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120 + Health Essay Topics for Nursing Research

 Health Essay Topics

Health care is an important course and comes with plenty of expectations from students. As a nursing student health essays are more common than you think. Good grades are necessary if you want to become a registered nurse. To submit a quality health essay you will need to choose a good health essay topic.

It is difficult to settle on one topic when there are plenty of interesting health essay topics. Writing can be more challenging if your health essay topic is not the best. When choosing a topic you have to take into consideration the difficulty level, the target audience, and your interest and knowledge in the topic.

This article will act as a guide for all nursing students to help them choose a health essay topic that works for them. You will also get a few tips on how to write an outstanding essay and a list of healthy essay topics you can explore before making your pick. Explored right, this blog will help you write a captivating health essay.

 How to choose a health essay topic

If you have not been provided with a health topic by your professor it means you have to pick one. Below are a few tips you can use to help you make a choice when choosing your health essay topic.

  • Put in mind the length of the paper

You have to consider how long the paper is to know the exact content needed. If the paper is long you have to settle for a broad topic while if it is a short paper you can settle for a narrow topic.

  • Jot down points

It is a good idea to write down important points you will talk about in the subject matter. This will guide you when doing research and make sure you don’t go off-topic.

  • Relevance

You have to get a topic that is relevant to the course you learned.  Go through your notes and check all the course contents before picking a topic.

  • Knowledge and experience

Choose a topic that you are familiar with. This will make your life easier and boost your confidence because you have knowledge and experience in what you are talking about.

  • Target audience

It is best to pick a topic that will hook your reader. Pick a topic that will interest your readers and something they can learn more about.

  • Select a topic that is not popular

When a topic is frequently chosen and discussed by a lot of students it increases your chances of committing plagiarism. It will also be hard to come up with new content because chances have been lowered.

  • Credible data

All your research should be credible. Your professor will need to see citations and strong reliable evidence to back up your data.

General essay topics on health

Starting the list of health essay topics you will learn these general essay topics on health. These topics are available for high school students, university students, or even nurses hoping to increase their knowledge in the course.

  1. Teaching people about water hygiene and sanitation
  2. All goals are first won in the mind then the body will achieve them
  3. Why wasting food is not right
  4. Beauty contests should normalize setting attainable beauty standards in the community.
  5. How does social media influence our food choices?
  6. Every patient should be able to afford a care plan
  7. Teaching women more about the effects of birth control
  8. Is it right for schools to serve fast food to the students?
  9. The health essay topic on blood is thicker than water
  10. Effects of misusing antibiotics
  11. How can a family influence drug addiction among the youth
  12. What are the benefits of healthy eating concerning a human’s life

Public health essay topics

  1. Do extensive research to reduce the risk factors that result in diabetes
  2. What causes of death is your community suffering from?
  3. Can doing away with handshakes reduce public health risks?
  4. Is it right for teenagers to be put on birth control and should it be free to access it?
  5. How can you introduce healthy living to children?
  6. What effects does vaping have on the human body?
  7. What can be done to reduce stress in students?
  8. Should abortion be legalized?
  9. Why is sleep disorder a public health issue?
  10. Should gun violence be characterized as a public health problem?
  11. What measures should be taken against infectious diseases in public health?
  12. Does yoga contribute to public health?
  13. Is women-related violence a public health issue?

Mental health essay topics

  1. What is the relationship between mental health and suicide
  2. Do asylums receive quality healthcare services?
  3. How do anti-depressants affect patients trying to fight depression?
  4. What mental health problems do homeless people suffer from?
  5. What are the effects of child abuse trauma and how can you curb them?
  6. How is mental health related to HIV/AIDS?
  7. How does social media affect mental health disorders?
  8. How are family members affected by having a mentally ill person?
  9. Should mental health treatments be conducted within the community?
  10. Can doing exercise affect changes in your mood?
  11. Explain the different types of depression.
  12. Does reading the news come with effects?

Healthcare essay topics

  1. What are some of the problems that affect healthcare and how can we solve them through the creation of ideas?
  2. What are the different types of discrimination in healthcare?
  3. What are some of the Medicaid management services?
  4. How can you emphasize accountability in the health sector?
  5. The government should ensure all veterans receive free medical care and funding
  6. Does artificial intelligence play a major role in healthcare?

Environmental Health Research Paper Topics

The environment can affect our health in more than one way. Global warming, deforestation, erosion, and pollution are among the top discussions related to health. Below are some environmental health essay topics that expound more on those discussions

  1. What are some of the environmental factors affecting the food industries?
  2. What can be done to reduce the emission of CO2 to the environment?
  3. Effects of plastic water bottles and should they be banned from the environment?
  4. How did people sanitize water in the olden days?
  5. What is the relationship between climate change and health?
  6. Discuss; water is the elixir of life

Personal Health & Wellness Topic For An Essay

  1. Is a plant-based diet healthier than eating meat?
  2. Which health benefits come with meditation
  3. Is happiness important to a person?
  4. How does the intake of caffeine affect the human body?
  5. Is stress eating a health disorder?
  6. Talk about the relationship between learning a new language and wellness
  7. How has yoga evolved over time
  8. What are common health problems that people suffer from
  9. Write an argumentative essay on the effects of smoking
  10. Differentiate between physical and emotional pain
  11. What is your opinion on organ donation?
  12. Does practicing unsafe sex increase the risk of HIV/AIDS contraction?

Nutrition Research Paper Topics

  1. What are important nutrition requirements in children?
  2. what are the components of a healthy diet and their importance
  3. Should adolescents be taught about nutrition?
  4. How do nutrition and lifestyle choices affect human health?
  5. Barriers to healthy eating in adolescent development
  6. What role does nutrition play in disease prevention and healing of injuries?
  7. Are detox teams harmful or useful to our bodies?
  8. How are healthy fats useful to our bodies?
  9. Is being a vegan a healthier choice?
  10. Does breastfeeding improve brain development in infants?

Obesity Research Paper Topics

  1. What are some of the causes of obesity and their effects?
  2. The lifestyle choices we make cause obesity
  3. What environmental factors bring about obesity
  4. How can we use plant extracts to deal with obesity?
  5. How do sugar and salt affect obesity?
  6. How is pregnancy affected by obesity?

Schizophrenia Research Paper Topics

  1. Hallucinations and unusual beliefs related to schizophrenia
  2. Do antipsychotics help treat schizophrenia?
  3. How are family members affected by schizophrenia?
  4. How does schizophrenia affect career and education?
  5. Antidepressants augmentation in schizophrenia treatment

Autism Research Paper Topics

  1. What are the symptoms related to autism? How do you treat autism?
  2. Early signs of autism
  3. What is the relationship between autism and vaccine?
  4. How can parents with autistic kids cope?
  5. What are autism spectrum disorders and their types?

Cancer Research Paper Topics

  1. Early signs and symptoms of ovarian cancer
  2. Prevention of cervical cancer
  3. Does mass media help in the creation of awareness for cervical cancer?
  4. How are image processing and SVM used in skin disease classification

Controversial Health Essay Topics

  1. Stem cell research
  2. Pushing for free healthcare
  3. Should the elderly be put in nursing homes
  4. How is abortion viewed in the community

To wind up

Writing a health essay requires you to have a plan. The biggest challenge is always choosing a topic. Writing is easy as long as you outline, develop your ideas, come up with a great conclusion, and then proofread.

This list of health essay topics will help you when writing your next paper. Even with all these Health research paper topics you might find it difficult to write your essay. Our nursing essay writing help at will save you time since we will write your health essay for you.