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NR 351 Week 2 Discussion 1 – Inter-professional Collaboration Strategies

NR 351 Week 2 Discussion 1 – Inter-professional Collaboration Strategies

Communication is important in all interpersonal relationships. In healthcare, there are so many parts moving at the same time within the hospital that it is important each one knows what the other is doing for the benefit of our patients. We can only succeed at this through communication. “Each member of the interdisciplinary team brings a unique perspective to and skill set for providing healthcare to clients” (Hood 2013, p. 101). Thus, we must form a professional partnership with other healthcare disciplines and professionals, for it is the only way we can continually provide safe, high-quality care for our patients. In order to form a strong, lasting professional partnership with our colleagues, we must use effective communication strategies to foster collaboration. Do you need urgent assignment help ? Reach out to us. We endeavor to assist you the best way possible.

According to Hood (2013), there are four key principles in successful collaborative communication, which include Team Structure, Leadership, Situation Monitoring, Mutual Support, and Communication. Within those four key principles, there are several strategies we can use on a daily basis to promote and enhance communication with our interdisciplinary teams. Some of these strategies are: clearly defining the roles within the collaborative team, promoting and facilitating good teamwork, empowering members to speak up, monitoring the status of your patients as well as your team members, patient advocacy, closed-loop communication, and a tool that is quite familiar to us in the nursing world- SBAR. SBAR is something I have been very familiar with ever since I began my nursing journey. It is how I was trained to give a report to the oncoming shift of the floor nurse when I moved my patient from the ER. SBAR stands for Situation, Background, Assessment, and Recommendation. It is an effective tool for communicating the patient’s status to the receiving team/nurse if you are thorough in your report.

Throughout all of this week’s readings, there was one communication strategy that was constant, no matter the source or model: Respect. I believe that all successful relationships, not just professional ones, are built on respectful communication. “The Nurse of the Future will interact effectively with patients, families, and colleagues, fostering mutual respect and shared decision-making to enhance patient satisfaction and health outcomes” (Massachusetts Department of Higher Education Nursing Initiative, 2016, p. 32). Mutual respect is essential for the patient/nurse relationship, as well as the nurse’s relationship with other nurses or members of the healthcare team. If we do not respect each other, we will not listen to each other in a way that will promote patient well-being.

NR 351 Week 2 Discussion 1 – Inter-professional Collaboration Strategies

There will be times when our team members will disagree as to what is best for the patient. In this case, we can use negotiation and conflict resolution amongst the healthcare team to come to an agreement. In order to succeed at negotiation and conflict resolution, we must share accountability, solicit input from one another, and promote civility through patience, kindness, respect, and tact. (Massachusetts Department of Higher Education Nursing Initiative, 2016). As stated in the AACN Essentials of Baccalaureate Education for Professional Nurses, “Negotiation and Conflict Resolution produces positive professional working relationships” (p. 22). A great way to tackle conflict resolution involves using the acronym DESC: Describe the Problem, Express your concern, Specify a course of action, and obtain a Consensus. (Arnold & Boggs, 2016). Obtaining a consensus is a great way to promote effective communication and collaboration, as it shows other members of the healthcare team that their knowledge and opinions count and everyone is being taken into consideration.

We must also be confident and knowledgeable in our professional lives, so we can properly advocate for our patients using a positive attitude. Every member of the interdisciplinary team wants to help the patient, bringing forth their own set of skills and experience to the table. We must be willing to listen to one another. After all, the improved health of the patient is the goal of all members of the healthcare team (Chamberlain College of Nursing, 2016 Week 2)!


Chamberlain College of Nursing. (2016). NR351 Transitions in Professional Nursing: Week 2 lesson. Downers Grove, IL: Online Publication. Hood, Lucy. Leddy & Pepper’s Conceptual Bases of Professional Nursing, 8th Edition. Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, 09/2013.

Massachusetts Department of Higher Education Nursing Initiative. (2010). Massachusetts Nurse of the Future Nursing Core Competencies© Registered Nurse. Retrieved from March2016.pdf

Arnold, Elizabeth & Boggs, Kathleen. Interpersonal Relationships: Professional Communication Skills for Nurses, 7th Edition. Elsevier, Inc. 2016.


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NR 351 Week 2 Discussion 1 – Inter-professional Collaboration Strategies

In today’s changing healthcare environment, it is more important than ever for professional nurses to be skilled in collaborating with professionals from other healthcare disciplines. What communication strategies can professional nurses use to specifically promote collaboration with other healthcare disciplines and professionals?