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Change Management Report

Change Management Report

One of the major strategies companies make to stay competitive is making a few changes to the management system. This was the case with a small manufacturing organization that decided to use a new training design program with the required skills and skills of these employees with its development plan. When deciding to make any changes in a firm, the management should forecast any resistance and implement the right strategies to address them.

The primary goal of addressing this resistance is to increase the chances of the workers supporting the needed change. The paper will discuss the alignment of the training program with the company’s development goals and the direction to be taken, the definition of organizational development change management stages, and the skills the company hopes to impart to its employees through the Training. It will also discuss the legal consideration and the delivery technique used in the Training.

Strategies for Aligning Training with Strategic

 Any training program that a company puts in place must be aligned with strategic decisions. Before implementing the program, any existing barriers and Training goals must also be identified. These two steps ensure that there is adequate support for the training program. The alignment of the training program ensures that the needs gap is identified and addressed. Ben-Hur, Jaworski, & Gray, 2015, argued that any organization could create a strong link between the immediacy of contact with the entire business through the appropriate structures of governance that support learning and development.

The process of Align Training with Business Strategies

Aligning business strategies and Training is crucial for success in a company. Perfect alignment of the training goals with the business strategies guarantees company success. The initial step that firms must take to succeed is to align their mission and vision statements. The firm also needs to have support from the senior management. The kind of support that an organization gets from this management level plays a great role in determining whether learning and development goals will be achieved. The worker must have a deep comprehension of the mission, the vision statement, and any other available resources that can support the achievement of training and development objectives. The significance of communication in the company cannot be underestimated. Through communication, a firm’s members can recognize any area of improvement and put in place the right strategies to address these needs.

The small manufacturing firm should align its planning with the business strategies and adopt any necessary changes that will cause it to progress in the right direction. Bingham (2010), the efficient functioning of a business environment entails embracing and effectively integrating the learning models with the goals, values, and metrics in the right direction.

Defining organizational development

 The concept of organization development can be best described as the process through which an organization expands the knowledge and skills of its people to achieve high levels of effectiveness and facilitate success in organizational performance and change. It deals with managing internal operations and factors within the internal environment. According to (Blanchard & Thacker, 2013), organizational development entails creating and successfully implementing change in a firm. Moreover, it is used to identify any existing problems and factors that could frustrate the change management efforts.

Change management steps

There are different steps involved in change management. It is pertinent to identify the areas of improvement. Individuals within a company must adequately understand the need for change to support it. Engaging different stakeholders in the change management process is also an important strategy. This step is paramount because different levels of management have distinct levels of influence in the process. Without this influence, it will be impossible to achieve goals and objectives. The senior management has to comprehend the need for the change since it is the one to finance it. Other aspects of the change management process that need to be thoroughly understood include the duration of the Training, communication strategies to be used, and the workers’ requirements.

Another important step is the preparation of the employees. The level of preparedness determines the level of success. If the employees are adequately prepared for the change process, they will likely support it. Preparedness involves presenting and elaborating on the training plan summary for the employees. Management also ensures that all processes are in place so that everything will turn out well. These resources include facilities to train the workers, such as computer technologies.

The last step involves communication. All parties involved must understand the communication procedures. Effective communication creates an opportunity for the employees to seek clarification on issues regarding the intended change. It is important to note that there will be some resistance to any change implementation. Still, it is always possible to overcome resistance with the proper strategies.

Organizational Development Skills Needed in Training Program Development and Delivery

 One of the strategies that can be used to facilitate the effective implementation of training programs is a mixed strategy. The mixed strategy ensures proper alignment between the training program and the need gap. The management should take care of all the costs involved. According to (Blanchard & Thacker, 2013), the training needs can always be offset by reducing staffing needs. This change management report will emphasize the different types of Training that can be used during the implementation and delivery of the change.

Legal considerations

 In any training program within an organization, it is always important to consider the legal implications. The legal considerations range from safety to discrimination. A training program must be designed to minimize lawsuits’ chances. All employers must adhere to the provisions in the Title VII of the Civil Rights of 1964.


 The impact of training programs on the performance of companies cannot be underestimated. Companies that wish to improve the performance of their human resource ought to adopt exceptionally well-designed training programs that will steer them in the perfect strategic direction for competition. For any training program to be successful, the parties involved must play their roles effectively.


 Almeida, R., Behrman, J., & Robalino, D. (Eds.). (2012). Right skills for the job? : rethinking training policies for workers. Retrieved from

Ben-Hur, S., Jaworski, B., & Gray, D. (2015). We are aligning corporate learning with strategy. MIT \ Sloan Management Review, 57(1), 53-59. Retrieved from

Bingham, T. (2010). Aligning learning with organizational results. Information Outlook, 14(6), 10-12. Retrieved from

Blanchard, P. N., & Thacker, J. W. (2013). Effective Training (5th ed.). Retrieved from!/4/2/2/4@0:0


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Imagine  a small manufacturing company that is shifting its direction in light of changes in the competitive environment in which it operates. Training will be deployed to ensure employees have the required skills aligned with the new strategic direction.

Change Management Report

Change Management Report

Change management is critical to ensure organizational alignment. However, the company has experienced twofold resistance to the new direction. First, employees are unclear on the need for change; second, the training department has shown resistance to using organizational development skills to resolve employee resistance issues.

During this week, you will complete Part 2 of the assignment.

Part 2: Change Management 

In this part of the assignment, you will put your critical thinking skills to work as you include your findings on change management measures and their effectiveness in the report.

Write a report of 350 words that includes the following components:

· Legal considerations related to organizational development and change management that should be considered during this transition

· A summary of how employee resistance and change management effectiveness will be assessed during the transition

Cite  any outside sources according to APA formatting guidelines.