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Brexit Tension and the Future of the U.K. and the E.U.

Various tensions brought about the withdrawal of the United Kingdom from the European Union. The pressure was brought about by supporters who argued that the E.U. threatened sovereignty and stifled growth. Consequently, the European Union contrast has been hit by a series of incredibly damaging blows: the economic crisis and the self-inflicted damage from failure to deal with the euro following the crisis (MINASCURTA, 2019). In addition, the Russian success in upsetting the post-Cold War balance of power in Europe, terrorist attacks from the Islamic State, and an influx of migration flow into the union, among other factors. These blows have created powerful anti-establishment against European Union constituencies across the continent, not just in the United Kingdom.

The 2003 distinctive British act that permitted complete freedom of movement rights to all the accession states had a significant role in the exit vote. The United Kingdom extended free movement to all the ten accession states, which provided freedom of movement to the number of people seeking jobs in the U.K. (MINASCURTA, 2019). This influx of labor in the U.K. reinforced the economic crisis. This action left many U.K. natives unemployed, fueling the leave vote.

The E.U.’s failure to recognize and deal with Chinese unwillingness to comply with World Trade Organization standards and apply robust trade defiance measures in response has degraded industrial employment in Europe. There is seemingly a significant degree of fact in Marine Le Pen’s argument concerning European working classes being abandoned by the European elites (Ponzano, 2016). This notion of abandonment fueled the willingness of working-class communities across the U.K. to come out and vote to leave the E.U.

The post-Brexit reaction has been the center of political debates across Europe concerning the future of the United Kingdom and the European Union. This exit has prompted various mixed reactions across European countries. For instance, post-Brexit policies for creating visa waiver for members of the European Union has sparked different reactions on how travel will be affected by Brexit and whether U.K. citizens traveling to Europe will require a visa waiver (Ponzano, 2016). On the other hand, globalization is a deeper cause of dissatisfaction among E.U. member states as the union cannot protect its members. Globalization brings prosperity, but it is disputed when some do not see the fruit of this prosperity. The E.U.’s fiscal rules make it extremely difficult to compensate the losers from globalization and ignite their hardship. The European Union’s major setback on globalization is that the policies implemented may harm other countries more than others.


MINASCURTA, I. (2019). The European Union. Brexit – Causes and Consequences. Journal Of Mediation & Social Welfare, 1(1), 42-49.

Ponzano, P. (2016). Borderless Debate: After Brexit, What Will Happen? After Brexit, What Should the European Union Do? The Federalist Debate, 29(3), 44-47.


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