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Elements of a Persona, Customer Grouping, and Categorization

Elements of a Persona, Customer Grouping, and Categorization

A persona is a fictional character that is created to serve as a representation of the type of client companies strives to attract (Matelski, 2019). Elements of personas are fictional names, job titles, significant responsibilities, and a person’s physical, social, and technological setting.

Consumers and potential customers can be grouped using demographic segmentation, which focuses on specific characteristics such as age, gender, income, occupation, and family status (Department of Health and Human Services, 2013).

Location, salary, and level of education would be the determining factors in my business decisions. For example, the essential factor in determining whether or not a business would purchase automation is its location, followed by its capacity to afford the update and its ability to understand and implement the technology. Location can influence the required infrastructure, product subtype, marketing strategy, and pricing. Personas give a real-world perspective to site component decisions. They also give developers a quick and affordable way to test and rank those features as they progress through the development process (Department of Health and Human Services, 2013).

Sex, Age, Education, and Religion are important segment variables in the persona. They are essential to study. Whether they ship additional products, make upgrades, or provide new services, organizations must keep aware and prepared regarding this always-evolving sector (Kwak, Jung, Salminen, & Jansen, 2018). After age, the factors that matter most to my business are income and location; family size; occupation; sexual orientation; race; and business status. These aid any business in doing efficient marketing research. They are essential in determining how the population-based segment division reacts to service modifications or regulations. This improves performance and keeps my business one step ahead of the competition. Is it true that the persona to be used depends on the business to be started?


 J., Kwak, H., Jung, S. G., Salminen, J., & Jansen, B. J. (2018). Customer segmentation using online platforms: isolating behavioral and demographic segments for persona creation via aggregated user data. Social Network Analysis and Mining, 8(1), 1-19


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Elements of a Persona, Customer Grouping, and Categorization

Elements of a Persona, Customer Grouping, and Categorization

Describe the essential elements of a persona. Define the key demographic factors that are the basis of how customers are grouped and categorized. Which of these factors is most important for your business?