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Word Web for Classroom Management Theorists and My Personal Education Philosophy

Word Web for Classroom Management Theorists and My Personal Education Philosophy


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Word Web for Classroom Management Theorists

Word Web for Classroom Management Theorists

Web Investigation #1: Theorists
How teachers manage their classrooms is an important part of achieving an effective learning environment. While classroom management theory is constantly evolving, there are three key theorists who stand out when it comes to modern education. Throughout the 20th and 21st centuries, experts like B.F. Skinner, William Glasser and Alfie Kohn revolutionized the ways that teachers deliver education. Understanding their theories, as well as other theorists can help educators define their own classroom management methods and make decisions about how to best approach interactions with students.
1. Spend 20-30 minutes researching theorists Skinner, Glasser, and Kohn.
2. Spend 20-30 minutes researching other classroom management theorists and theories.
3. Create a graphic organizer that summarizes the ideas of THREE classroom management theorists/theories that support and relate to your personal educational philosophy.

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