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Work Environment in Nursing Practice

Work Environment in Nursing Practice

The primary concern of any organization is to ensure that the safety and health of its employees are not jeopardized. By providing a physically safe working environment, you can actively reduce your employees’ stress and anxiety. It will always provide them with a sense of security and comfort, allowing them to work freely.

The following are some simple things you can do at work to improve safety: Avoid mishaps like tripping or being shocked, and cover or wrap any exposed cords. Repair any cracks or leaks in the ceiling or walls of the building, and make sure their workstation is in a comfortable position (Bhardwaj, 2020). Hire cleaners to clean up spills and moist areas and to keep the environment clean on a regular basis. Inform all employees about the safety and rules of the office. Allow for productive breaks in between work sessions.

Encourage people to communicate openly with one another. It is very easy to become engrossed in office politics. Backbiting, gossiping, spreading rumors, and forming cliques can all sour an otherwise positive working environment (“How to prevent workplace violence in 12 ways,” 2020). It is critical to promote employee health and mindfulness from the start. Encourage employees to be open and honest about any difficulties, concerns, or discomfort they are experiencing at work, and then assist them in resolving the issue (Theobald, 2014). If you don’t feel comfortable completing this assignment, you can always hire an officer mediator. Professional help and advice can help your workplace maintain a healthy working environment for all employees.

Create a harassment-prevention policy. Make a policy of zero tolerance for violence. Harassment is defined as persistent persecution, bullying, or unsettling behavior that intimidates others. It creates a hostile work environment, and the behavior is frequently used as a warning sign of impending violence. As a result, developing a harassment-prevention strategy is a critical step in reducing the possibility of violence (“How to prevent workplace violence in 12 ways,” 2020). This policy should provide a set of procedures for allocating workplace concerns in an appropriate and intimate manner. You can keep everyone informed by disseminating the policy change throughout your company and taking the time to ensure that every employee is aware of it.

Determine whether any potential organizational causes could lead to violence. It can be used to drive the development of corporate policies and procedures, as well as to focus conversations between nurses and employers about contract terms and work agreements. Nurses have the freedom to speak freely and openly for themselves rather than their patients without fear of retaliation. Nurses have the right to a living wage that is commensurate with their education, experience, and professional responsibilities.

According to the Bill of Rights for Registered Nurses, registered nurses have the freedom to protect the work environment, to exercise in a way that defends the delivery of nonviolent care through devotion to expert values and conscientious practice, and to advocate spontaneously on behalf of themselves and their clients.

Nurses are medical professionals who work to improve and restore people’s health, prevent illness, and protect those in their care. Individuals, families, groups, and communities suffer and work to alleviate their pain (Wiseman, 2001). According to the bill, nurses have had access to a safe working environment, to operate in a way that ensures the delivery of safe care by adhering to professional principles and ethical behavior, and to freely advocate for themselves rather than their patients.

It is stated that nurses have had the precision to perform in circumstances that allow them to operate in accordance with the high practice and legally permitted opportunities to exercise while also fulfilling their responsibility to society and people receiving nursing care. A working environment encourages ethical behavior in accordance with the Code of Ethics for Nurses with Interpretive Statements.


Bhardwaj, J. (2020, September 16). Strategies to maintain a healthy office environment. Code of Living.

How to prevent workplace violence in 12 ways. (2020, December 14). ALICE Training.

Theobald, D. L. (2014). How industry can help maintain a healthy environment. Journal – American Water Works Association, 106(2), 69-71

Wiseman, R. (2001). The ANA developed a Bill of Rights for registered nurses. American Journal of Nursing, 101(11), 55–56.


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Work Environment in Nursing Practice

Discuss the strategies for maintaining a healthy work environment; the legal implications of workplace violence and the responsibilities of organizations in providing a healthy work environment

Review the ANA Bill of Rights (Box 14-1 from your textbook) and discuss how it protects nurses.

Work Environment in Nursing Practice

Submission Instructions:

Your initial post should be at least 500 words, formatted and cited in the current APA style with support from at least 2 academic sources. Your initial post is worth 8 points.

You should respond to at least two of your peers by extending, refuting/correcting, or adding additional nuance to their posts

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