate the ability to:

CO 3: Demonstrate logical and creative thinking in analyzing and applying a theory to nursing practice. (PO 2, 5)

CO 4: Analyze theories from nursing and relevant fields concerning the components, the relationship among the members, and the application to advanced nursing practice. (PO 1)

Due Date:

Sunday 11:59 PM MT at the end of Week 5. Students are expected to submit assignments by the time they are due. Projects submitted after the due date and time will receive a deduction of 10% of the total points possible for each day the work is late. Terms will be accepted, with penalty as described, up to a maximum of three days late, after which point a zero will be recorded for the project.

Total Points Possible: 200


Description of the Assignment

An annotated bibliography is an alphabetical list of information sources (such as journal articles) formatted like a bibliography or a reference list, accompanied by a commentary or annotation for each source. An annotated bibliography aims to learn about a topic through a critical review of literature and encourage a deeper engagement with literature to develop analytical skills.

This assignment presents a method for examining several essential and valuable theories of the nurse practitioner’s role.

Preparing the Assignment

  1. Choose from the theories/models presented in the weekly lesson for this assignment.
    • Health Belief Model
    • Transtheoretical Model of Behavioral Change
    • Social Cognitive Theory
    • Family Systems Theory
    • Family Assessment and Intervention Model
    • Praxis Theory of Suffering
  2. Search the library for literature. Locate 5 (five) articles related to the selected theories. You may use no more than two articles about each theory/model.
    • Sources should be related to nursing practice using the selected theory/model.
    • References should be scholarly, relevant to the theory/model and nursing, and published within the past five years. If the reference is older than five years, instructor permission should be obtained, and the historical significance of the article should be
  3. Prepare an annotated entry for each source. Begin with the full APA citation of the head, followed by 2-3 paragraphs:
    • Summarize the
    • Describe how the article relates to the chosen theory/model.
    • Reflect on how the article could (or could not) be relevant to future Nurse Practitioners.