Justice and Forgiveness
Name and explain the different types of Justice
There are four main types of Justice, and these are distributive, retributive, restorative, and procedural. Distributive Justice aims at the equal distribution of resources, and disciplinary aims at punishing in equal measure to an offender. Healthy involves victims finding solutions that are just without removing the offender from society. At the same time, procedural Justice consists of a process that deals with conflict or the possibility of conflict.
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According to Worthington, why is it so difficult to achieve social Justice?
Attaining social Justice is difficult because man is innately selfish. A man may forgive but refuses to forget an offense meted out toward them. A person will tend to remember the transgression others have done to them and hope they get punished. When an offender is punished for their wrong, the offended person may feel a sense of Justice served; the injustice gap is narrowed. So, without punishment, the judge will be deemed not to have been done despite the offender’s remorse toward the wrongdoing.
Explain Decisional and Emotional Forgiveness.
Decisional forgiveness involves engaging our behavior and intentions when we forgive a person. Emotional forgiveness involves consciously replacing negative emotions with positive, forgiving emotions.
How does Justice relate to Reconciliation?
Justice relates to Reconciliation because of the injustice gap. Whesomeoneon forgives another for wronging them; the injustice gap is narrowed or closed. When Justice is served for an offense, the injustice gap may narrow, but the offended party should also be willing to forgive. Getting Justice for a wrong done to someone does not necessarily mean that the offended person automatically forgives the offender.
After reviewing and reflecting on the PowerPoi,nt WHAT IS CONFLICT? Found in Module 2, identify a conflict you are aware of and name what you think is its main cause.
A conflict is a disagreement between two or more persons where the involved parties perceive their concerns for themselves and love ones, interests, and needs are threatened. One examplt is intrapersonal conflict, where a person tries to fit in with their peers even when the environment or situation is at loggerheads with their personal beliefs. For example, people may want to create and maintain friendships with their workmates and join them for drinks after work hours to avoid being anti-social. Such a person may opt to make their peer’s happy while, in the real sense; they would prefer to get home as soon as they leave the office and spend some quiet time alone. The conflict is within oneself, and the threat is on personal time and space.
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Worthington Jr, E. L. (2009). A Just Forgiveness: Responsible Healing Without Excusing Injustice: Bridges to Wholeness and Hope. InterVarsity Press
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Week Two: Justice and Forgiveness
Read Chapters 3 & 4

Justice and Forgiveness
- Name and explain the different types of Justice
- According to Worthington, why is it so difficult to achieve social Justice?
- Explain Decisional and Emotional Forgiveness.
- How does Justice relate to Reconciliation?
- After reviewing and reflecting on the PowerPoin,t WHAT IS CONFLICT? Foundd ie Module 2, identify a conflict you are aware of and name what you think is its main cause.
Book: A Just Forgiveness: Responsible Healing Without Excusing Injustice by EveretL l. Worthington jr.