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Types Of Lease

Types Of Lease

Operating leases “generally provide for both financing and maintenance” (Brigham & Ehrhardt, 2017, p. 792). The lessor (the one that owns the leased equipment) must therefore make sure the leased equipment has regular maintenance and is kept in good condition. The lessor often builds the cost of maintaining the equipment into the lease to cover these expenses. Operating leases are also not fully amortized. It is not likely that the term of the leased asset will pay off the cost of the asset in its entirety. Instead, it is more likely to recoup the total cost by extending the lease or leasing the asset to someone else. Finally, operating leases often include cancellation clauses so the lessee can cancel early.

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A capital lease “is a lease of business equipment which represents ownership and is reflected on the company’s balance sheet as an asset” (Murray, 2019, Para. 4). Capital leases do not provide maintenance, are not cancelable, and are fully amortized (Brigham & Ehrhardt, 2017). Capital leases are used for long-term purposes, and equipment is treated as assets to the company so that it can be depreciated. Capital leases often contain a clause where the title passes to the lessee once the lease is paid off, or there is an option to purchase the equipment at the end of the lease for less than fair market value, often for $1.

Operating leases are considered expenses, and capital leases are considered assets. Capital leases may be eligible for depreciation, wherein operating leases are not. The best option, capital vs operating, depends on your situation. A capital lease is probably better if you are looking for a long-term asset. You can depreciate the asset, which reduces taxable income. Interest expense on the lease would also reduce the taxable income. The item is used for an extended period and can be purchased cheaply at the end of the lease. An operating lease is probably better if you are looking for a short-term asset. That way, you are not holding onto an asset that may become obsolete, and the lease payments for the asset are tax-deductible.

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Brigham, E. F., & Ehrhardt, M. C. (2017). Financial management: Theory and practice [with MindTap] (15th ed.). Mason, OH: South-Western.

Murray, J. (2019, Feb 22). Difference between capital and operating leases – Options for leasing business equipment. The Balance Small Business. Retrieved from


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Types Of Lease

Types Of Lease

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