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NURS-FPX 4020 Assessment 3 Improvement Plan In-Service Presentation

NURS-FPX 4020 Assessment 3 Improvement Plan In-Service Presentation

Slide 1: Improvement Plan In-Service Presentation

Hello, and welcome to this in-service presentation. In this presentation, we will outline the need for a safety improvement plan for medication administration errors and a safety plan that targets to lessen medication administration errors.

Slide 2: Purpose and Goals

This in-service presentation seeks to expand nurses and other caregivers involved in medication administration with the knowledge of medication handling and safe practices during medication handling and administration. Specific goals in this regard include outlining online resources on medication handling and administration, outlining communication and collaborative strategies useful in healthcare, and equipping nurses with knowledge on the significance of healthcare collaborations in promoting safe practices during medication handling and administration. The presentation will also outline the role of the audience in the presentation. The audience in this presentation is expected to be receptive and interactive. For this reason, they are expected to give their feedback after the presentation.

NURS-FPX 4020 Assessment 3 Improvement Plan In-Service Presentation

Slide 3: Overview of the Problem

Wrong dosing remains one of the most common forms of medication administration errors. It encompasses under-dosing, overdosing, and extra-dosing. These errors occur when a patient is given medication at a dose not ordered or inappropriate to their indications, omission, or when a drug is given through the wrong route of administration. Several factors have been implicated as causal factors for wrong dosing as a medication administration error. These include but are not limited to fragmented communication processes between nurses and pharmacists, inadequate nurses’ experience or knowledge of the pharmacokinetic properties of various medications, illegibility in writing, and distractions (Wondmieneh et al., 2020). Regardless of their causal factors, improper dosing still has considerable effects on patients highlighting the need for addressing it.

Slide 4: Need for Addressing the Problem

Medication administration errors (MAEs) remain a global health concern. These errors have been implicated in over 7000 deaths in the U.S. alone. The healthcare costs for patients with medication-related health errors are also high, with estimates putting it at over 40 billion dollars per year. Healthcare providers have been implicated in over 60% of medication-related errors, with nurses accounting for the majority of these cases. Wrong dosing is one of the most common causal factors for medication administration errors (Rasool et al., 2020). Physicians’ and nurses-related events remain common in this regard. Interventions to minimize these errors among healthcare providers may generally lower the impacts of these issues on the public.

NURS-FPX 4020 Assessment 3 Improvement Plan In-Service Presentation

Slide 5: Safety Improvement Plan

The plan seeks to expand healthcare providers’ knowledge of best practices to minimize medication administration errors. According to Mohammadipour et al. (2020), expanding nurses’ knowledge of medication handling and administration may enhance their effectiveness in handling medication and considerably lower medication error events. Strategies to enhance nursing knowledge on medication include implementing continuous education on medications and availing educational resources on medications; these include drug leaflets, guidelines on medication administration, and textbooks on medication handling and administration. Collaborative strategies such as open communication, information sharing, and cooperation may enhance collaborations between nurses and pharmacists. Effective communication strategies in this respect include clarity, active listening, and respect. Communication and collaborative strategies foster better nurse-pharmacist relationships that may provide a platform for information sharing, thereby lessening nurses’ information gap on medications.

Slide 6: Audience’s Roles

The audience comprises nurses, physicians, pharmacists, and other caregivers involved in medication administration. One of the audience’s roles is to give feedback. This could be through their attitudes and asking questions. They also participate in presentation activities such as asking questions, discussions, and role plays. The audience is also expected to pay attention to the presenter to affirm their commitment to the presentation. Not paying attention or involving other side activities may also distract the speaker and are therefore discouraged. The audience can also provide additional information on the topic that supports the speaker’s position on the topic.

Slide 7: Importance of the Audience

The audience plays an important role in the presentation. Its participation in the presentational activities may help the speaker deliver appropriately and soundly without pressure to perform. The audience’s participation also makes the presentation more engaging and creates trust between the presenter and the audience. The audience’s feedback may enable the speaker to adjust their presentation to cover aspects that presented ambiguity. The audience can also be the conveyors of the information passed during the presentation. By educating their fellow providers on specific aspects of the presentation, they can ensure easy dissemination of these aspects to other caregivers. They also play an important role in implementing aspects of change communicated during the presentation.

NURS-FPX 4020 Assessment 3 Improvement Plan In-Service Presentation

Slide 8: New Process and Skills Practice

A simulation session is a skill-oriented session that may enhance a better understanding of the aspects of the presentation (Rønning & Bjørkly, 2019). A role play replicating an interdisciplinary healthcare team’s discussion on medication handling can be used in this regard. The role play will draw healthcare providers involved in medication handling and administration, such as pharmacists, nurses, and physicians. Each member of the team will play their primary role in caregiving. Key features communicated in this role play include healthcare collaborations,  effective use of communication strategies, effective use of educational resources in clinical decision-making processes, and medication handling. A potential question during the presentation is why multiple professionals are involved in the role play. Accordingly, a potential response would be that the involvement of multiple professionals in the decision-making process may lessen medication errors by fostering information sharing and consultation.

Slide 9: Soliciting Feedback

Several strategies will be utilized to solicit feedback from the audience. Asking questions during the presentation will provide a platform for obtaining instant feedback from the audience. End presentation questionnaires and survey forms can also be used to solicit feedback. These strategies provide structured questions to the audience to ascertain how effective the presentation was. Usability tests and evaluation may also be used. This strategy interrogates aspects of the presentation via short questions displayed to the audience. Meaningful audience feedback will be used to inform future presentations on quality improvement and areas the presenter may have to perfect to improve their presentation skills.

Slide 10: Summary

In summary, medication administration errors such as wrong dosing remain a healthcare concern. The health impacts that these errors have necessitates efforts to address them. Distraction during medication handling, knowledge gaps on medications, and fragmented communication have all been implicated in these errors. Safety improvement plans such as those targeted at enhancing communication processes between nurses and other caregivers, as well as those targeted at expanding nurses’ knowledge of medication, can significantly lower the incidence of this issue. Nurses, physicians, and pharmacists play a role in these activities. Their fundamental role is to implement these activities in their practices.

Slide 11: References

Mohammadipour, F., Farzi, K., Toulabi, T., Heidarizadeh, K., & Heydari, F. (2020). The effect of blended learning on the rate of medication administration errors of nurses in medical wards. Iranian Journal of Nursing and Midwifery Research, 25(6), 527.

Rasool, M. F., Rehman, A. ur, Imran, I., Abbas, S., Shah, S., Abbas, G., Khan, I., Shakeel, S., Ahmad Hassali, M. A., & Hayat, K. (2020). Risk factors associated with medication errors among patients suffering from chronic disorders. Frontiers in Public Health, 8.

Rønning, S. B., & Bjørkly, S. (2019). The use of clinical role-play and reflection in learning therapeutic communication skills in Mental Health Education: An integrative review. Advances in Medical Education and Practice, Volume 10, 415–425.

Wondmieneh, A., Alemu, W., Tadele, N., & Demis, A. (2020). Medication administration errors and contributing factors among nurses: A cross-sectional study in tertiary hospitals, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. BMC Nursing, 19(1).

See Also: NURS-FPX 4020 assessment 4 Improvement Plan Tool Kit


We’ll write everything from scratch


For this assessment, you will develop an 8-14 slide PowerPoint presentation with thorough speaker’s notes designed for a hypothetical in-service session related to the safe medication administration improvement plan you developed in Assessment 2. • List the purpose and goals of an in-service session focusing on safe medication administration for nurses.