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BIOL 3020 – Week 3 Discussion – Homeostatic Imbalance in the Nervous and Endocrine Systems

BIOL 3020 – Week 3 Discussion – Homeostatic Imbalance in the Nervous and Endocrine Systems

Multiple sclerosis is a disease that directly affects the central nervous system. Therefore the nervous system is the system that I will discuss in this week’s discussion. MS or multiple sclerosis is thought to be an autoimmune disorder, and, in some ways, it does have many characteristics of such. However, the cause of the disease is still somewhat unknown. There are some senses that can be altered due to MS. The main sense affected his vision. More times than not, eyes are affected in patients with MS due to the optic nerves being so closely related to the CNS. The endocrine system is not largely affected by MS. Some studies state that MS could be related to endocrine system dysfunction, but the correlation was not significant enough to make any large statements or suggestions.

The pathology of MS can best be described by referring to a few processes that occur due to the lymphocytes crossing the blood-brain barrier into the CNS. Plaques form as a result of this occurrence within the CNS, causing inflammation, demyelination, axonal loss, and axonal injury. Plaques are found in the brain and spinal cord, essentially in the white matter around the ventricles, optic nerves and tracts, corpus callosum, cerebellar peduncles, long tracts and subpial region of the spinal cord and brainstem, but also in the gray matter” (Huang, 2017). The description of the pathology directly correlates with and explains how a homeostatic imbalance occurs. In layman’s terms, nerve pulses can be sent to the wrong places, at the wrong speeds, or not at all. Which in turn can affect homeostatic balance within the body virtually anywhere.

BIOL 3020 – Week 3 Discussion – Homeostatic Imbalance in the Nervous and Endocrine Systems

The body’s immune system is typically very efficient and effective. However, with MS, the immune system is technically being tricked and inappropriately attacks the myelin (insulation around CNS nerves). This then leads to a variety of issues within the body as the CNS controls every aspect of the body. Treatments for MS currently consist of disease-modifying drugs or immunosuppressants to aid in the recovery of attacks. Anti-inflammatory medications and steroids can be prescribed as well to help with inflammation and pain. Physically therapy can be prescribed for patients with MS. There is currently no cure for MS, sadly. “According to the National Multiple Sclerosis Society (NMSS), most people who have MS will experience a relatively normal life span. On average, most people with MS live about seven years less than the general population. Those with MS tend to die from many of the same conditions, such as cancer and heart disease, as people who don’t have the condition. Apart from cases of severe MS, which are rare, the prognosis for longevity is generally good.” (Weatherspoon,2018). This sums up the prognosis of multiple sclerosis. It is a very difficult disease to live with; life quality is indeed severely impacted. But with the correct medical team and support from loved ones, you can for sure still lead a happy long life.


Huang, W.-J., Chen, W.-W., & Zhang, X. (2017, June). Multiple sclerosis: Pathology, diagnosis, and treatments. Retrieved from

Cherney, A. P. and K. (2019, January 24). The Effects of Multiple Sclerosis on Your Body. Retrieved from body#1


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BIOL 3020 – Week 3 Discussion – Homeostatic Imbalance in the Nervous and Endocrine Systems

Post a brief, one-paragraph description of thehealth condition you were assigned. Identify and briefly describe 2 to 3 scientific and academically sound resources that could assist your research during this course. Explain why the resources you chose are appropriate.