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How to write an interview essay | Your Best Guide

 how to write an interview essay

Interview papers are known to expound on subject matter by giving detailed information. An interview or anyone reading the paper is able to get how the interviewee understands the topic of discussion by analyzing the way they answer the questions.

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An interview paper is a piece of writing used to capture the different opinions and approaches to a subject matter by interviewing a selected group to gain insight. Unlike other sources of information used for essays, interview papers are known to use people and preferably with experience in the field.

Journalists are some of the people who gain from the interview papers since their profession is more about researching and providing information to the public. Thus, they need experts who will give factual and high quality information for their audience. The paper should be engaging and offer some new information on the topic of discussion. You will learn how to format, write and summarize your interview homework paper from this article.

How to write an interview essay

Writing an interview paper requires more than just finding the topic of discussion.

  1. Why are you writing the interview paper?

By uncovering your reason for writing the interview paper you will be able to choose the interviewee, the audience you want to reach and topics you will cover. Your subject should be someone trustworthy and knowledgeable in the subject matter. When choosing a topic look for something that serves your essay purpose. Is the purpose of the essay to educate or provide information to your audience? These are important points to consider.

  1. Learn more about the subject

The interview should always have enough data on the subject. By doing an extensive amount of research you will be able to come up with the right questions to ask and be able to carry the interview in a way the readers will acquire new material. Go through previous interviews from professionals, books and various materials on the topic.

  1. Write down your questions

Preparation is major cause for successful interview papers. You start by writing the questions you intend to ask with a couple of extras. The questions should be high quality and cover relevant points. Use direct questions if you want specified answers like yes or no and open-ended questions when you want the interviewee to give an explanation. Ask your questions in order of importance.

  1. Talk to interviewee and set date

When you are fully prepared with your questions, talk to your person of choice to set a date. Your subject should be known and resourceful in the topic. Explain why you think they are the best person for your interview. Always have a back –up in the case they decline your proposal. Agree on the location, date and time of the interview.

  1. Conduct the interview

Be in a quiet environment and make sure to ask straightforward questions. Record the interview if there was an agreement while taking notes. Apply good communication skills and take turns when speaking. After the interview show your gratitude to the interviewer for dedicating their time to take part in the interview.

  1. Format and write the paper

The interview format is either personal, question and answer or narrative essay. After picking your format, write your introduction that hooks the reader then, body paragraphs where you discuss the main points of your interview providing facts and finish with a conclusion which is a summary of your paper.

  1. Proofread and cite

Check your paper for any grammatical errors or formatting styles to ensure perfection. Finish by citing all your sources if you had additional.

Interview essay outline

  1. Introduction

This should explain the main reason you are doing the interview. You can emphasize your point by giving examples of scenarios that led you to ask yourselves these questions.

  1. Body

Write down all your reasons starting with the most important giving reasonable evidence. Make sure you format, quote and reference your sources. Give reasons and importance of the study.

  1. Conclusion

This should be a response from you. Talk of the different findings and how they resonate with your question. Choose the best point of view and give suggestions on what you think is the best approach.

How to cite an interview APA

Interviews come in forms of videos or even articles and are great sources of information. APA is the most common formatting style and thus is important to learn APA interview citation. Interview papers have been very helpful to students and even professionals and as always it is best to give credit where it is due. Giving credit to the writer using the APA style is used when the interview paper is in APA. You can cite the interviews below.

  1. Personal interview citation

Parenthetical citation is the only right way to reference a personal interview. Include APA reference for interviews that are either published or easily attainable by the reader.

Personal interviews that are considered for APA citations are carried out through emails, memos, phone calls, social media platforms, face to face conversations or even lectures amongst others. Make sure you have added the name or initials of the interviewee, interview type and the date when the interview was conducted. For instance

Victor, K. (2023, June 9). Personal communication.

  1. Published online interviews citation

When citing interviews in online articles using APA style you should follow parenthetical rules and take these steps.

  • Write surname of interviewer plus initial and a period.
  • Add open parenthesis, year of interview, comma add month and date of interview then close parenthesis and a period.
  • Add interviewees full names and a colon
  • Put quotation marks, articles title, period and end with quotation marks.
  • Write online article name, period and the link.
  1. Research participant interview citations

The most important thing in citing a participant’s interview is making it clear that the quotation is coming from them.

Example: Research participant “Naveen” described his experience at the fair as “interesting but frightening.”

  1. Published YOUTUBE video citation

Even YOUTUBE videos should be cited if they are interviews as follows.

  • Write the channel name then period
  • Add open parenthesis, year of interview and a comma followed by month and date
  • Closed parenthesis and a period.
  • YOUTUBE video title, open bracket write video and close bracket and a period.
  • Write YOUTUBE then period and official link.

Example: Yesterday in Kenya. (2023, June 9). Snow fell in Nairobi [Video]. YouTube.

How to summarize an interview

Anyone in the customer service industry, product and market research needs the skill of summarizing interviews. You learn what your clients want and even how to store and use the data provided.

The process of summarizing an interview includes taking the full interview and breaking it down to something short by including important details only. All relevant information should be included in the summary to be used for documentation, further analysis as well as easy retrieval. Use the steps below to guide you on how to summarize an interview.

  1. Write the introduction

Use this part of the summary to educate your readers of the interview content. Introduce your interviewee and explain their connection to the subject matter that made you choose them for the interview. Give reasons for conducting the interview and how the information benefits your cause.

  1. Summary content

Briefly explain the topics of discussion in your interview. Talk about the questions discussed and the interviewee’s response.

  1. Relevant findings

Use one or more paragraphs to discuss what you uncovered in the interview. Make sure you include facts and evidence to support your information. All the findings stated should be supportive of your reasons for conducting the interview.

  1. Talk about the situation

Talk of how the interview transpired and how everyone carried themselves. How were the questions received and answered? What reactions came from the subject and how the surrounding impacted the interview?

  1. Wrap up the summary

Discuss all the relevant findings and how you will use them to serve your purpose.

How to write an interview report

Interview reports are common academic papers where students are able to sharpen their skills in communication.

  1. Make sure you have a subject for the interview and questions to ask ready
  2. Learning more about your audience will help you know the approach and tone to use when writing the interview paper.
  3. Your audience also helps in choosing a style. Whether a question and answer or narrative style if your crowd needs convincing.
  4. Have a template that can be used to guide you in the interview and writing. It ensures everything is covered.
  5. After the interview write your report as per your record or notes and make sure you go through your interview paper before submitting.

To wrap up

Are you having a hard time writing your interview paper assignments? will do your papers for you and get you perfect grades. We also have a variety of student interview essay examples that can guide you to write your paper. This article will guide you on how to write an interview essay, format it and use APA citation. We guarantee exceptional report writing services that are tailored to your specific needs and that will awe your professors.