I’d want to talk about McDonald’s from a marketing perspective. Several phrases, emotions, and mental pictures spring to me whenever I hear the name or see the recognizable golden arches.
Fast food, burgers, fries, ease, cheapness, and familiarity all fall under this category. McDonald’s is synonymous in my mind with “happy meals,” “kids’ menus,” and “Ronald McDonald,” the clown mascot. McDonald’s has spent years cultivating these responses in customers via careful branding and marketing. McDonald’s has built a global brand with a consistent and instantly recognizable visual design. For instance, McDonald’s has created a powerful brand identity on the immediately recognizable golden arches, which appear in all of the chain’s advertising.
Do you need an original copy of “McDonalds” ? Visit us at
The organization has also provided a unified and distinctive atmosphere across its many outposts. McDonald’s is a fast food chain with locations all over the globe. Their menu and prices are consistent, and their service is reliable. Customers are more likely to feel secure, and at ease when dealing with a brand they are already acquainted with. McDonald’s has invested much money into advertising to kids, including the Ronald McDonald character and happy meal toys. McDonald’s has succeeded in fostering brand loyalty among youngsters, increasing the likelihood that they would return to the restaurant as adults.
Rajawat, A., Kee, D. M. H., Malik, M. Z. B. A., Yassin, M. A. Q. B. M., Shaffie, M. S. I. B. A., Fuaat, M. H. B., … & Santoso, M. E. J. (2020). Factors: Responsible for McDonald’s performance. Journal of the Community Development in Asia (JCDA), 3(2), 11-17.
Raduzzi, A., & Massey, J. E. (2019). Customer satisfaction and brand loyalty at Mcdonald’s Maroc. African Journal of Marketing Management, 11(3), 21-34.
We’ll write everything from scratch
When you think of a brand, it makes you think and feel a certain way. Brand Managers carefully craft those images. Choose one of the following businesses:
- McDonald’s
- Cadillac
- Walmart
What words, feelings, and images immediately come to mind when you hear the brand name you selected or see the brand logo?
Discuss how the marketers have created these feelings and thoughts for consumers and why you think they created them.
Discussion Response Requirements
There are no right or wrong answers for all the course discussions. You are simply responding to questions in your own words. Do not copy and paste content from the web. This is a violation of Strayer’s Academic Integrity policy.
- Respond to the discussion with at least four good sentences for each bullet point. Make sure you address all points of each bullet.