Quality and Performance Improvement by Christian Health Administrators
Christian health administrators must ensure and boost performance perfection through quality healthcare. Although integrating quality measurements remain a standard workflow, it is challenging. Christians should uphold to teachings of the Bible. Christian health administrators should work willingly in their assigned tasks like they are working for Jesus and not people (Betancourt, 2014). The paper determines that Christian health administrators should ensure quality and performance perfection in health care.
A health administrator’s normal workflow remains challenging. According to Betancourt 2014, the three aspects supporting improved and quality healthcare is process, outcomes, and structure. Christian health administrators should cooperate to drive their responsibilities towards ensuring a smooth integration of these aspects (Sadeghi et al., 2013). These components ensure performance improvement and quality healthcare. Besides, the administrators should focus on Christianity values. The latter allows them to ensure quality improvements and performance perfection as the single way of realizing Christian lessons.
Jesus Christ set multiple examples, like healing different people miraculously. Taking Jesus’ example, Christian Health Administrators should be leaders or support their counterparts. While leaders are not born with the skills required to build relationships, teams, or partnerships for transforming organizational vision into reality, health administrators should invest in supporting them. Supporting fellow leaders allows them to satisfy their roles; the Bible supports such unity and cooperation. Christian Health Administrators should perfect performance and improve healthcare quality to curb the rising costs or reduce the mounting challenges and ensure more efficient, sustainable operational, and effective models (Pope et al., 2015). Therefore, a Christian administrator must perfect performance and deliver quality healthcare.
Betancourt, J. R. (2014). In pursuit of high-value healthcare: The case for improving quality and achieving equity in a time of healthcare transformation. Frontiers of Health Services Management, 30(3), 16-31 https://journals.lww.com/frontiersonline/Fulltext/2014/01000/In_Pursuit_of_High_Value_Healthcare The_Case_for.3.aspx
Pope, J. E., Padula, E., & Wallace-Dooley, D. (2015). Improving ourselves for the sake of others: Our Baldrige journey. Frontiers of health services management, 32(1), 3-16. https://journals.lww.com/frontiersonline/Fulltext/2015/07000/Improving_Ourselves_for_the_Sake_of_Others Our.2.aspx
Sadeghi, S., Shabot, M. M., Barzi, A., & Mikhail, O. (2013). Integrating quality and strategy in health care organizations. Jones & Bartlett Publishers. https://books.google.com/bookshl=en&lr=&id=IRHYzd0U5qkC&oi=fnd&pg=PR1&dq=+Integrating+quality+and+strategy+in+health+care+organizations&ots=MVV8S52xiH&sig=gMFNNxNCt2TQ7Tgmu_LM-BPio1E
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Quality and Performance Improvement by Christian Health Administrators
Should Christian health administrators try to make quality and performance improvement perfect or simply acceptable? Why?
Requirements: 250 words