Communication Principles
I believe I will excel at the principle of “keep it simple, stupid,” while I might struggle with the principle of “remove unnecessary information.”
I can see how the principle of “keep it simple, stupid” is a good one to follow because it helps me to stay focused on the main point. If I were to write a report about my thoughts on a certain topic and then spend several paragraphs describing why I think it’s important that we do this or that, then I would be losing out on my main point—the reason why we need to do these things to solve our problem. So if I try to keep it simple, I won’t have too many distractions from my main point.
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For instance, let’s say there is a problem with an employee who is always late for work. If you are writing an email about handling this situation, you might write something like, “If we don’t address this issue, then it will become more difficult for him to be successful in his job.” But if instead you say, “The issue with your employee has been addressed,” then people will understand what you mean without having all these extra details
I believe that I will excel at being a good listener. I have been able to get my point across in many different ways, but I know listening is the best way to get someone’s attention.
I might struggle with being a good listener because sometimes people don’t want to talk to me when they are talking. They feel like they are not getting their point across and do not feel like they want to keep talking.
I believe I excel at the principle of “make the audience feel heard.” I am comfortable speaking directly to my audience and will not try to hide behind a wall of jargon or abstractions. In addition, I can be a little too straightforward at times, but that is because I think it is important to show your audience that you are just as human as they are.
I might struggle with the principle of “connect with your audience on an emotional level.” It can be difficult for me to get into the headspace of my audience, and sometimes this means that I will speak too quickly or in an off-putting manner.
I believe that I excel at the principle of “asking for what you need” because I can be very direct, and I have a knack for getting to the point.
I might struggle with the principle of “being assertive,” because sometimes it’s hard to know how much to push or when to back off.
I believe that I will excel at the principle of “asking for feedback.” I have always been a self-driven person, and I have always had a strong desire to improve. Asking for feedback from others has always been easy, but asking for it from myself can be difficult.
I struggle with the principle of “developing rapport” in conversations with others. I’m good at developing rapport with people when we talk about something relevant to us; however, when someone else’s opinion is being discussed, it can be hard for me to develop rapport with them.
I believe that I will excel at the principle of “being present” in conversations with others because although it can be hard for me to develop rapport with them during a conversation, my presence must be felt by everyone involved in the conversation. This helps people feel like they know who they are talking to, which makes them more likely to open up and share their opinions or experiences if they choose not to do so beforehand.
I believe I’ll excel at the principle of “make a meaningful connection” because I have a knack for creating connections with people and making them feel heard and understood. This is something that I have been working on since childhood, and it’s something that has helped me excel in my communications classes at school.
I might struggle with the principle of “avoid common traps” because I often fall into the trap of using too much filler language, which can make an audience bored or lose interest quickly. I must remember to cut out unnecessary words and phrases from my writing, which often requires me to edit or re-write whole passages multiple times before it feels right.
I believe that I will excel at making sure all of my communications are clear and easy to understand, and at the same time, I might struggle with ensuring that my communications are effective.
I believe that this is because those two things are so closely related. It must be effective if you want your communication to be clear and easy to understand. Effective communication is about getting your point across in a way that leads people to do what you want—and if that means understanding what you’re saying, then so be it!
1. I believe that I will excel at the ability to understand how people think, their motivations, and what they want out of life.
2. I might struggle with the ability to express myself clearly and concisely.
We’ll write everything from scratch
Communication strategies are used in every type of business transaction. From ordering a coffee at the drive-through to closing a multi-million deal, someone uses their influencing skills to make a sale.
Communication Principles
Think about your job duties and responsibilities in your current job or for a job you would like to do in the future, and answer the questions below.
- Is selling a component you’d like to have as part of your current or future job? Discuss your answer.
- What do you believe is 1 communication principle that you will excel at and 1 you might struggle with? Explain your answer.
Response Requirements
- By Thursday, respond to the prompt above in a minimum of 175 words.