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Child Observation Worksheet

Child Observation Worksheet

Module 06 Worksheet- Development Assignment

Infancy Toddler Pre School School Age Adolescent Observation Data for [insert age, gender, and any other relevent information]. Example: Female, Age 4, Autistic.

*only fill out this column for the age group you observed.

Erikson’s Theory  

Trust vs. Mistrust


The infant is not certain about the world they live in. They look towards their parents for care and stability (Orenstein & Lewis, 2020).









Autonomy vs. Shame


Children have a personal control over what they do and start becoming autonomous (Orenstein & Lewis, 2020).






Initiative vs. Guilt


The child asserts himself more often through social interaction (Orenstein & Lewis, 2020).





Industry vs. Inferiority


Children learn how to read and write, do maths, and do their things (Orenstein & Lewis, 2020).




Identity vs. Role Confusion


Adolescents become more independent and start to look at what they want to become in the future (Orenstein & Lewis, 2020).




Female, Age three, Only child


After observing the child, she is in the “autonomy vs. shame” stage.


She prefers to do things on her own. She picks the fruits she likes to eat and even the toys she wants to play with.


Anytime she accomplishes a task, she becomes happy and looks for validation and praise

Cognitive Development





Sensorimotor stage


Infants become aware of the items in front of them (Byrnes, 2020). Their main focus is what they can touch and see


They are constantly experimenting since they cannot use words. They do not have problem-solving skills




Children think about things symbolically (Byrnes, 2020). They develop imagination and memory.


However, they cannot grasp complex concepts such as time.

Intuitive thinking


They start to expand their thinking and imagination.

Concrete Operational Stage


Children exhibit logical reasoning (Byrnes, 2020). They become aware of external events and focus less on themselves.

Formal operation stage

Adolescents think systemically; they develop theories and use scientific thinking to make conclusions (Byrnes, 2020)


The child is in the preoperative stage.


The child was asked what a spoon is used for, and she said eating. She can relate objects to their use. She says that her dolls are her children (Byrnes, 2020)

Language Development





Develops from cooing sounds to developed cries then bubbling and gargling. They can say vowels sounds, then say first words. They started forming phrases from single words and can follow instructions issued to them. Their average vocabulary is about 1000 words depending on how much they are engaged. They become very curious and start to know why things happen. They talk in full sentences, which have meaning. They have a permanently incorporated language. They can also make jokes. They use complex sentences. They follow grammatic rules, and they can use figurative speech The toddler cannot construct full sentences. She can say phrases such as “want yogurt”.  She also follows instructions.
Psych-Social Development  

Infants require constant and loving care from the primary caregiver







Toddlers are encouraged by caregivers to discover their autonomy, and caregivers should not make negative statements.


Caregivers should encourage the child to be involved in creative activities and be encouraged to explore.


They should be praised and rewarded for finishing assigned tasks regardless of the outcomes, which builds their confidence and self-esteem


Adolescents should not be given tags since it interferes with the process of self-identity. They should be shown loved and


The parent encourages the child to play with mud and dirt. The caregivers allow her independence and encourage the child to learn new things.

Moral Development  

Infants cannot moralize (Turiel, 2018). Their idea of right and wrong depends on their desires.





Punishment and obedience


Children do the right things because their caregivers instruct them, and to avoid punishments (Turiel, 2018), They must be given clear instructions to help them differentiate what is right and wrong.



They do activities that satisfy their own needs. They practice quid pro quo (Turiel, 2018)

Operation and interpersonal relations


They follow the rules, and they have preconventional reasoning (Turiel, 2018)

Social contract


Adolescents follow societal standards and are responsible for their self-care (Turiel, 2018)

The toddler was playing with one of their peers. She took away his toy, and when the mother told her to return it, she did. This indicates that they are in the punishment and obedience stage.










Parents should be consistent and enforce limits. They should educate their toddlers that they will be punished for bad behavior and praised for good behavior.

Parents should guide their children through their struggles and encourage them to have their say. Parents should implement the “time out technique” as a corrective measure.  

Parents should set limits and communicate their expectations. They should explain to the children what proper behavior is and reassure the children without judgments.

Teenagers should be guided on how they should behave appropriately. This should be done through open communication and implement warm relationships. They can be disciplined by withdrawing privileges  

When playing with her neighbor, she slapped her. Her mother took her on a “time out.” After a minute, she explained to her that what she did was wrong

Physical Development  

Weight triples by the first year. Height increases by 50 %






Children grow weight by five to six pounds.


The child becomes leaner.

Children gain four to five pounds a year, and height gain is very minimal. They have all 20 milk teeth  

Weight gain is 3-5 pounds per year. Height increases by 1-2 inches

Boys grow four to twelve inches in height while girls grow by 2-18 inches. The toddler has leaned out. She has ten teeth. She weighs 30 pounds.
Injury Prevention  


Parents should carefully select their babysitters. Infants should not be left alone, and any sharp objects should be kept away from children (CDC, 2019)







Cars seats should face the rear position, and they should not be left to play outside unsupervised (CDC, 2019).

Medications and matches should be kept away from children, and they should have protective gear (CDC, 2019).  

They should be taught how to cross streets. They should be taught to wear helmets when riding bicycles (CDC, 2019)


Educate teenagers on safe sex behaviors and drug use.

All match sticks and sharp objects are kept away from children. All sharp ages such as table are well covered.
Nutritional needs  


Exclusive breastfeeding within the first months.







Toddlers have a high appetite, and self-feeding  should be promoted in children


Hungry after preschool. Should be given snacks such as milk and fruits



Caregivers should encourage healthy feeding and limit snacks. Fruits and vegetables should be encouraged.


There is rapid growth, and teenagers are always hungry. They prefer junk food, and hence most are malnourished.


The toddler prefers snacks rather than healthy meals. She loves yogurt and crisps.

Dental Care  

Brushing of teeth can be done even without teeth present by the use of soft waste cloth.






Toddlers should be taken for check dental check-ups. Help the child to brush teeth at least twice a day.


Encourage them to start flossing independently.

 Children should independently brush their teeth with fluoride-based toothpaste.


Dental checks up should be regular.




Floss and brush teeth.


The primary caregiver helps the toddler to brush her teeth in the morning and the evening.




10-12 hours and several naps during the day

Napping twice a day.


About 12 hours of night sleep


Resist daytime naps even though they are tired. Sometimes refuse to go to sleep due to fear of darkness


They need 10-12 hours of sleep. They need bedtime stories


Eight hours of sleep.


She naps twice a day and sleeps at 7 pm, and wakes up at 6 am.

Activity and Play types  


They look at brightly colored objects, and their caregiver’s face.






They play with their agemates and enjoy toys

Their interest in art and music starts developing. They like collecting items. Their games are rough.

Playing computer games.

They love listening to music, texting, and join professional games  

She likes playing outdoor with their friends. She likes playing with mud.

Vital Signs

Including the type of Pain assessment


RR- 20-30 beats/min

HR- 80-140


NIPS pain scale


RR 20-30


HR 80-130


88- 105 systolic BP


RR 18-30


Faces pain scale


Face pain assessment.


RR 20-30


Systolic BP 80-120


Numerical pain scale.


RR 12-20


HR 55-110


Systolic BP 110-120


She cries when in pain.


HR 115 BPM




Byrnes, J. P. (2020). Piaget’s cognitive-developmental theory. Encyclopedia of Infant and Early Childhood Development, 532-539.

CDC. (2019, February 6). Child safety and injury prevention. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

Orenstein, G. A., & Lewis, L. (2020, November 22). Eriksons stages of psychosocial development. National Center for Biotechnology Information.

Turiel, E. (2018). Moral development in the early years: When and how. Human Development61(4-5), 297-308.


Child Observation Worksheet

Hello, this assignment is on my maternal health course. I have attached the worksheet document. I will put the rubric at the bottom. Please do all parts of the rubric for full points. Please read and follow all instructions including references where applicable. Thank you.

Module 06 Content

Child Observation Worksheet

Child Observation Worksheet

Purpose of Assignment

  • This assignment will help to identify the normal growth and development by topic for each age group. In the final column of the assignment, you need to observe a child and apply the information you gathered, and document your findings in comparison by the particular age of that child.


  • Compare principles of growth and development when caring for pediatric clients.

Using the attached template (Module-06-Worksheet-Development-Assignment):

  • Explain the topics in the worksheet by age. Identify one milestone and one expected norm for each category by age group.
  • After you fill out the milestones and expected norms for each category by age group, observe a child of any age for 30 minutes to an hour, and apply the knowledge that you learned to the child you are observing and record this information in the purple Observation Data column.
I have also attached the required theory “Erickson’s Theory”
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